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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Social Games, Virtual Goods
From Communications of the ACM

Social Games, Virtual Goods

The popularity of virtual goods and currencies in online gaming is changing how people think and act about money.

Engineering Sensation in Artificial Limbs
From Communications of the ACM

Engineering Sensation in Artificial Limbs

Advancements in mobile electronics have led to several prosthetics innovations in recent years, but providing reliable touch sensations to users remains an elusive...

The Quest For Randomness
From Communications of the ACM

The Quest For Randomness

It's not easy to generate a string of numbers that lack any pattern or rule, or even to define exactly what randomness means.

Security Firm Is Vague on Its Compromised Devices
From ACM News

Security Firm Is Vague on Its Compromised Devices

More than a day after RSA security posted an "urgent" alert warning that a sophisticated intruder might be able to initiate a "broad attack" on a password device...

The Psychology of Collaboration
From ACM TechNews

The Psychology of Collaboration

IBM fellow Irene Greif, the director of collaborative user experience at IBM Research, says that some of the toughest collaboration problems have little to do with...

From ACM TechNews

Digital Gaming Goes Academic

Digital gaming is being tapped to cultivate academic skills, and part of the appeal is that the games offer personalized, real-time feedback.

Computer Simulations Illustrate Scope of Japanese Disaster
From ACM TechNews

Computer Simulations Illustrate Scope of Japanese Disaster

Computer simulation technology has aided in the tracking and analysis of the devastation wrought by the March 11 earthquake off Japan's east coast.

New Linux Kernel Gets a Speed Boost
From ACM TechNews

New Linux Kernel Gets a Speed Boost

Linux has announced an update to the Linux OS kernel, which includes deep changes that will enhance performance, especially for running databases and other programs...

Nasa's Messenger Spacecraft Begins Historic Orbit Around Mercury
From ACM News

Nasa's Messenger Spacecraft Begins Historic Orbit Around Mercury

NASA's MESSENGER spacecraft successfully achieved orbit around Mercury at approximately 9 p.m. EDT Thursday. This marks the first time a spacecraft has accomplished...

Dissecting the Physics of Basketball Bank Shots
From ACM News

Dissecting the Physics of Basketball Bank Shots

Here’s the scenario: You’re a college basketball player and your team is down by one. You’ve got a trip to the NCAA men’s basketball tournament on the line, but...

Spotting Insider Threats on the Front Lines
From ACM TechNews

Spotting Insider Threats on the Front Lines

U.S. Military Academy at West Point cadets are researching ways of using network monitoring tools to automate frontline security.

Miniature Lasers Could Help Launch New Age of Internet
From ACM TechNews

Miniature Lasers Could Help Launch New Age of Internet

University of Central Florida researchers have developed a miniature laser device that could make high-speed computing faster and more reliable.

Japan Has Shifted 13 Feet!
From ACM News

Japan Has Shifted 13 Feet!

What does Japan's earthquake mean for GPS? Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake was so powerful that it actually widened Japan. While parts of the country barely...

Gca: Female Developers Crashing the Boys Club
From ACM TechNews

Gca: Female Developers Crashing the Boys Club

Gail Carmichael is one of the few women to enter the Great Canadian Appathon, a 48-hour video game coding competition taking place at college and university campuses...

From ACM TechNews

Robotic Arms

Barrett Technologies is working with the U.S. National Science Foundation's Small Business Innovation Research program to develop a Whole Arm Manipulator and a...

Keeping Tabs on the Infrastructure, Wirelessly
From ACM News

Keeping Tabs on the Infrastructure, Wirelessly

Engineers routinely inspect bridges and other structures for cracks and corrosion. But because they can’t always be there in person, one highly intelligent bridge...

'we Need to See Ahead'
From ACM News

'we Need to See Ahead'

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano emphasized the importance of science and technology research as a means of keeping the nation safe in an...

Japan Disaster Recovery Efforts Get Help From Satellites
From ACM News

Japan Disaster Recovery Efforts Get Help From Satellites

In the aftermath of Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami, satellite maps have been a vital part of search and rescue efforts by providing clear pictures...

From ACM TechNews

U.s. Supercomputer Experts Assess Radiation Risks Amid Crisis at Japanese Nuclear Facility

The U.S. National Nuclear Security Administration has enlisted a team of supercomputer experts to measure the radiation risks caused by the Japanese nuclear crisis...

From ACM News

Quake Moved Japan Closer to U.S. and Altered Earth's Spin

The magnitude-8.9 earthquake that struck northern Japan on Friday not only violently shook the ground and generated a devastating tsunami, it also moved the coastline...
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