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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa's Next Mars Rover to Land at Gale Crater
From ACM News

Nasa's Next Mars Rover to Land at Gale Crater

NASA's next Mars rover will land at the foot of a layered mountain inside the planet's Gale crater. The car-sized Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity, is scheduled...

Smartphones Get Smarter About Payments
From ACM News

Smartphones Get Smarter About Payments

Paying for the morning commute will soon be accomplished by the wave of a smartphone. State and local governments are joining Internet, credit card, and wireless...

From ACM News

Study: Less Than 50% of Smartphone Users Make Calls

What's the point of a smartphone? If you answered "To make calls," then congratulations: You're in the minority. A new survey from social communications company...

From ACM News

Welcome to the Age of the Splinternet

Openness is the Internet's great strength—and weakness. With powerful forces carving it up, is its golden age coming to an end?

From ACM News

Little-Known Firms Tracking Data Used in Credit Scores

Atlanta entrepreneur Mike Mondelli has access to more than a billion records detailing consumers’ personal finances—and there is little they can do about it.

Recruiters Outnumber Job-Seekers at Hacker Fair
From ACM News

Recruiters Outnumber Job-Seekers at Hacker Fair

Tom Sherlock demonstrated his wearable computer. Steven Neff, hemmed in by a scrum of recruiters from Google, Rackspace and Pulse News, showed off his art-filled...

Cloud Security Awaits Encryption Breakthroughs
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Security Awaits Encryption Breakthroughs

The wider use of public clouds depends on further developments in encryption technology, said participants during a recent panel at the Brookings Institution. 

Daytona Project Will Help Researchers Crunch Data
From ACM TechNews

Daytona Project Will Help Researchers Crunch Data

Microsoft's Project Daytona, which will run a broad spectrum of machine-learning algorithms on the Windows Azure application hosting system, will benefit researchers...

From ACM TechNews

A Mobile Guide For Buses and Trains

Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems are developing SMART-WAY, a smartphone application that will enable public...

Forget Passwords and Let the Browser Remember
From ACM TechNews

Forget Passwords and Let the Browser Remember

The Mozilla Foundation recently released BrowserID, an experimental tool designed to change the way users identify themselves online by storing identity information...

From ACM TechNews

National Academies Call For Science Education Makeover

A new U.S. National Research Council report calls for reforming science teaching nationwide from kindergarten to high school, saying that current high school graduates...

From ACM News

Robots ­se Kinect to ­nderstand Our World

Picture the scene, a few years from now. "Robot, fetch me that pillow over there," you say to your ever-willing butlerbot. "Certainly sir," it replies. "What's...

From ACM News


What better way to combine your nerdy loves of computer programming and Star Wars than with a robot that can actually battle with a light saber?

Ibm Ceo Candidate Talks About His Rise
From ACM News

Ibm Ceo Candidate Talks About His Rise

Rodney C. Adkins oversees 50,000 employees and is responsible for $18 billion in revenue as senior vice president and group executive for systems and technology...

Telex Promises Path Around State-Sponsored Net Censorship
From ACM TechNews

Telex Promises Path Around State-Sponsored Net Censorship

Researchers at the universities of Waterloo and Michigan have developed Telex, a system that enables Internet service providers to provide ways around network censorship...

Photonic Neuron May Compute a Billion Times Faster Than Brain Circuits
From ACM TechNews

Photonic Neuron May Compute a Billion Times Faster Than Brain Circuits

Princeton University researchers and Lockheed Martin are developing fiber-optic-based computational devices that work 1 billion times faster than human neurons. ...

Imaging Technology Throws New Light on Ancient Artefacts
From ACM TechNews

Imaging Technology Throws New Light on Ancient Artefacts

Researchers at the universities of Southampton and Oxford have modifed Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories' Reflectance Transformation Imaging system to make...

Using Light to Send Data Across the Room
From ACM TechNews

Using Light to Send Data Across the Room

Visible light communication continues to attract academic and commercial interest because light-based technology is practical, economical, and would provide an...

From ACM TechNews

Machines to Compare Notes Online?

Autonomous machines, networks, and robots should publish their own suggestions for upgrading the technology on the Internet, says the University of Southampton's...

From ACM Opinion

The Internet of Things (infographic)

When we think of being connected to the Internet, our minds immediately shift to our computers, phones, and most recently tablets. This week at Cisco live, I...
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