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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Rogue Drone Pilots Face A New Foe: Deep Learning AI
From ACM News

Rogue Drone Pilots Face A New Foe: Deep Learning AI

A growing number of counter-drone systems look to overwhelm rogue drones, and find their pilots.

Defending the Orbital Internet
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Defending the Orbital Internet

Hypersonic space debris threatens communications beyond the atmosphere.

As Air Taxis Arrive, Software Issues Arise
From ACM News

As Air Taxis Arrive, Software Issues Arise

Urban 'flying car' technology is almost here, but with proponents haunted by a 1977 helicopter crash, getting safety right is the top priority.

Smarter Voice Assistants Recognize Your Favorite Brands—and Health
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Smarter Voice Assistants Recognize Your Favorite Brands—and Health

People often surrender their data privacy to their continuously listening voice assistants without understanding the implications.

Blockchaining the Arts
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Blockchaining the Arts

Blockchain's undeletable data can address privacy and security issues in the fine art markets.

Bounties Mount for Bugs
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Bounties Mount for Bugs

Maturing bug bounty programs spot data abuse, secure the Internet of Things.

Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles
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Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles

Consumer fears intensify as self-driving car fatalities dent the driverless dream.

Simpifying Machine-based Touch Sensing
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Simpifying Machine-based Touch Sensing

A three-dimensionally-printed nervous system could allow robots to perceive touch the way we do.

Are Your Plants Misbehaving? Call a Robotanist
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Are Your Plants Misbehaving? Call a Robotanist

Robotic management can help ensure that plants and trees in public spaces grow in desired shapes and sizes.

Saving Lives with Aerial Drones
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Saving Lives with Aerial Drones

Aerial drone swarms could self-assemble into hovering rescue platforms.

Who Wrote This?
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Who Wrote This?

The creators of malicious code could be unmasked by a machine learning de-anonymizer.

How Human is Your Robot?
From ACM News

How Human is Your Robot?

A Brown University team develops a way to 'score' robots for being more (or less) like people.
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