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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Dusk for Dawn: Mission of Many Firsts to Gather More Data in Home Stretch
From ACM News

Dusk for Dawn: Mission of Many Firsts to Gather More Data in Home Stretch

As NASA's Dawn spacecraft prepares to wrap up its groundbreaking 11-year mission, which has included two successful extended missions at Ceres, it will continue...

Think Your Surfing Is Secret in Private Browsing Mode? Think Again
From ACM TechNews

Think Your Surfing Is Secret in Private Browsing Mode? Think Again

Many computer users incorrectly believe private browsing protects them against computer viruses, targeted ads, geolocation, and tracking by employers and governments...

The Cameras that Know If You're Happy, or a Threat
From ACM News

The Cameras that Know If You're Happy, or a Threat

Facial recognition tech has been around for decades, but it has been progressing in leaps and bounds in recent years due to advances in computing vision and artificial...

To Make Curiosity (Et Al.) More Curious, NASA and ESA Smarten ­p AI in Space
From ACM News

To Make Curiosity (Et Al.) More Curious, NASA and ESA Smarten ­p AI in Space

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover has done many great things in its decade-plus of service—but initially, it rolled 600 feet past one of the initiative's biggest discoveries...

South Africa Celebrates Completion of Gigantic, Super-Sensitive Telescop
From ACM News

South Africa Celebrates Completion of Gigantic, Super-Sensitive Telescop

Scientists and politicians in South Africa are together celebrating the official opening of a gigantic telescope that is already transforming astronomy research...

New Model for Large-Scale 3D Facial Recognition
From ACM TechNews

New Model for Large-Scale 3D Facial Recognition

University of Western Australia researchers have developed a three-dimensional facial recognition system.

Tens of Thousands Go Without Home Internet; Here's How San Francisco Wants to Fix It
From ACM TechNews

Tens of Thousands Go Without Home Internet; Here's How San Francisco Wants to Fix It

San Francisco has proposed a $1.9-billion project to build its own high-speed network, to provide Internet access to more than 100,000 residents who lack home connectivity...

Looking Through the Eyes of China's Surveillance State
From ACM Opinion

Looking Through the Eyes of China's Surveillance State

They perch on poles and glare from streetlamps. Some hang barely visible in the ceiling of the subway, and others seem to stretch out on braced necks and peer into...

Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google's AI Battle Over Your Social Lives
From ACM News

Inside Facebook, Twitter and Google's AI Battle Over Your Social Lives

When you sign up for Facebook on your phone, the app isn't just giving you the latest updates and photos from your friends and family.

Microsoft Calls for Regulation of Facial Recognition, Saying It's Too Risky to Leave to Tech Industry Alone
From ACM News

Microsoft Calls for Regulation of Facial Recognition, Saying It's Too Risky to Leave to Tech Industry Alone

Microsoft is calling for government regulation on facial-recognition software, one of its key technologies, saying such artificial intelligence is too important...

How Rare Earths (What?) Could Be Crucial in a ­.S.-China Trade War
From ACM News

How Rare Earths (What?) Could Be Crucial in a ­.S.-China Trade War

Amanda Lacaze grabbed her iPhone and rattled off the names of the special minerals needed to make it.

Tracing Ghost Particles Back to a Distant Black Hole
From ACM News

Tracing Ghost Particles Back to a Distant Black Hole

It was the smallest bullet you could possibly imagine, a subatomic particle weighing barely more than a thought, and a cosmic blunderbuss, a supermassive black...

Simpifying Machine-based Touch Sensing
From ACM News

Simpifying Machine-based Touch Sensing

A three-dimensionally-printed nervous system could allow robots to perceive touch the way we do.

'We Can Build a Real Time Machine'
From ACM News

'We Can Build a Real Time Machine'

Travelling in time might sound like a flight of fancy, but some physicists think it might really be possible.

Facebook's Push for Facial Recognition Prompts Privacy Alarms
From ACM News

Facebook's Push for Facial Recognition Prompts Privacy Alarms

When Facebook rolled out facial recognition tools in the European Union this year, it promoted the technology as a way to help people safeguard their online identities...

Researchers Discover Android Apps Spying on ­sers' Screens
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Discover Android Apps Spying on ­sers' Screens

An analysis of Android apps found “several” clandestinely recording and sharing video and images of users' screens.

The AI Revolution Has Spawned a New Chips Arms Race
From ACM News

The AI Revolution Has Spawned a New Chips Arms Race

For years, the semiconductor world seemed to have settled into a quiet balance: Intel vanquished virtually all of the RISC processors in the server world, save ...

This Is the Brightest Early ­niverse Object Ever Seen
From ACM News

This Is the Brightest Early ­niverse Object Ever Seen

A galaxy spinning around a hungry supermassive black hole that's guzzling down matter and shooting out plasma jets has grabbed the attention of astronomers 13 billion...

Dutch Police Fight Crime by Cracking PGP Phones
From ACM News

Dutch Police Fight Crime by Cracking PGP Phones

Forensic hacking puts criminals behind bars.

Inside China's Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras
From ACM News

Inside China's Dystopian Dreams: A.I., Shame and Lots of Cameras

In the Chinese city of Zhengzhou, a police officer wearing facial recognition glasses spotted a heroin smuggler at a train station.
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