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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Leonard Kleinrock, the Tx-2 and the Seeds of the Internet
From ACM News

Leonard Kleinrock, the Tx-2 and the Seeds of the Internet

It was 4:00 in the morning, and Leonard Kleinrock was sitting inside MIT's Lincoln Laboratory on the outskirts of Boston, hunched in front of a massive computer...

Larry Roberts Calls Himself the Founder of the Internet. Who Are You to Argue?
From ACM News

Larry Roberts Calls Himself the Founder of the Internet. Who Are You to Argue?

In 1966, the U.S. Department of Defense hired Roberts to design the ARPAnet, a computer network that would connect various research outfits across the country.

Google Spans Entire Planet With Gps-Powered Database
From ACM TechNews

Google Spans Entire Planet With Gps-Powered Database

A new Google research paper details the workings of the Spanner data storage and compilation system, billed as the first database capable of quickly storing and...

Warehouse 'bots Do Battle to Make Same-Day Delivery a Reality
From ACM Careers

Warehouse 'bots Do Battle to Make Same-Day Delivery a Reality

The robots zipping across the aluminum grid look less like Star Wars droids and more like little red wagons.

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Why Everyone (not Just Geeks) Should Care About Big Data

Hugo Campos has a cardiac defibrillator implanted in his body. It sends data about his heart to his doctors and back to the manufacturer, but it takes days to get...

Twitter Reluctantly Coughs ­p Occupy Protester's Data
From ACM News

Twitter Reluctantly Coughs ­p Occupy Protester's Data

Twitter on Friday reluctantly complied with a judge's order to divulge the tweets and account information connected to an Occupy protester.

Nokia's Visionary Wants to Out-Design Apple
From ACM News

Nokia's Visionary Wants to Out-Design Apple

Marko Ahtisaari spreads out several models of Nokia's new smartphone with the self-assurance of a Tiffany diamond salesman.

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders
From ACM TechNews

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders

Estonian public schools recently launched a program to develop a curriculum for teaching Web and mobile application development to students as early as first grade...

What Do the H-Bomb and the Internet Have in Common? Paul Baran
From ACM News

What Do the H-Bomb and the Internet Have in Common? Paul Baran

Paul Baran set out to build a means of communication that could survive a nuclear war. And he ended up inventing the fundamental networking techniques that underpin...

'degrade, Disrupt, Deceive': ­.s. Talks Openly About Hacking Foes
From ACM News

'degrade, Disrupt, Deceive': ­.s. Talks Openly About Hacking Foes

There was a time, not all that long ago, when the U.S. military wouldn't even whisper about its plans to hack into opponents' networks.

Meet the Man Who's Rewiring Google From the Inside Out
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who's Rewiring Google From the Inside Out

It was a tweet that fired the imagination like few others. On May 10, 2011, at 1:35 in the afternoon, Eric Brewer told the world he was redesigning the most important...

Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal Pin Numbers, Other Personal Data
From ACM News

Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal Pin Numbers, Other Personal Data

Don't you dare even think about your banking account password when you slap on those fancy new brainwave headsets.

From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule ­.s. War Game
From ACM News

From Bug Drones to Disease Assassins, Super Weapons Rule ­.s. War Game

A rogue state is on the verge of developing a deadly biological weapon against which the rest of the world has no defense.

How Pacific Island Missile Tests Helped Launch the Internet
From ACM News

How Pacific Island Missile Tests Helped Launch the Internet

There are a thousand stories about the origin of the internet, each with their own starting point and their own heroes. Charles Herzfeld's tale began in 1961 on...

DARPA Has Seen the Future of Computing … And It's Analog
From ACM News

DARPA Has Seen the Future of Computing … And It's Analog

By definition, a computer is a machine that processes and stores data as ones and zeroes. But the U.S. Department of Defense wants to tear up that definition and...

An Empire Strikes Back: Intel Muscles Into the Mobile Market
From ACM News

An Empire Strikes Back: Intel Muscles Into the Mobile Market

Some of the biggest bets in the computing industry were made on the fifth floor of Intel's Robert Noyce Building, on the northeast corner of the chip giant's main...

Stealthy, Tiny, Deadly, Global: The Drone Revolution's Next Phase
From ACM News

Stealthy, Tiny, Deadly, Global: The Drone Revolution's Next Phase

Today's unmanned robotic planes only seem advanced.

Google's Dremel Makes Big Data Look Small
From ACM News

Google's Dremel Makes Big Data Look Small

Mike Olson runs a company that specializes in the world’s hottest software. He's the CEO ofCloudera, a Silicon Valley startup that deals in Hadoop, an open source...

Coders Get Instant Gratification With Khan Academy Programming
From ACM TechNews

Coders Get Instant Gratification With Khan Academy Programming

The Khan Academy, which has provided free video lectures on subjects such as mathematics, biology, and history since 2006, recently launched a computer science...

Nasa Pulls Off 350-Million-Mile Software Patch
From ACM News

Nasa Pulls Off 350-Million-Mile Software Patch

If you think it's tough to keep your computer or smartphone's software updated, try keeping a space robot updated from 350 million miles away.
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