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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Supreme Court Takes On the Police Use of Cellphone Records
From ACM News

The Supreme Court Takes On the Police Use of Cellphone Records

The Supreme Court has handed down what may be the most important privacy case of the digital era, ruling on Friday that the government cannot force cellphone service...

Pain Is Weird. Making Bionic Arms Feel Pain Is Even Weirder
From ACM News

Pain Is Weird. Making Bionic Arms Feel Pain Is Even Weirder

Pain is an indispensable tool for survival.

Flying DRAGON Robot Transforms Itself to Squeeze Through Gaps
From ACM TechNews

Flying DRAGON Robot Transforms Itself to Squeeze Through Gaps

A new modular flying robot powered by ducted fans can change shape while in flight.

Finally, a Problem That Only Quantum Computers Will Ever Be Able to Solve
From ACM News

Finally, a Problem That Only Quantum Computers Will Ever Be Able to Solve

Early on in the study of quantum computers, computer scientists posed a question whose answer, they knew, would reveal something deep about the power of these futuristic...

How to Control Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures
From ACM News

How to Control Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures

Getting robots to do things isn't easy: Usually, scientists have to either explicitly program them or get them to understand how humans communicate via language...

Martian Dust Storm Grows Global; Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze
From ACM News

Martian Dust Storm Grows Global; Curiosity Captures Photos of Thickening Haze

A storm of tiny dust particles has engulfed much of Mars over the last two weeks and prompted NASA's Opportunity rover to suspend science operations.

SDSC Comet and Machine Learning Simulates H2O With '­nprecedented Accuracy'
From ACM TechNews

SDSC Comet and Machine Learning Simulates H2O With '­nprecedented Accuracy'

Researchers used machine learning techniques and a supercomputer to develop the most accurate models to date for simulations of water.

Game-Changing Finding Pushes 3D Printing to the Molecular Limit
From ACM TechNews

Game-Changing Finding Pushes 3D Printing to the Molecular Limit

Research at the University of Nottingham in the U.K. validates the ability to three-dimensionally print advanced materials with molecules that can switch states...

 Smart Thermometers Improve Flu Forecasting
From ACM News

Smart Thermometers Improve Flu Forecasting

Connecting electronic thermometers to smartphones permits the capture of instant, anonymized fever readings as leading indicators of influenza outbreaks.

Chip ­pgrade Helps Miniature Drones Navigate
From ACM TechNews

Chip ­pgrade Helps Miniature Drones Navigate

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers reduced the size and power consumption of a computer chip they designed in 2017 to help honeybee-sized drones...

The Science Behind the World Cup Ball
From ACM News

The Science Behind the World Cup Ball

Each World Cup, the sportswear giant Adidas designs an official ball to be used in the tournament.

AgBOT That Slaps Watermelons to Determine Ripeness Wins Top Prize
From ACM TechNews

AgBOT That Slaps Watermelons to Determine Ripeness Wins Top Prize

A team from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University received first prize in the third annual 2018 agBOT Challenge in Indiana.

A Robot Has Performed Eye Surgery on Humans for the First Time
From ACM TechNews

A Robot Has Performed Eye Surgery on Humans for the First Time

Researchers used a robot developed to can perform eye surgery on humans to help six patients who needed a membrane removed from their retina to improve their vision...

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate
From ACM News

New Human Gene Tally Reignites Debate

One of the earliest attempts to estimate the number of genes in the human genome involved tipsy geneticists, a bar in Cold Spring Harbor, New York, and pure guesswork...

Underwater Robot Finds Second World War Bomber Plane on Seabed
From ACM TechNews

Underwater Robot Finds Second World War Bomber Plane on Seabed

Harvey Mudd College researchers have developed a novel autonomous underwater vehicle that can explore the sea floor looking for signs of wrecked ships.

New AI System Can Imagine What It Hasn't Seen
From ACM News

New AI System Can Imagine What It Hasn't Seen

"Before we work on artificial intelligence, why don't we do something about natural stupidity?" computer scientist Steve Polyak once joked.

Astronomers See Distant Eruption as Black Hole Destroys Star
From ACM News

Astronomers See Distant Eruption as Black Hole Destroys Star

For the first time, astronomers have directly imaged the formation and expansion of a fast-moving jet of material ejected when the powerful gravity of a supermassive...

Spotlight Falls on Russian Threat to ­ndersea Cables
From ACM News

Spotlight Falls on Russian Threat to ­ndersea Cables

The Trump administration's new sanctions on Russia are casting light on the threat posed to the undersea cables that carry the world's electronic communications...

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject
From ACM News

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject

The professor was incredulous.

Seafloor Fiber Optic Cables Can Work Like Seismometers
From ACM News

Seafloor Fiber Optic Cables Can Work Like Seismometers

There are enough seismometers around these days to detect and locate nearly all earthquakes on land, except the most minuscule ones.
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