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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectLegal Aspects
authorNeil Savage

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Revamping Python for an AI World
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Python for an AI World

Mojo has the same syntax as Python, but runs up to 35,000 times faster.

Lawmakers Seek to Expand Repair Options
From ACM News

Lawmakers Seek to Expand Repair Options

End-users want to be able to repair their expensive electronics; manufacturers disagree.

The Key to Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

The Key to Privacy

40 years ago, Whitfield Diffie and Martin E. Hellman introduced the public key cryptography used to secure today's online transactions.

Forging Relationships
From Communications of the ACM

Forging Relationships

Michael Stonebraker didn't realize at the outset that it would take six years to create INGRES, one of the world's first relational databases.

Visualizing Sound
From Communications of the ACM

Visualizing Sound

New techniques capture speech by looking for the vibrations it causes.

Playing at Health
From Communications of the ACM

Playing at Health

Developers try to tap the beneficial effects of video games.

Nsa's Surveillance Program Could Dig Deep
From ACM News

Nsa's Surveillance Program Could Dig Deep

The U.S. National Security Agency has shrouded its collection of Americans’ personal information in secrecy, which makes it difficult to judge whether that data...

Stopping the Leaks
From Communications of the ACM

Stopping the Leaks

Side channels give out information that can be used to crack secrets, but researchers are identifying the holes and trying to close them.

Remaking American Medicine
From Communications of the ACM

Remaking American Medicine

Developing an IT ecosystem for health could improve — and transform — the practice of medicine.

Twitter as Medium and Message
From Communications of the ACM

Twitter as Medium and Message

Researchers are mining Twitter's vast flow of data to measure public sentiment, follow political activity, and detect earthquakes and flu outbreaks.
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