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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Remaining Martian Atmosphere Still Dynamic
From ACM News

Remaining Martian Atmosphere Still Dynamic

Mars has lost much of its original atmosphere, but what's left remains quite active, recent findings from NASA's Mars rover Curiosity indicate. Rover team members...

Planning For Digital Death
From ACM News

Planning For Digital Death

Researchers suggest a framework for dealing with gracefully retiring someone's digital identities when they pass on.

Fake Twitter Followers Become Multimillion-Dollar Business
From ACM Careers

Fake Twitter Followers Become Multimillion-Dollar Business

Far from slowing, the market for fake Twitter followers seems to be taking off.

Computers That Identify You By Your Thoughts
From ACM News

Computers That Identify You By Your Thoughts

Instead of typing your password, in the future you may only have to think your password, according to School of Information researchers. A new study explores the...

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?
From ACM News

Will We Ever… Communicate Telepathically?

In a lab at Harvard Medical School, a man is using his mind to wag a rat's tail.

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps
From ACM Opinion

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps

Steve Jobs was a stickler for detail, requiring final approval on everything from ads to wording on his Keynote presentations. It's no surprise then that the company...

The Grooviest Words of Medieval Times
From ACM TechNews

The Grooviest Words of Medieval Times

New software is determining the dates of British documents from approximately 1066 to the 1400s, based on popular words or phrases they contain. 

­c San Diego Team Achieves Petaflop-Level Earthquake Simulations on Gpu-Powered Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

­c San Diego Team Achieves Petaflop-Level Earthquake Simulations on Gpu-Powered Supercomputers

A new highly scalable software can dramatically cut both research times and energy costs in simulating seismic hazards. 

Researchers Expose the Human Side of Cybercrime
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Expose the Human Side of Cybercrime

Researchers are focusing their study of cybercrime on how end users' susceptibility to be victimized is shaped by their online routines.

Race to Build Driverless Cars Is in Full Throttle
From ACM TechNews

Race to Build Driverless Cars Is in Full Throttle

Researchers claim they are just five years away from having all of the tools and the knowledge needed to market a fully autonomous vehicle. 

Software Uses Linkedin Network to Guide Your Career
From ACM TechNews

Software Uses Linkedin Network to Guide Your Career

New software provides career guidance based on the profiles of LinkedIn users. 

Tech ­pstarts Threaten Tv Broadcast Model
From ACM Careers

Tech ­pstarts Threaten Tv Broadcast Model

Two fledgling technologies could dramatically reshape the $60 billion-a-year television broadcast industry as they challenge the business model that has helped...

Mark Pincus Thinks Angry Birds Won't Hurt Your Kids
From ACM Opinion

Mark Pincus Thinks Angry Birds Won't Hurt Your Kids

You are the founder and C.E.O. of Zynga, a company responsible for addictive games like FarmVille and the forthcoming Draw Something 2. You know, every time I see...

Feathers Fly as New Rules Loom For Kids' Apps
From ACM News

Feathers Fly as New Rules Loom For Kids' Apps

Kids love Angry Birds, but will Angry Birds love them back?

How Google Remade the Computer Science Researcher
From ACM News

How Google Remade the Computer Science Researcher

John Wilkes spent a year negotiating his move to Google, and when he finally agreed to join the company, he still didn’t know what he’d be working on.

Scientists Figure Out What You See While You're Dreaming
From ACM News

Scientists Figure Out What You See While You're Dreaming

In today's science-so-weird-it-absolutely-must-be-science-fiction contest, we have a clear winner: a new study in which a team of scientists use an MRI machine,...

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle
From ACM News

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle

If we go way back to the 18th century, we find ourselves in the heyday of mechanics.

Bet You're a Liam--Software Puts Names to Faces
From ACM TechNews

Bet You're a Liam--Software Puts Names to Faces

Researchers are investigating whether it is possible to take an educated guess at someone's name with just one look at their face. 

Physicists Nudge Electrons, Move Toward Crazy-Fast Computers
From ACM TechNews

Physicists Nudge Electrons, Move Toward Crazy-Fast Computers

Researchers have nudged electrons to change their spin in just quadrillionths of a second, a breakthrough that could lead to faster computers. 

As Web Search Goes Mobile, Competitors Chip at Google’s Lead
From ACM TechNews

As Web Search Goes Mobile, Competitors Chip at Google’s Lead

Google and others are developing smarter search apps designed to generate more customized and relevant results. 
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