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subjectArtificial Intelligence

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Humans, Cover Your Mouths: Lip Reading Bots in the Wild
From ACM TechNews

Humans, Cover Your Mouths: Lip Reading Bots in the Wild

A new algorithm has outperformed professional human lip readers.

Most People Expect Humans Will Grow to Trust, Even Love, AI
From ACM TechNews

Most People Expect Humans Will Grow to Trust, Even Love, AI

Most people expect artificial intelligence eventually will earn the trust and even affection of humans.

Back to Self-Driving School: The Simulator Teaching Vehicle Ais Road Sense
From ACM TechNews

Back to Self-Driving School: The Simulator Teaching Vehicle Ais Road Sense

Researchers have developed a simulator employing convolutional neural networks and deep learning to enhance how vehicle artificial intelligence systems manage environmental...

Google Translate: 'this Landmark ­pdate Is Our Biggest Single Leap in 10 Years'
From ACM TechNews

Google Translate: 'this Landmark ­pdate Is Our Biggest Single Leap in 10 Years'

Google says it is has vastly improved the accuracy of Google Translate through its new Neural Machine Translation system, which utilizes neural networks to train...

Rise of the Robo-Journalists? Google Teaches an AI the Art of Writing a Good Headline
From ACM TechNews

Rise of the Robo-Journalists? Google Teaches an AI the Art of Writing a Good Headline

The Google Brain Team says it has made strides in teaching computers to summarize text, and has developed an algorithm that can write "very good" headlines.

How Google Deepmind's Ant Soccer Skills Can Help Improve Your Search Results
From ACM TechNews

How Google Deepmind's Ant Soccer Skills Can Help Improve Your Search Results

Google's DeepMind artificial intelligence is learning to navigate thee-dimensional environments and games, including a soccer game played as a virtual ant.

Ai, Md: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Way Illness Is Diagnosed and Treated
From ACM TechNews

Ai, Md: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Way Illness Is Diagnosed and Treated

Frost & Sullivan's Venkat Rajan observes the concept of artificial intelligence in healthcare has entered reached "early-stage commercialization, adoption, and...

The Next Frontier For Artificial Intelligence? Learning Human's Common Sense
From ACM TechNews

The Next Frontier For Artificial Intelligence? Learning Human's Common Sense

Ramon Lopez de Mantaras is dubious human-like artificial intelligence is only a decade or two away. 

Cracking the 1,000-Core Processor Power Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Cracking the 1,000-Core Processor Power Challenge

Researchers are working on solutions to growing power consumption, as mainstream processors are expected to contain hundreds of cores in the near future. 

Korean Robot Maid Upgraded to do Laundry, Use Microwave
From ACM News

Korean Robot Maid Upgraded to do Laundry, Use Microwave

The prospect of a future that includes robot maids took an incremental step forward to reality. Korean scientists have created a domestic robot that cleans, dumps...
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