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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

How Today's Sensors Could Make Tomorrow's Cars Safer

Driverless cars haven’t hit the roads yet, but computers are already helping to slow down or stop a car in situations when a crash is imminent.

After an iPhone Is Snatched, a High-Speed Chase
From ACM News

After an iPhone Is Snatched, a High-Speed Chase

The woman was talking on her iPhone, and never saw coming her induction into a large and growing subset of crime victims.

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind
From ACM News

How Facebook Designs the 'perfect Empty Vessel' For Your Mind

One day in March, I was sitting across from Facebook's design director, Kate Aronowitz, at 1 Hacker Way in Menlo Park when she told me, "It takes a lot of work...

Flexible, Networked E-Ink Displays Mimic Physical Documents
From ACM TechNews

Flexible, Networked E-Ink Displays Mimic Physical Documents

Researchers at the Computer Human Interaction conference in Paris unveiled electronic ink displays that can bend as a form of input. 

Kinect Plus Projector Makes Anything a Remote Control
From ACM TechNews

Kinect Plus Projector Makes Anything a Remote Control

WorldKit is a system under development that combines cameras, projectors, and computers to allow everyday surfaces to host controllers for electronic devices. 

It’s Not the Jetsons, But It May Be Coming Soon
From ACM TechNews

It’s Not the Jetsons, But It May Be Coming Soon

Advances in technologies will transform what manufacturers can produce, the worker's role, and the products available to consumers. 

Emerging Protocol Can Help Manage the Internet of Things
From ACM TechNews

Emerging Protocol Can Help Manage the Internet of Things

The MQTT protocol for telemetry messaging could help address the significant challenge of enabling all types of smart devices to communicate with one another.

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate with Humans
From ACM TechNews

New Research Could Let Vehicles, Robots Collaborate with Humans

Researchers are developing robotic systems that can negotiate with people to determine the best way to achieve their goals.

Digital Tattoos, Mind-Reading Headphones: The Shape of Things to Come?
From ACM Opinion

Digital Tattoos, Mind-Reading Headphones: The Shape of Things to Come?

Forecasting future technology has never been easy. In the 1950s, scientists and technologists envisaged that by now the world would be free from disease, traversed...

Intel's High-Performance, Low-Power Secret: The Haswell Soc
From ACM News

Intel's High-Performance, Low-Power Secret: The Haswell Soc

In the semiconductor world, integration is omnipresent, driven by Moore's Law. Integration reduces power and cost while increasing performance. The latest realization...

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making
From ACM Careers

New Chief at Intel Aims to Expand Chip Making

Brian M. Krzanich, who on Thursday was named Intel's next chief executive, knows he faces a hefty challenge when he takes over the world's biggest maker of semiconductors...

When Will Smartglasses and Other Wearable Computers Hit the Mainstream?
From ACM Opinion

When Will Smartglasses and Other Wearable Computers Hit the Mainstream?

Google has stoked our collective imagination via relentless promotion of its Google Glass wearable computer in recent months.

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap
From ACM Careers

How One College Is Closing the Computer Science Gender Gap

There are still relatively few women in tech. Maria Klawe wants to change that. As president of Harvey Mudd College, a science and engineering school in Southern...

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Zooming Technique for Entering Text Into Smartwatches, Ultra-Small Computers
From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Zooming Technique for Entering Text Into Smartwatches, Ultra-Small Computers

The iterative zooming technique ZoomBoard could be used to enter text into ultra-small computers, such as smartwatches. 

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Lawrence Livermore Scientists Set a New Simulation Speed Record on the Sequoia Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Lawrence Livermore Scientists Set a New Simulation Speed Record on the Sequoia Supercomputer

Computer scientists have reached a record simulation speed of 504 billion events per second on the Sequoia Blue Gene/Q supercomputer. 

High-Tech Camera Acts Like a Bug's Eye
From ACM News

High-Tech Camera Acts Like a Bug's Eye

The next generation of digital cameras could show us how bugs see the world.

Seahorse's Armor Gives Engineers Insight Into Robotics Designs
From ACM TechNews

Seahorse's Armor Gives Engineers Insight Into Robotics Designs

A team of engineers plan to use a structure that is similar to the armored tail of a seahorse to create a flexible robotic arm with muscles made out of polymer. ...

E-Tattoo Monitors Brainwaves and Baby Bump
From ACM TechNews

E-Tattoo Monitors Brainwaves and Baby Bump

A transparent patch containing electronic circuits as thin as a human hair  could be used to monitor rudimentary brain activity. 

Skinny Rfid Tags Could Soon Show Up Embedded in Paper
From ACM News

Skinny Rfid Tags Could Soon Show Up Embedded in Paper

Two new developments in RFID research could pave the way for tags that are thinner, cheaper, and more versatile. Using new materials and cutting-edge laser fabrication...

Revolutionizing Tornado Prediction
From ACM TechNews

Revolutionizing Tornado Prediction

Researchers are developing a tornado modeling and simulation system that aims to explain why some storms generate tornadoes, while others do not. 
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