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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool
From ACM News

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool

We have a habit of filling new technologies with old ideas.

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data
From ACM Careers

Mit’s Bitcoin-Inspired 'enigma' Lets Computers Mine Encrypted Data

The cryptography behind bitcoin solved a paradoxical problem: a currency with no regulator, that nonetheless can't be counterfeited.

Watch: Black Hole Sim Whips Dark Matter Into a Frenzy
From ACM News

Watch: Black Hole Sim Whips Dark Matter Into a Frenzy

Dark matter is to astrophysicists what sex is to kids in junior high school: Everybody is really interested, but nobody really knows what it looks like.

Ai's Next Frontier: Machines That ­nderstand Language
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Ai's Next Frontier: Machines That ­nderstand Language

With the help of neural networks—vast networks of machines that mimic the web of neurons in the human brain—Facebook can recognize your face.

Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party
From ACM News

Facebook's New AI Can Paint, But Google's Knows How to Party

Facebook and Google are building enormous neural networks—artificial brains—that can instantly recognize faces, cars, buildings, and other objects in digital photos...

Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire
From ACM News

Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire

Three-and-a-half years ago, a strange computing device appeared at an office building in the tiny farmland town of Shelby, Iowa.

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet
From ACM News

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet

When you hear the word "Internet," what do you picture in your mind?

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?
From ACM News

Can Google Fix Gesture Tech with Tiny, All-Knowing Sensors?

Ivan Poupyrev looks like he's playing the world's smallest violin.

'deep Learning' Will Soon Give ­S Super-Smart Robots
From ACM News

'deep Learning' Will Soon Give ­S Super-Smart Robots

Yann LeCun is among those bringing a new level of artificial intelligence to popular internet services from the likes of Facebook, Google, and Microsoft.

Finally, Neural Networks That Actually Work
From ACM News

Finally, Neural Networks That Actually Work

Jeff Dean, who helped create the fundamental computing systems that underpin Google's vast online empire, has returned to the world of neural networks.

Mit's Humanoid Robot Goes to Robot Boot Camp
From ACM Careers

Mit's Humanoid Robot Goes to Robot Boot Camp

As Russ Tedrake flings up the garage door to the dusty MIT lab, light whooshes in, revealing a 360-pound humanoid robot hanging from a rope.

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now
From ACM Careers

Humans Out-Play an AI at Texas Hold 'em—for Now

In 1997 chess master Gary Kasparov went to battle against the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue in a landmark match. After six games Deep Blue prevailed, marking the...

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane
From ACM News

Feds Say That Banned Researcher Commandeered a Plane

A security researcher kicked off a United Airlines flight last month after tweeting about security vulnerabilities in its system had previously taken control of...

This Little 3D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds
From ACM News

This Little 3D Printed Robot Cracks Combination Locks in 30 Seconds

Careful what you leave in your lockers, high school students and gym-goers.

A First Big Step Toward Mapping the Human Brain
From ACM News

A First Big Step Toward Mapping the Human Brain

It's a long, hard road to understanding the human brain, and one of the first milestones in that journey is building a … database.

How Daimler Built the World's First Self-Driving Semi
From ACM News

How Daimler Built the World's First Self-Driving Semi

Christian Urban waves his hands to make a point, then looks at his nails and cracks wise about needing a manicure.

Holograms Could Bring Videogame-Like Navigation to Your Car
From ACM News

Holograms Could Bring Videogame-Like Navigation to Your Car

There are plenty of ways to get directions in the car, but most have one big shortcoming.

Microsoft Shows Hololens' Augmented Reality Is No Gimmick
From ACM News

Microsoft Shows Hololens' Augmented Reality Is No Gimmick

Microsoft demonstrated how far its augmented-reality HoloLens wonderland project has come.

Researchers Plan to Demonstrate a Wireless Car Hack This Summer
From ACM News

Researchers Plan to Demonstrate a Wireless Car Hack This Summer

A note of caution to anyone who works on the security team of a major automobile manufacturer: Don't plan your summer vacation just yet.

Computers That Know How You Feel Will Soon Be Everywhere
From ACM News

Computers That Know How You Feel Will Soon Be Everywhere

Sometime next summer, you'll be able to watch a horror series that is exactly as scary as you want it to be—no more, no less.
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