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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Wanted: Technical Women
From ACM TechNews

Wanted: Technical Women

"Especially at a time when unemployment is high and our economy is weak, we cannot afford to lose anyone with the technical skills to create a sustainable future...

'Greeley Haven' is Winter Workplace for Mars Rover
From ACM News

'Greeley Haven' is Winter Workplace for Mars Rover

NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity will spend the next several months at a site informally named "Greeley Haven."

10 Tech Research Projects to Watch
From ACM TechNews

10 Tech Research Projects to Watch

Ten promising research projects that could lead to future consumer products include a solar-powered personal computer, three-dimensional images that respond to...

It's a Man vs. Machine Recovery
From ACM News

It's a Man vs. Machine Recovery

The U.S. produces almost one-quarter more goods and services today than it did in 1999, while using almost precisely the same number of workers.

3-D Cameras For Cellphones
From ACM TechNews

3-D Cameras For Cellphones

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing a three-dimensional device that provides more accurate depth information than Microsoft's Kinect...

Google's Chrome Page No Longer Ranks For 'browser' After Sponsored Post Penalty
From ACM News

Google's Chrome Page No Longer Ranks For 'browser' After Sponsored Post Penalty

Searches for "browser" no longer bring up the Google Chrome home page after Google applied a penalty against the page because of Google's own sponsored post campaign...

Pentagon Scientists Use 'time Hole' to Make Events Disappear
From ACM News

Pentagon Scientists Use 'time Hole' to Make Events Disappear

Soldiers could one day conduct covert operations in complete secrecy, now that Pentagon-backed physicists have figured out how to mask entire events by distorting...

From ACM News

Pentagon Fears Iran's Access to F-22 Technology Through Hijacked Spy Drone

Reports coming out from the Pentagon revealed that the United States' military experts and officials are deeply worried about Tehran's access to the RQ-170 Sentinel...

3-D Chips Grow Up
From ACM TechNews

3-D Chips Grow Up

Researchers are starting to build chips in the third dimension, and many industry experts believe that this year the chip will start to become a cube. Building...

Close Encounters: When Daniel123 Met Jane234
From ACM TechNews

Close Encounters: When Daniel123 Met Jane234

The developers of the Qbo robots continue to explore simulated consciousness. After training a Qbo to recognize itself in the mirror, Francisco Paz and his team...

Military Academies Look to Fill Nation's Cybersecurity Gaps
From ACM TechNews

Military Academies Look to Fill Nation's Cybersecurity Gaps

U.S. military academies have been developing potential cyberwarriors for years, but has difficulty finding them positions that use their cyberskills. Most graduates...

Robots Put You in Two Places at Once
From ACM News

Robots Put You in Two Places at Once

Mike Fennelly isn't easily surprised by cutting-edge technologies, but when he started as an IT guy at a Silicon Valley startup called Evernote, he was caught...

From ACM News

Gartner Slashes 2012 Global IT Spending Forecast

Happy New Year. IT market-research outfit Gartner has some sour news to start off 2012: It has just slashed its growth forecast for global on tech spending.

Five Major Changes Facing the Internet in 2012
From ACM TechNews

Five Major Changes Facing the Internet in 2012

The Internet will face several milestones this year as it undergoes a major technical upgrade, moving from IPv4 to IPv6. This transition could result in major...

Apache Launches Hadoop 1.0
From ACM TechNews

Apache Launches Hadoop 1.0

The Apache Software Foundation has released Apache Hadoop 1.0, an open source software framework for reliable, scalable, distributed computing. "This is a release...

Hackers Plan Space Satellites to Combat Censorship
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Plan Space Satellites to Combat Censorship

An organization of computer hackers is planning to launch its own communication satellites and bypass satellites controlled by governmental bodies and used to censor...

Apple Power Adapters Could Remember Your Passwords
From ACM News

Apple Power Adapters Could Remember Your Passwords

Apple has worked out a way in which the power cords for computers or smartphones can help people recover their forgotten login passwords—or the answers to secret...

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools
From ACM News

Teachers Resist High-Tech Push in Idaho Schools

Ann Rosenbaum, a former military police officer in the Marines, does not shrink from a fight, having even survived a close encounter with a car bomb in Iraq.

Risky Rescue for Crippled Air Force Satellite
From ACM News

Risky Rescue for Crippled Air Force Satellite

It was an epic space rescue that, in audacity and risk, echoed NASA's campaign to save the astronauts aboard the doomed Apollo 13 moon mission.

Your Connected Vehicle Is Arriving
From ACM TechNews

Your Connected Vehicle Is Arriving

The networking of vehicles to the Internet and each other over the next decade will spark new technological and societal trends, such as lower accident rates, reduced...
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