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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Progress Hits Snag: Tiny Chips ­se Outsize Power

A research team recently presented a paper at the International Symposium on Computer Architecture that highlights the problem of developing smaller, more densely...

Santa Clara ­niversity Math Scholar Fights Crime with Mad Math Skills
From ACM News

Santa Clara ­niversity Math Scholar Fights Crime with Mad Math Skills

George Mohler is a crime-fighting, math professor superhero—not that he'd ever call himself that.

'Fluid Cloak' to Help Submarines Leave No Wake
From ACM News

'Fluid Cloak' to Help Submarines Leave No Wake

Super-stealthy submarines may one day glide through the water without creating a wake, if a plan to channel fluid intelligently around objects can be made to...

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells
From ACM News

Researchers Say Vulnerabilities Could Let Hackers Spring Prisoners From Cells

Vulnerabilities in electronic systems that control prison doors could allow hackers or others to spring prisoners from their jail cells, according to researchers...

Expert Hacks Car System, Says Problems Reach to Scada Systems
From ACM News

Expert Hacks Car System, Says Problems Reach to Scada Systems

Researcher Don A. Bailey will be showing at the Black Hat security conference how easy it is to open and even start a car remotely by hacking the cellular network...

From ACM News

The Auteur vs. the Committee

At Apple, one is the magic number.

Exploring Space with Chip-Size Satellites
From ACM News

Exploring Space with Chip-Size Satellites

Gravity may be woven into the very fabric of space-time, but some objects seem nearly immune to its pull. Scale something down to the size of a dust particle...

New Language For Programming in Parallel
From ACM TechNews

New Language For Programming in Parallel

SofCheck's Tucker Taft has developed the Parallel Specification and Implementation Language, a new programming language designed to maximize the potential of multicore...

Building a Subversive Grassroots Network
From ACM TechNews

Building a Subversive Grassroots Network

Commotion Wireless is the Open Technology Initiative's effort to develop mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) so that citizens of oppressive governments can maintain...

For 'creativity,' Just Add 'crowd'
From ACM TechNews

For 'creativity,' Just Add 'crowd'

Stevens Institute of Technology researcher Jeffery Nickerson is studying how to use crowdsourcing to produce creative ideas. 

From ACM TechNews

Microsoft's Imagine Cup Competition Seeks Diversity

This year students from six historically black colleges and universities competed in Microsoft's Imagine Cup, and although none of the teams made it to the finals...

Crowd-Simulating Software Could Improve Building Design
From ACM TechNews

Crowd-Simulating Software Could Improve Building Design

New crowd simulation software could help architects better understand how the design of buildings impacts the way people move through them. 

The Gps: A Fatally Misleading Travel Companion
From ACM News

The Gps: A Fatally Misleading Travel Companion

In remote places like California's Death Valley, over-reliance on GPS navigation systems can be a matter of life and death.

From ACM News

Nsa Lawyer Questioned Over Cellphone Location Tracking of Americans

Is the government using cellular data to track Americans as they move around the U.S.? According to the general counsel of the National Security Agency, it may...

From ACM News

Massive Project to Study the Link Between Genetics and Health

Kaiser Permanente has compiled the genetic and medical data of 100,000 of its members.

The Edison of Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

The Edison of Silicon Valley

Steve Perlman, Silicon Valley’s self-styled Thomas Edison, has found a way to increase wireless capacity by a factor of 1,000.

When Patents Attack
From ACM News

When Patents Attack

Nathan Myhrvold is a genius and a polymath. He made hundreds of millions of dollars as Microsoft's chief technology officer, he's discovered dinosaur fossils,...

A Bookshelf the Size of the World
From ACM TechNews

A Bookshelf the Size of the World

The goal of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is to make the digitized collections of the greatest research institutions in the United States accessible...

Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Weapons: The New Arms Race

A rash of cyberattacks has raised the profile of such incursions and led to a booming cyberweapons industry. 

Competition Seeks STEM Innovations
From ACM TechNews

Competition Seeks STEM Innovations

The Carnegie Corporation of New York and other groups have partnered to launch Partnering for Excellence: Innovations in Science+Technology+Engineering+Math Education...
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