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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Foursquare Check-Ins Tell Stores Where to Set Up Shop
From ACM TechNews

Foursquare Check-Ins Tell Stores Where to Set Up Shop

A recent study on the use of social media was designed to help retailers find the best locations for new stores. 

Twitter Tracker Shows Where Food Poisoning Is a Risk
From ACM TechNews

Twitter Tracker Shows Where Food Poisoning Is a Risk

A new machine-learning system can track tweets and show which restaurants are giving people food poisoning. 

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost
From ACM News

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost

It's a cognitive leap forward. IBM can now program an experimental chip they unveiled two years ago.

Hive-Mind Solves Tasks Using Google Glass Ant Game
From ACM TechNews

Hive-Mind Solves Tasks Using Google Glass Ant Game

Swarm! is a game that connects Google Glass wearers to a virtual ant colony and asks them to solve real-world problems. 

Maths Quiz Helps Paralyzed People Talk With Their Eyes
From ACM News

Maths Quiz Helps Paralyzed People Talk With Their Eyes

Giving fully conscious but paralysed people hard sums to do might seem like adding insult to injury. But because such brain teasers make the pupils of the eyes...

A Phone, or an All-Seeing Sentry at Your Command?
From ACM TechNews

A Phone, or an All-Seeing Sentry at Your Command?

A new form of smartphone interaction could be effected by outfitting the device with peripheral vision though a depth-sensing camera. 

Sensor Knows When You're Lying Through Your Teeth
From ACM TechNews

Sensor Knows When You're Lying Through Your Teeth

The mouth could provide doctors with information on a variety of health issues with the aid of a sensor that sends data on mouth motion to a smartphone. 

Light Completely Stopped for a Record-breaking Minute
From ACM News

Light Completely Stopped for a Record-breaking Minute

The fastest thing in the universe has come to a complete stop for a record-breaking minute. At full pelt, light would travel about 18 million kilometres in that...

Kindergarten Coders Can Program Before They Can Read
From ACM TechNews

Kindergarten Coders Can Program Before They Can Read

Researchers are studying the ability of kindergarten-aged children to program computers using a graphics-based coding language called ScratchJr. 

To Create a Robot With Common Sense, Mimic a Toddler
From ACM TechNews

To Create a Robot With Common Sense, Mimic a Toddler

A new robot is being designed to mimic the common sense of a three-year-old. 

Sensitive Piano Keys Let Pianists Create New Sounds
From ACM TechNews

Sensitive Piano Keys Let Pianists Create New Sounds

A new keyboard that uses touch-detecting sensors to bring the sound of string instruments to the piano. 

New Language Helps Quantum Coders Build Killer Apps
From ACM News

New Language Helps Quantum Coders Build Killer Apps

Quantum software has finally left the dark ages with the creation of the first practical, high-level programming language for quantum computers.

Mathematicians Think Like Machines For Perfect Proofs
From ACM TechNews

Mathematicians Think Like Machines For Perfect Proofs

A team of mathematicians has devised a new mathematical framework that forces people to think more like machines to check perfect proofs in collaboration with computers...

Overprotection May Be Hampering Hunt For Mars Life
From ACM News

Overprotection May Be Hampering Hunt For Mars Life

There are aliens on Mars—and they came from Earth.

Submarine Internet Cables Are a Gift For Spooks
From ACM News

Submarine Internet Cables Are a Gift For Spooks

It's a golden age for spying. The subsea fibre-optic cables that carry telephone and Internet traffic are a technological marvel—and a gift to intelligence agencies...

Mathematicians Think Like Machines For Perfect Proofs
From ACM News

Mathematicians Think Like Machines For Perfect Proofs

Slime Mold Could Make Memristors For Biocomputers
From ACM TechNews

Slime Mold Could Make Memristors For Biocomputers

Researchers say the feeding fronds of the slime Physarum polycephalum could be used to build exotic computers. 

Echolocating App Will Let You Map a Room with Sound
From ACM News

Echolocating App Will Let You Map a Room with Sound

Bats, dolphins, and even some blind people use echoes to create a mental 3D map of their environment and where they are in it. A smartphone's chirp could soon let...

Graffiti Codes Let You Surf With a Wave of Your Phone
From ACM TechNews

Graffiti Codes Let You Surf With a Wave of Your Phone

Researchers want to enable people to create quick response (QR) codes on the spot, like graffiti. 

Mind-Controlled Exoskeleton Lets Paralyzed People Walk
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Controlled Exoskeleton Lets Paralyzed People Walk

MindWalker is the first exoskeleton that aims to allow paralyzed people to walk using only their minds. 
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