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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

With Commercial Satellite Imagery, Computer Learns to Quickly Find Missile Sites in China
From ACM TechNews

With Commercial Satellite Imagery, Computer Learns to Quickly Find Missile Sites in China

The U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency is calling on the private sector to develop machine-learning tools to automate repetitive and time-consuming image...

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords
From ACM TechNews

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords

Roboticists say they now are focused on human-robot interaction in the performance of complex tasks.

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World
From ACM Careers

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World

The headquarters of Fanuc sit in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, on a sprawling, secluded campus of 22 windowless factories and dozens of office buildings.

Tech Giants Are Paying Huge Salaries For Scarce AI Talent
From ACM TechNews

Tech Giants Are Paying Huge Salaries For Scarce AI Talent

With artificial intelligence expertise in short supply, artificial intelligence talent is commanding huge salaries from the largest technology companies.

Deepmind Alphago Team Receives Inaugural Ijcai Marvin Minsky Medal For Outstanding Achievements in AI
From ACM News

Deepmind Alphago Team Receives Inaugural Ijcai Marvin Minsky Medal For Outstanding Achievements in AI

The DeepMind team will be presented with the award at the IJCAI-2018 conference in Stockholm, Sweden, next July.

Alphago Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help
From ACM TechNews

Alphago Zero Shows Machines Can Become Superhuman Without Any Help

DeepMind's upgrade to the AlphaGo algorithm, AlphaGo Zero, beat its predecessor in a 100-game Go match, acquiring skills by playing millions of games against itself...

­sing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection
From ACM TechNews

­sing Artificial Intelligence to Improve Early Breast Cancer Detection

Researchers are working to apply artificial intelligence to improving the detection and diagnosis of breast cancer.

'low Cost Android' to Study the Brain
From ACM TechNews

'low Cost Android' to Study the Brain

Researchers working on the European Union-funded MoCoTi project say they have designed the prototype of an android that learns how to actuate its own limbs.

The Shape of Work to Come 
From ACM News

The Shape of Work to Come 

Last year, entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun set out to augment his sales force with artificial intelligence.

AI Algorithms Are Starting to Teach AI Algorithms
From ACM TechNews

AI Algorithms Are Starting to Teach AI Algorithms

Artificial intelligence researchers and companies are applying machine learning to automate the more complicated aspects of AI algorithm development.

Now There's an Iq Test For Siri and Friends
From ACM TechNews

Now There's an Iq Test For Siri and Friends

Researchers used an intelligence test they developed to rank intelligent assistants such as Google Assistant and Siri on the same scale used for humans.

Researchers Create Digital Objects From Incomplete 3D Data
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Digital Objects From Incomplete 3D Data

Researchers in Germany say they have developed a computational method for reconstructing a digital object from incomplete images.

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords
From ACM Careers

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords

When David Stinson finished high school, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1977, the first thing he did was get a job building houses.

Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?
From ACM TechNews

Could AI Be the Future of Fake News and Product Reviews?

Researchers are experimenting with artificial intelligence-based techniques for automatically generating convincing online reviews, such as bogus restaurant critiques...

Put Humans at the Center of AI
From ACM TechNews

Put Humans at the Center of AI

Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab director Fei-Fei Li advocates for more human-centered AI and the benefits it can yield.

Internet Researchers Harnessed the Power of Algorithm to Find Hate Speech
From ACM TechNews

Internet Researchers Harnessed the Power of Algorithm to Find Hate Speech

Researchers have trained an algorithm to identify hate speech by comparing what differentiates text that includes hate speech from text that does not contain hate...

Driverless Cars Could Let You Choose Who Survives in a Crash
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Could Let You Choose Who Survives in a Crash

Researchers have developed a dial that will switch a smart car's setting from "full altruist" to "full egoist," with the middle setting being impartial.

Inside the Moonshot Effort to Finally Figure Out the Brain
From ACM News

Inside the Moonshot Effort to Finally Figure Out the Brain

"Here's the problem with artificial intelligence today," says David Cox.

Two Computer Scientists Among 2017 Macarthur 'genius' Grant Winners
From ACM News

Two Computer Scientists Among 2017 Macarthur 'genius' Grant Winners

Two computer scientists are recognized for pushing the boundaries of machine learning and cybersecurity.

This Soft Robotic Gripper Can Screw in Your Light Bulbs For You
From ACM TechNews

This Soft Robotic Gripper Can Screw in Your Light Bulbs For You

Researchers at UC San Diego have developed a robotic gripper that can pick up and manipulate objects without needing to see them in advance. 
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