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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind
From ACM TechNews

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind

Technology writer Clive Thompson believes technology is improving human intelligence. 

Nsa Gathers Data on Social Connections of ­.s. Citizens
From ACM TechNews

Nsa Gathers Data on Social Connections of ­.s. Citizens

The U.S. National Security Agency in 2010 started creating sophisticated graphs of some Americans' social networks.

Visually Impaired Turn to Smartphones to See Their World
From ACM TechNews

Visually Impaired Turn to Smartphones to See Their World

Advocates for the visually impaired say smartphones and tablets could be the most helpful assistive aid to emerge since the invention of Braille. 

Military Lags in Push For Robotic Ground Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Military Lags in Push For Robotic Ground Vehicles

While private companies are moving forward with self-driving vehicles, the U.S. military has been slow to deploy the technology. 

Give Yourself 5 Stars? Online, It Might Cost You
From ACM News

Give Yourself 5 Stars? Online, It Might Cost You

"I celebrate myself, and sing myself," wrote Walt Whitman, America's great bard of self-promotion.

European ­niversities Catch the Online Wave
From ACM TechNews

European ­niversities Catch the Online Wave

Europe is beginning to embrace massive open online courses, which have steadily gained popularity in the United States over the past several years. 

Improving the Big Data Toolkit
From ACM News

Improving the Big Data Toolkit

Open source software tends to march into the marketplace step by step, a quiet but steady strategy compared with the grand marketing events of the commercial software...

Harvey's Injury Shows Pitchers Have a Speed Limit
From ACM News

Harvey's Injury Shows Pitchers Have a Speed Limit

Glenn Fleisig's rather unusual laboratory has a pitcher's mound and a home plate, and when he rigs people up to throw a baseball, their motion is analyzed with...

How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them
From ACM Opinion

How Robots Can Trick You Into Loving Them

I like to think of my Roomba as cute and industrious.

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status
From ACM Careers

Taiwan Chip Industry Powers the Tech World, but Struggles For Status

Tien Wu, chief operating officer of Advanced Semiconductor Engineering, has a problem: the brightest young people in Taiwan do not want to work in the island’s...

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator
From ACM Careers

The Boy Genius of ­lan Bator

Days before I was to meet Battushig Myanganbayar at his home in Mongolia, he sent me an e-mail with a modest request: Would I bring him a pair of tiny XBee wireless...

Intel's Extensive Makeover
From ACM Careers

Intel's Extensive Makeover

While Apple talked about a couple of new products on Tuesday, Intel, with much less fanfare, talked about the transformation of a world, and itself.

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid
From ACM Opinion

Imagining a Cyberattack on the Power Grid

It's electrifying.

Beyond Passwords: New Tools to Identify Humans
From ACM News

Beyond Passwords: New Tools to Identify Humans

As everything around us becomes connected to the Internet, from cars to thermometers to the stuff inside our mobile phones, technologists are confronting a tough...

Nsa Able to Foil Basic Safeguards of Privacy on Web
From ACM TechNews

Nsa Able to Foil Basic Safeguards of Privacy on Web

The National Security Agency uses a variety of means to overcome encryption technologies, such as supercomputers, technical strategies, court orders, and persuasion...

Scientists Expand Scale of Digital Snooping Alert
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Expand Scale of Digital Snooping Alert

Researchers at Toshiba's European research laboratory in Cambridge, England, have released a paper describing a way to enable a group of users to exchange encryption...

Mystery of the Missing Women in Science
From ACM TechNews

Mystery of the Missing Women in Science

Although test scores prove that girls have science and math aptitude equal to that of boys, many girls choose not to pursue these fields.

Drug Agents ­se Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.s.a.'s
From ACM News

Drug Agents ­se Vast Phone Trove, Eclipsing N.s.a.'s

For at least six years, law enforcement officials working on a counternarcotics program have had routine access, using subpoenas, to an enormous AT&T database that...

How Surveillance Changes Behavior: A Restaurant Workers Case Study
From ACM News

How Surveillance Changes Behavior: A Restaurant Workers Case Study

Surveillance is certainly much in the news lately. Most notably, of course, there is the continuing outcry over the National Security Agency’s call-tracking program...

As Tennis Stats Proliferate, Software Tries to Make Sense of It All
From ACM TechNews

As Tennis Stats Proliferate, Software Tries to Make Sense of It All

SlamTracker software sifts through 20 years of data to predict how tennis players could perform under various circumstances. 
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