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Communications of the ACM


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subjectCommunications / Networking
authorSingularity Hub

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Building the Blockchain to End All Blockchains
From ACM TechNews

Building the Blockchain to End All Blockchains

Despite the potential benefits of blockchain technology, it needs to overcome challenges in scalability, speed, and flexibility.

Lego Robot Solves Any Rubik
From ACM News

Lego Robot Solves Any Rubik

Be warned my fellow humans, robots will not be satisfied until they defeat us in even the most trivial of contests. Cube Stormer is the latest creation from Mike...

The Wireless Future of Energy Transfer
From ACM News

The Wireless Future of Energy Transfer

The electronic revolution of the past century has been a tangled affair. Remember when phones were always wired into the wall? When the Internet required one more...
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