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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Watch Hackers Sabotage an Industrial Robot Arm
From ACM News

Watch Hackers Sabotage an Industrial Robot Arm

When the cybersecurity industry warns of digital threats to the "internet of things," the targets that come to mind are ill-conceived, insecure consumer products...

In Europe's Election Season, Tech Vies to Fight Fake News
From ACM TechNews

In Europe's Election Season, Tech Vies to Fight Fake News

Scientists are attempting to counter a rash of fake news spreading online as European elections loom.

How a Cyber Attack Transformed Estonia
From ACM News

How a Cyber Attack Transformed Estonia

Cyber-attacks, information warfare, fake news—exactly 10 years ago Estonia was one of the first countries to come under attack from this modern form of hybrid warfare...

A Trick That Hides Censored Websites Inside Cat Videos
From ACM TechNews

A Trick That Hides Censored Websites Inside Cat Videos

Slitheen is a new system that uses decoy routing to conceal banned websites inside of innocuous cat videos.

French Election Is Facebook's Fake News Litmus Test
From ACM News

French Election Is Facebook's Fake News Litmus Test

In the run-up to the first round of the French presidential election, the country's social media was awash in press reports of dubious origin.

The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission For Counterfeit Electronics
From ACM News

The Pentagon's Seek-and-Destroy Mission For Counterfeit Electronics

The Pentagon has known for years that a significant number of the replacement parts it buys for its missile guidance and satellite systems contain substandard counterfeit...

Spyware That Can Identify What Films You Are Watching
From ACM TechNews

Spyware That Can Identify What Films You Are Watching

New neural network-based detection algorithms can determine what movies people who use streaming services are viewing.

The Next Era of Drones Will Be Defined By 'swarms' 
From ACM News

The Next Era of Drones Will Be Defined By 'swarms' 

What do you picture when you think of a drone?

How the ­pdate Framework Improves Security of Software ­pdates
From ACM TechNews

How the ­pdate Framework Improves Security of Software ­pdates

New York University professor Justin Cappos has been developing The Update Framework (TUF) for eight years to help organizations update their software securely....

Geeks V Government: The Battle Over Public Key Cryptography
From ACM News

Geeks V Government: The Battle Over Public Key Cryptography

Two graduate students stood silently beside a lectern, listening as their professor presented their work to a conference.

Combating Cancer With Data
From Communications of the ACM

Combating Cancer With Data

Supercomputers will sift massive amounts of data in search of therapies that work.

Making Chips Smarter
From Communications of the ACM

Making Chips Smarter

Advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning are motivating researchers to design and build new chips to support different computing models.

Bionics in Competition
From Communications of the ACM

Bionics in Competition

Developers of innovative assistive devices compete as a means of networking with each other.

Cyber Threat Info Sharing Made Easier
From ACM TechNews

Cyber Threat Info Sharing Made Easier

The next iteration of the Structured Threat Information eXchange machine-to-machine cyberthreat information-sharing language is nearing completion.

Could the ­S Take Out North Korea's Missiles Before Launch?
From ACM News

Could the ­S Take Out North Korea's Missiles Before Launch?

A failed missile launch in North Korea Sunday has brought renewed attention to reports that the United States is trying to degrade North Korea's missile capabilities...

Scientists Develop a Novel Algorithm Inspired By Bee Colonies to Help Dismantling Criminal Social Networks
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Develop a Novel Algorithm Inspired By Bee Colonies to Help Dismantling Criminal Social Networks

Researchers have developed an algorithm designed to counter both physical and virtual threats to social networks.

Locking Out the Hackers
From ACM News

Locking Out the Hackers

New hardware, services are aimed at identifying malware before it has the chance to execute.

The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI
From ACM TechNews

The Dark Secret at the Heart of AI

Some experts warn deep-learning artificial intelligence technologies cannot be adopted without reservations if their creators cannot understand how they reason....

Supercomputer Simulation Offers Peek at the Future of Quantum Computers
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Simulation Offers Peek at the Future of Quantum Computers

Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich in Switzerland have used the fifth-most powerful supercomputer in the world to simulate the behavior...

Your Phone's Power ­se Can Give Hackers an Opening
From ACM TechNews

Your Phone's Power ­se Can Give Hackers an Opening

Researchers have shown even without a data cable, hackers can analyze a device's power needs to access users' private information.
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