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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Can Make High-Definition Fake Videos From Just a Simple Sketch
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Make High-Definition Fake Videos From Just a Simple Sketch

Nvidia and MIT researchers collaborated on open source software that can convert simple animated line drawings into realistic fake videos in 2K resolution.

This Lens-less Camera Is Built Specially for AI and Computer Vision Programs
From ACM News

This Lens-less Camera Is Built Specially for AI and Computer Vision Programs

Cameras used to be their own devices with lenses and film and trips to the drug store to get the pictures developed. Then, they disappeared into phones, tablets...

Artificial Intelligence Nails Predictions of Earthquake Aftershocks
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Nails Predictions of Earthquake Aftershocks

A machine-learning study that analysed hundreds of thousands of earthquakes beat the standard method at predicting the location of aftershocks.

AI-Human Partnerships Tackle 'Fake News'
From ACM News

AI-Human Partnerships Tackle 'Fake News'

During the 2016 U.S. presidential election, inaccurate and misleading articles burned through social networks.

How AI Can Be a Force for Good
From ACM News

How AI Can Be a Force for Good

For the well-being of humanity, it is crucial that the power of artificial intelligence is used as a force of good.

Franken-algorithms: The Deadly Consequences of ­npredictable Code
From ACM News

Franken-algorithms: The Deadly Consequences of ­npredictable Code

The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates 'a universe no one fully understands'...

Lip-Syncing Thanks to Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Lip-Syncing Thanks to Artificial Intelligence

A new system uses artificial intelligence to edit the facial expressions of actors in a film to accurately match dubbed voices.

These Friendly Helpful Robots Will Likely Be Your Future Rehabilitation Partners
From ACM TechNews

These Friendly Helpful Robots Will Likely Be Your Future Rehabilitation Partners

A study by researchers at Freiburg University in Germany concluded that socially assistive robots will be used increasingly in the future.

Scientists Hope Artificial Stupidity Could Save Humans
From ACM News

Scientists Hope Artificial Stupidity Could Save Humans

Some scientists are suggesting limiting how smart artificial intelligence can get—all the way down to human intelligence.

Facebook, NY­ Aim to ­se AI to Speed ­p MRI Scans
From ACM TechNews

Facebook, NY­ Aim to ­se AI to Speed ­p MRI Scans

Facebook's artificial intelligence laboratory, working with the New York University School of Medicine, generated reliable magnetic resonance imaging scans with...

Growing a Mind in a Machine
From ACM News

Growing a Mind in a Machine

MIT's Josh Tenenbaum on how people think and learn, and how to make machines do likewise.

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Now a Pentagon Priority. Will Silicon Valley Help?

In a May memo to President Trump, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis implored him to create a national strategy for artificial intelligence.

Enhanced 'Listening Skill' Makes Robot Better at Talking
From ACM TechNews

Enhanced 'Listening Skill' Makes Robot Better at Talking

Researchers have improved the ability of a conversational human-like robot to have a natural dialogue with people by enhancing its listening skills.

A Great Find
From ACM TechNews

A Great Find

A new algorithm locates objects by leveraging collections of sensors that receive and transmit signals.

Picture This: A Camera With No Lens
From ACM TechNews

Picture This: A Camera With No Lens

A new camera substitutes a regular pane of glass for the lens, in conjunction with a computer running an algorithm to interpret the images.

Flint Water Crisis: How AI Is Finding Thousands of Hazardous Pipes
From ACM TechNews

Flint Water Crisis: How AI Is Finding Thousands of Hazardous Pipes

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed an artificial intelligence algorithm that can determine the location of dangerous lead pipes in Flint...

Fake News Detector Algorithm Works Better Than a Human
From ACM TechNews

Fake News Detector Algorithm Works Better Than a Human

An algorithm-based system that identifies linguistic cues in fake news stories could provide news aggregators and social media sites with a new weapon against misinformation...

AI Holds the Better Hand
From Communications of the ACM

AI Holds the Better Hand

Exploiting the techniques of game theory to come up with the superior poker hand.

Robotic Implants
From Communications of the ACM

Robotic Implants

Scientists are developing tiny medical machines that stretch the definition of the term "robot."

Borders in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Borders in the Cloud

New data protection laws raise questions about whether certain jurisdictions are trying to thwart the ability of foreign governments to obtain data on their citizens...
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