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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mind-Reading Devices Are Revealing the Brain's Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Reading Devices Are Revealing the Brain's Secrets

Brain-computer interfaces are helping researchers learn more about brain anatomy.

Synthetic Data Could Be Better Than Real Data
From ACM TechNews

Synthetic Data Could Be Better Than Real Data

Some researchers envision synthetic data as not only offering content that is close enough to actual data to preserve privacy, but also enabling production of better...

'Spell-Checker for Statistics' Reduces Errors in Psychology Literature
From ACM TechNews

'Spell-Checker for Statistics' Reduces Errors in Psychology Literature

The statcheck online tool developed by Michèle Nuijten at Tilburg University in the Netherlands has reduced statistical errors in scientific papers.

DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles
From ACM TechNews

DeepMind Invents Faster Algorithms to Solve Tough Math Puzzles

Researchers at AI laboratory DeepMind have created an algorithm that can solve tough mathematical calculations with improved computing efficiency.

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data
From ACM News

Algorithms Spot Millions of California's Tiniest Quakes in Historical Data

When it comes to earthquakes, large, destructive ones dominate the headlines.

Mars Methane Hunt Comes ­p Empty, Flummoxing Scientists
From ACM News

Mars Methane Hunt Comes ­p Empty, Flummoxing Scientists

A spacecraft that was supposed to solve the mystery of methane on Mars has instead compounded scientists' confusion.

Black Hole Pictured for First Time, in Spectacular Detail
From ACM News

Black Hole Pictured for First Time, in Spectacular Detail

Astronomers have finally glimpsed the blackness of a black hole. By stringing together a global network of radio telescopes, they have for the first time produced...

Japanese Space Probe Drops Explosive on Asteroid Ryugu
From ACM News

Japanese Space Probe Drops Explosive on Asteroid Ryugu

For the past year, space probe Hayabusa2 has pelted asteroid Ryugu with bouncing probes, shot a bullet at it, and taken a bite of it—all for science.

AI Pioneer: 'The Dangers of Abuse Are Very Real'
From ACM Opinion

AI Pioneer: 'The Dangers of Abuse Are Very Real'

Yoshua Bengio is one of three computer scientists who last week shared the US$1-million A. M. Turing award—one of the field's top prizes.

GPS Glitch Threatens Thousands of Scientific Instruments
From ACM News

GPS Glitch Threatens Thousands of Scientific Instruments

Researchers worldwide are racing to get ahead of a bug in the US Global Positioning System (GPS) that could cause data loggers, including thousands of scientific...

Beware of Plausible Predictions of Fantasy Materials
From ACM Opinion

Beware of Plausible Predictions of Fantasy Materials

The hunt is on for materials that have exotic properties, to enhance quantum computers, touch screens and electronic displays, and to double the efficiency of solar...

Siberia's Ancient Ghost Clan Starts to Surrender Its Secrets
From ACM News

Siberia's Ancient Ghost Clan Starts to Surrender Its Secrets

Samantha Brown didn't have high hopes when she opened the ziplock bag containing some 700 shards of bone. It would be a lot of work to analyse them and none was...

Four New DNA Letters Double Life's Alphabet
From ACM News

Four New DNA Letters Double Life's Alphabet

The DNA of life on Earth naturally stores its information in just four key chemicals—guanine, cytosine, adenine and thymine, commonly referred to as G, C, A and...

Japan's Hayabusa2 Craft Touches Down on Asteroid Ryugu
From ACM News

Japan's Hayabusa2 Craft Touches Down on Asteroid Ryugu

It was a brief but historic tap on the surface of the asteroid Ryugu, at 7:29 am Japan time on 22 February. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft touched down at its target...

Gravitational-Wave Observatory LIGO Set to Double Its Detecting Power
From ACM News

Gravitational-Wave Observatory LIGO Set to Double Its Detecting Power

Spotting gravitational waves is due to become an almost hourly event in the next decade. Starting around 2023, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory...

Extreme Chemistry: Experiments at the Edge of the Periodic Table
From ACM News

Extreme Chemistry: Experiments at the Edge of the Periodic Table

If you wanted to create the world's next undiscovered element, number 119 in the periodic table, here's a possible recipe.

How Machine Learning Could Keep Dangerous DNA Out of Terrorists' Hands
From ACM News

How Machine Learning Could Keep Dangerous DNA Out of Terrorists' Hands

Biologists the world over routinely pay companies to synthesize snippets of DNA for use in the laboratory or clinic.

Hidden History of the Milky Way Revealed by Extensive Star Maps
From ACM News

Hidden History of the Milky Way Revealed by Extensive Star Maps

Last April, Amina Helmi felt goose bumps while driving to work in the northern Netherlands. It had nothing to do with the weather—it was pure anticipation. Just...

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ­p and Geologists Don't Know Why
From ACM News

Earth's Magnetic Field Is Acting ­p and Geologists Don't Know Why

Something strange is going on at the top of the world. Earth's north magnetic pole has been skittering away from Canada and towards Siberia, driven by liquid iron...

China Becomes First Nation to Land on the Moon's Far Side
From ACM News

China Becomes First Nation to Land on the Moon's Far Side

A Chinese probe has made a historic touch-down on the far side of the Moon, according to the country's state-run media. It is the first time a probe has visited...
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