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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Quantum Computing Breakthrough May Be Key to Large-Scale Quantum Chips
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing Breakthrough May Be Key to Large-Scale Quantum Chips

Researchers at Australia's University of New South Wales say a new method could enable engineers to reliably control millions of quantum bits.

Is Your Mobile Provider Tracking Your Location? This Technology Could Stop It.
From ACM TechNews

Is Your Mobile Provider Tracking Your Location? This Technology Could Stop It.

A new system can thwart the tracking of cellphone users by network operators while maintaining seamless connectivity.

ORNL's Simulation Tool Creates Digital Twins of Buildings From Coast to Coast
From ACM TechNews

ORNL's Simulation Tool Creates Digital Twins of Buildings From Coast to Coast

Modeling software designed by researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory can simulate the energy profiles of all 129 million buildings...

Farmers Help Create 'Virtual Safe Space' to Save Bumblebees
From ACM TechNews

Farmers Help Create 'Virtual Safe Space' to Save Bumblebees

Land-management strategies to save bumblebees can be tested in a "virtual safe space" developed by scientists at the U.K.'s University of Exeter.

Meet ISAAC, Integrating Robots with Space Stations of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Meet ISAAC, Integrating Robots with Space Stations of the Future

Software designed to enable autonomous operations of a spacecraft's operating and robotic systems

Stanford Researchers Use AI to Unlock Extreme Weather Mysteries
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Researchers Use AI to Unlock Extreme Weather Mysteries

New machine-learning approach helps scientists understand increased frequency of extreme precipitation days in the Midwest

Wildfire Simulation Heats Up
From ACM TechNews

Wildfire Simulation Heats Up

Computer simulations can predict the spread of wildfires through sections of a real forest

Mathematicians Are Deploying Algorithms to Stop Gerrymandering
From ACM TechNews

Mathematicians Are Deploying Algorithms to Stop Gerrymandering

Mathematicians are implementing algorithms designed to halt gerrymandering—the partisan manipulation of U.S. Census data to redraw electoral maps for one political...

Medicare AI Will Infer Race to Close Health Equity Gap
From ACM TechNews

Medicare AI Will Infer Race to Close Health Equity Gap

The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services plans to use artificial intelligence algorithms to determine a patient's race as a means of improving health...

Humans and Algorithms Struggle to Read Emotions When Faces Are Obscured
From ACM News

Humans and Algorithms Struggle to Read Emotions When Faces Are Obscured

Study compares accuracy of humans versus artificial systems in deciphering emotions of people in face masks and sunglasses

Brain Connectivity Can Build Better AI
From ACM News

Brain Connectivity Can Build Better AI

Artificial neural networks modeled on real brains can perform cognitive tasks

Neural Network Model Unravels People with Autism's Difficulty with Facial Expressions
From ACM TechNews

Neural Network Model Unravels People with Autism's Difficulty with Facial Expressions

Researchers at Japan's Tohoku University developed an neural network model that can help explain the difficulty people with autism spectrum disorder have in interpreting...

System Trains Drones to Fly Around Obstacles at High Speeds
From ACM News

System Trains Drones to Fly Around Obstacles at High Speeds

New algorithm could enable fast, nimble drones for time-critical operations such as search and rescue

U.S. Prisons Mull AI to Analyze Inmate Phone Calls
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Prisons Mull AI to Analyze Inmate Phone Calls

The U.S. House Appropriations Committee has asked for a report on using artificial intelligence to analyze prison inmates' phone calls to help prevent violent crime...

Gaming Companies Should Avoid Predatory Designs, Lawmakers Say
From ACM News

Gaming Companies Should Avoid Predatory Designs, Lawmakers Say

Democrats press executives to extend new U.K. 'Age Appropriate Design Code' regulations to children in the U.S.

Twitter's Photo-Cropping Algorithm Confirms Inherent Biases
From ACM News

Twitter's Photo-Cropping Algorithm Confirms Inherent Biases

Results from the company's AI bias competition reveals a preference for young, beautiful, and light-skinned faces

3D Concrete-Printing Robots Cut Rail Construction Carbon Emissions by 50%
From ACM TechNews

3D Concrete-Printing Robots Cut Rail Construction Carbon Emissions by 50%

Remotely controlled robots 3D-print structures onsite and in tight spaces

Novel ASIC Implements Post-Quantum Cryptography
From ACM TechNews

Novel ASIC Implements Post-Quantum Cryptography

Chip efficiently implements post-quantum cryptography to better protect against future hacker attacks using quantum computers

Detroit Lets Automakers Test Smart Parking Technology in Real Garage
From ACM TechNews

Detroit Lets Automakers Test Smart Parking Technology in Real Garage

The city of Detroit has partnered with Ford and Bosch to establish a Smart Parking Lab in the city's Bedrock Assembly Garage to test autonomous technologies in...

Young People Get Their Tech Career Info From TV, Not School
From ACM TechNews

Young People Get Their Tech Career Info From TV, Not School

An Accenture survey found that movies, TV, and social media are more likely than schools or teachers to be the main source of information about careers in technology...
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