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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mining Data For Better Medicine
From ACM TechNews

Mining Data For Better Medicine

Researchers are utilizing digital medical records to conduct wide-ranging studies on the effects of certain drugs and how they relate to different populations. 

Schmidt Avoids a Gates-Like Disaster in D.c.
From ACM News

Schmidt Avoids a Gates-Like Disaster in D.c.

Eric Schmidt cut a confident figure today prior to his testimony before U.S. lawmakers, who later appeared determined to find out if Google abuses its supremacy...

Google Searching For New Ideas
From ACM Opinion

Google Searching For New Ideas

If anyone can preview the future of computing, it should be Alfred Spector, Google's director of research. Spector's team focuses on the most challenging areas...

Success at 16
From Communications of the ACM

Success at 16

A high school student wins first prize from ACM for developing a faster keyboard layout.

Living in a Digital World
From Communications of the ACM

Living in a Digital World

Technology has created new opportunities to connect and interact. Yet, researchers are increasingly concerned that heavy technology usage is changing people's behavior...

Seeing Is Not Enough
From Communications of the ACM

Seeing Is Not Enough

A new DARPA program is teaching cameras visual intelligence — how to spot and understand human behavior.

Improving Brain-Computer Interfaces
From Communications of the ACM

Improving Brain-Computer Interfaces

Researchers are demonstrating advances in restorative BCI systems that are giving paralyzed individuals more effective ways to communicate, move, and interact with...

From ACM News

Privacy at Risk: Who's Watching You?

The notion of Big Brother has been around for decades, but technology has long lagged behind the Orwellian imagination. Not any more; in the era of smartphones...

Gamers Succeed Where Scientists Fail
From ACM TechNews

Gamers Succeed Where Scientists Fail

Gamers have produced an accurate model of the structure of a retrovirus enzyme within three weeks, according to University of Washington researchers. 

Data May Not Compute
From ACM TechNews

Data May Not Compute

The fast pace of technology's advance has left some data behind as data stored on tapes, floppy disks, and other media that is now unreadable by modern computers...

From ACM TechNews

5 More Tech Breakthroughs: Innovations in Access, Power and Control

Five new technology breakthroughs could change the way users power and interact with their devices and access the Internet. 

White House Targets Innovative Education Technologies
From ACM TechNews

White House Targets Innovative Education Technologies

The White House has formed a nonprofit organization, Digital Promise, to create new learning technologies that will help improve the performance of U.S. students...

Escaping Legacy It Systems
From ACM TechNews

Escaping Legacy It Systems

MIT researchers have developed a computer model of a corporate information infrastructure that could help information technology managers predict the effects of...

Submarine Cable Map
From ACM News

Submarine Cable Map

TeleGeography’s interactive submarine cable map is based on TeleGeography's authoritative Global Bandwidth research and depicts 188 active and planned submarine...

From ACM News

Turn Your Smart Phone Into a Robot Remote Control

Android and iPhone users alike are newly empowered over robots, in two very different ways.

Nasa Announces Two Game-Changing Space Technology Projects
From ACM News

Nasa Announces Two Game-Changing Space Technology Projects

NASA has selected two game-changing space technology projects for development. The selections are part of the agency's efforts to pursue revolutionary technology...

News Mining Might Have Predicted Arab Spring
From ACM News

News Mining Might Have Predicted Arab Spring

You could have foreseen the Arab Spring if only you'd been paying enough attention to the news. That's the claim of a new study that shows how data mining of...

From ACM News

A Future For Drones: Automated Killing

One afternoon last fall at Fort Benning, GA, two model-size planes took off, climbed to 800 and 1,000 feet, and began criss-crossing the military base in search...

From ACM News

The No-Name Companies Selling More Phones Than Samsung, Lg, and Apple Combined

MicroMax. Spice. Tianyu. Maxx Mobile. Videocon. Karbonn. These are some of the hundreds of small cell phone makers that are eating up market share across the...

Smartphone Battery Life Could Dramatically Improve With New Invention
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone Battery Life Could Dramatically Improve With New Invention

University of Michigan researchers have developed the Energy-Minimizing Idle Listening system, which features a subconscious mode for smartphones and other Wi-Fi...
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