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subjectComputer Systems
authorPaul Marks

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Magnetic Sensors Pinpoint 
GPU Cryptojacking Attacks
From ACM News

Magnetic Sensors Pinpoint 
GPU Cryptojacking Attacks

Identifying incursions with magnetic sensors.

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit
From ACM News

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit

An interview with William Vincent, Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) program manager at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

Do EV Charging Stations Open the Power Grid to Attack?
From ACM News

Do EV Charging Stations Open the Power Grid to Attack?

Electric vehicle Charging Station Management Systems need greater focus on security.

The Future of Supply Chains
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Supply Chains

Droids, drones, and driverless technologies are fueling a supply chain revolution.

Defending Against the Next Stuxnet
From ACM News

Defending Against the Next Stuxnet

Experts are skeptical of an Iranian plan to evade Stuxnet replay attacks.

Eyes on the Skies
From ACM News

Eyes on the Skies

Fighting delivery drone privacy invasions.

Picking Locks with Audio Technology
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Picking Locks with Audio Technology

How eavesdropping smartphones could give thieves a copy of your front door key.

Blocking Facial Recognition
From ACM News

Blocking Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology faces opposition from technology industry giants, and from the grass roots.

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Aim to Boost Astronaut Efficiency

A multitude of robotic assistants for astronauts and rovers are in development to make space exploration more resource-efficient.

Fending Off Digital Sabotage
From ACM News

Fending Off Digital Sabotage

Sabotage-resistant industrial machinery combats Stuxnet-like attacks.

Unintended Consequences
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Unintended Consequences

Banning Huawei won't stop hardware trojan attacks.

It's A Cloud, but Not As We Know It
From ACM News

It's A Cloud, but Not As We Know It

Can data be stored in orbiting laser beams?

Prototyping Faster with Laser Cutters
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Prototyping Faster with Laser Cutters

Laser cutting tools could outperform three-dimensional printers at prototyping stretchables, wearables.

Rogue Drone Pilots Face A New Foe: Deep Learning AI
From ACM News

Rogue Drone Pilots Face A New Foe: Deep Learning AI

A growing number of counter-drone systems look to overwhelm rogue drones, and find their pilots.

Blockchaining the Arts
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Blockchaining the Arts

Blockchain's undeletable data can address privacy and security issues in the fine art markets.

Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles
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Rethinking Autonomous Vehicles

Consumer fears intensify as self-driving car fatalities dent the driverless dream.

Simpifying Machine-based Touch Sensing
From ACM News

Simpifying Machine-based Touch Sensing

A three-dimensionally-printed nervous system could allow robots to perceive touch the way we do.

Saving Lives with Aerial Drones
From ACM News

Saving Lives with Aerial Drones

Aerial drone swarms could self-assemble into hovering rescue platforms.

How Human is Your Robot?
From ACM News

How Human is Your Robot?

A Brown University team develops a way to 'score' robots for being more (or less) like people.
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