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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mars Helicopter to Fly on NASA's Next Red Planet Rover Mission
From ACM News

Mars Helicopter to Fly on NASA's Next Red Planet Rover Mission

NASA is sending a helicopter to Mars.

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites
From ACM News

Fundamental Equations Guide Marine Robots to Optimal Sampling Sites

Observing the world's oceans is increasingly a mission assigned to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)—marine robots that are designed to drift, drive, or glide...

Monkey Face Recognition App Can Help Spot Endangered Primates
From ACM TechNews

Monkey Face Recognition App Can Help Spot Endangered Primates

Researchers at Michigan State University have developed a mobile application that can identify and track primates in the wild from facial photos.

House Democrats Release 3,500 Russia-Linked Facebook Ads
From ACM News

House Democrats Release 3,500 Russia-Linked Facebook Ads

On Thursday, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee published more than 3,500 Facebook and Instagram ads linked to the Russian propaganda group Internet...

Light Could Make Semiconductor Computers a Million Times Faster or Even Go Quantum
From ACM News

Light Could Make Semiconductor Computers a Million Times Faster or Even Go Quantum

Why A.I. and Cryptocurrency Are Making One Type of Computer Chip Scarce
From ACM News

Why A.I. and Cryptocurrency Are Making One Type of Computer Chip Scarce

Two technology booms—some people might call them frenzies—are combining to turn a once-obscure type of microprocessor into a must-have but scarce commodity.

Artificial Intelligence Takes Scientists Inside Living Human Cells
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Artificial Intelligence Takes Scientists Inside Living Human Cells

A new application of artificial intelligence could help researchers solve medical mysteries ranging from cancer to Alzheimer's.

A Google Program Can Pass As a Human on the Phone. Should It Be Required to Tell People It's a Machine?
From ACM News

A Google Program Can Pass As a Human on the Phone. Should It Be Required to Tell People It's a Machine?

Google's artificial-intelligence assistant sounds almost exactly like a human when it calls the salon to book a woman's hair appointment.

AI Recreates Activity Patterns that Brain Cells ­se in Navigation
From ACM News

AI Recreates Activity Patterns that Brain Cells ­se in Navigation

Senate Intel: Russia Waged '­nprecedented' Cyber Campaign on ­.S. Voting Systems
From ACM News

Senate Intel: Russia Waged '­nprecedented' Cyber Campaign on ­.S. Voting Systems

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday released the unclassified version of its investigation into Russian cyberattacks on digital U.S. voting systems ahead...

Spying on a Storm's Infrasonic Signals to Improve Tornado Warnings
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Spying on a Storm's Infrasonic Signals to Improve Tornado Warnings

Tornado survivors often compare the terrifying, deafening roars of a twister's furious winds to the sound of a freight train. But storms also emit sounds that are...

Navigation System Helps Autonomous Cars Tackle Country Roads
From ACM TechNews

Navigation System Helps Autonomous Cars Tackle Country Roads

MapLite is a navigation system that helps autonomous vehicles drive on previously unencountered roadways.

The Milky Way's Speediest Stars Could Solve a 50-Year-Old Mystery
From ACM News

The Milky Way's Speediest Stars Could Solve a 50-Year-Old Mystery

Ken Shen was racing against the sun.

Particle Physicists Turn to AI to Cope with CERN's Collision Deluge
From ACM News

Particle Physicists Turn to AI to Cope with CERN's Collision Deluge

Physicists at the world's leading atom smasher are calling for help. In the next decade, they plan to produce up to 20 times more particle collisions in the Large...

Sessions: Congress May Need to 'Take Action' on Encryption
From ACM News

Sessions: Congress May Need to 'Take Action' on Encryption

Attorney General Jeff Sessions indicated in a Monday speech that Congress may ultimately have to wade into the debate about federal law enforcement agencies unlocking encrypted...

Driverless Car Startup Launching Ride-hailing Service in Texas
From ACM News

Driverless Car Startup Launching Ride-hailing Service in Texas

From day one, has positioned itself as the driverless car company that thinks most about human-technology interactions.

How the Father of Computer Science Decoded Nature's Mysterious Patterns  
From ACM News

How the Father of Computer Science Decoded Nature's Mysterious Patterns  

Many have heard of Alan Turing, the mathematician and logician who invented modern computing in 1935.

Facebook Adds A.I. Labs in Seattle and Pittsburgh, Pressuring Local ­niversities
From ACM News

Facebook Adds A.I. Labs in Seattle and Pittsburgh, Pressuring Local ­niversities

At a conference in Silicon Valley this week, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief executive, vowed that his company would "keep building" despite a swirl of questions...

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other
From ACM News

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other

Wikipedia editors got locked in a dispute several months ago about the biographical summary boxes that sit atop some pages of the online encyclopedia. The tiff...

Water Filter Inspired by Alan Turing Passes First Test
From ACM News

Water Filter Inspired by Alan Turing Passes First Test

Researchers in China have developed a filter that removes salt from water up to three times as fast as conventional filters. The membrane has a unique nanostructure...
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