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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Bigger, Not Necessarily Better
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Bigger, Not Necessarily Better

The inverse scaling issue means larger LLMs sometimes handle things less well.

What Would the Chatbot Say?
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What Would the Chatbot Say?

Seeking to explain the unanticipated abilities of large language models.

Laureates Look Past the Hype in Generative AI
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Laureates Look Past the Hype in Generative AI

Attendees at this year's Heidelberg Laureate Forum anticipate future applications of the technology.

Fighting Impersonation by AI
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Fighting Impersonation by AI

Finding ways to determine whether a voice message is real or generated by an artificial intelligence.

Decoding Speech
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Decoding Speech

Working to translate thoughts to speech or actions via a brain-computer interface.

Measuring AI Creativity
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Measuring AI Creativity

Quantifying artificial intelligence's capacity for creativity requires an understanding of what creativity is.

Buddying Up to AI
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Buddying Up to AI

Artificial Intelligence-based companions and chatbots allow people to form deep connections through long-term interactions.

The Promise of Holographic Displays
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The Promise of Holographic Displays

The computational expense of creating three-dimensional images that can be viewed by all is just one factor holding them back.

The Quest for Environmentally Sustainable Materials
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The Quest for Environmentally Sustainable Materials

Machine Learning increasingly is being used to aid material discovery, since it can drastically speed up the process

Using AI to Fight Food Fraud
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Using AI to Fight Food Fraud

The use of artificial intelligence to test food and beverages to determine whether labels accurately indicate their content.

Using AI to Improve Farm Animal Welfare
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Using AI to Improve Farm Animal Welfare

Technology helps to interpret what animals are thinking and feeling, from what they utter and how they move.

Finding the Fairness in AI
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Finding the Fairness in AI

Algorithmic fairness is more or less obtainable, depending on how you measure it.

AI Helps Craft New Beers
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AI Helps Craft New Beers

Machine learning and neural networks can help manage the recipes for new beers, and predict how they will taste.

Interacting With Computers Through Smell
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Interacting With Computers Through Smell

Odors could help direct attention in virtual environments, among other things.

Here Comes the Rain Again
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Here Comes the Rain Again

Using machine learning to better forecast floods.

Predicting Preterm Birth
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Predicting Preterm Birth

Can machine learning provide advance notice of an extreme preterm birth, in sufficient time to implement a therapeutic intervention?

Reducing Digital Overload
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Reducing Digital Overload

Considering ways to curb screen time and build healthier habits.

Detecting Deception
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Detecting Deception

Advanced machine learning algorithms can spot lying even better than a polygraph.

Predicting When Volcanoes Will Blow
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Predicting When Volcanoes Will Blow

Experts hope machine learning can help warn local residents of impending eruptions.

The View from On High
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The View from On High

Satellite imagery could address the limitations in traditional sources of data.
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