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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mars Curiosity Celebrates Sol 2,000
From ACM News

Mars Curiosity Celebrates Sol 2,000

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover just hit a new milestone: its two-thousandth Martian day, or sol, on the Red Planet. An image mosaic taken by the rover in January offers...

Chips for Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Chips for Artificial Intelligence

Companies are racing to develop hardware that more directly empowers deep learning.

For the ­.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That's Freezing Over
From ACM News

For the ­.S. and China, a Technology Cold War That's Freezing Over

A cold war is being waged across the world's most advanced industries. And it just got a lot chillier.

Looking for Planet Nine, Astronomers Gaze into the Abyss
From ACM News

Looking for Planet Nine, Astronomers Gaze into the Abyss

It's been just over two years since Caltech astronomers Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin made an explosive claim: Based on the orbital motion of objects in the...

Five New Ancient Genomes Tell ­s About Neanderthal Tribes
From ACM News

Five New Ancient Genomes Tell ­s About Neanderthal Tribes

Mezmaiskaya Cave offered shelter to Neanderthals for tens of thousands of years. The cave, located near Russia's border with Georgia, preserved Neanderthal remains...

­ber Robocar Kills Pedestrian, Despite Presence of Safety Driver
From ACM News

­ber Robocar Kills Pedestrian, Despite Presence of Safety Driver

This is the first fatality involving a robocar under the care of a professional human minder.

Spot the Fake: Artificial Intelligence Can Produce Lifelike Photographs
From ACM News

Spot the Fake: Artificial Intelligence Can Produce Lifelike Photographs

Fraudulent images have been around for as long as photography itself. Take the famous hoax photos of the Cottingley fairies or the Loch Ness monster.

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers
From ACM News

Next Worry for Facebook: Disenchanted ­sers

Facebook Inc.'s handling of user data has upset lawmakers and regulators in multiple countries. But the biggest risk to its business could come from angry users...

Pioneers of Modern Computer Architecture Receive ACM A.M. Turing Award
From ACM News

Pioneers of Modern Computer Architecture Receive ACM A.M. Turing Award

ACM has named John L. Hennessy, former President of Stanford University, and David A. Patterson, retired Professor of the University of California, Berkeley, recipients...

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More
From ACM News

Europe's New Privacy Law Will Change the Web, and More

Consumers have long wondered just what Google and Facebook know about them, and who else can access their personal data. But internet giants have little incentive...

Five Things to Know about Russian Attacks on the Energy Grid
From ACM News

Five Things to Know about Russian Attacks on the Energy Grid

Trump administration officials on Thursday accused the Russian government of staging a multi-year cyberattack campaign against the energy grid and other elements...

Origami-Inspired 'Inspector Gadget Robotic Arm'
From ACM TechNews

Origami-Inspired 'Inspector Gadget Robotic Arm'

Researchers at Seoul National University's Soft Robotics Research Center have developed a foldable origami-inspired robotic arm that can self-fold while also being...

Live High Definition Video From Mars? NASA Is Getting Ready
From ACM News

Live High Definition Video From Mars? NASA Is Getting Ready

Nothing conveys the excitement of space exploration like pictures from another planet. Now NASA is planning to go one better than pictures.

Machine Learning Classifies Cancer
From ACM News

Machine Learning Classifies Cancer

Accurate diagnosis is essential for appropriate disease treatment.

Mapping Battery Materials With Atomic Precision
From ACM TechNews

Mapping Battery Materials With Atomic Precision

Researchers have demonstrated how the ratio of materials that make up a lithium-ion battery electrode impacts its structure at the atomic level.

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I.
From ACM News

Pentagon Wants Silicon Valley’s Help on A.I.

There is little doubt that the Defense Department needs help from Silicon Valley's biggest companies as it pursues work on artificial intelligence. The question...

NASA Dawn Reveals Recent Changes in Ceres' Surface
From ACM News

NASA Dawn Reveals Recent Changes in Ceres' Surface

Observations of Ceres have detected recent variations in its surface, revealing that the only dwarf planet in the inner solar system is a dynamic body that continues...

Madison Square Garden Has Used Face-Scanning Technology on Customers
From ACM News

Madison Square Garden Has Used Face-Scanning Technology on Customers

Madison Square Garden has quietly used facial-recognition technology to bolster security and identify those entering the building, according to multiple people...

The Perfect Selfishness of Mapping Apps
From ACM News

The Perfect Selfishness of Mapping Apps

What is the price of anarchy?

Brain-Emulating Chips Get Smarter, Smaller, More Efficient
From ACM News

Brain-Emulating Chips Get Smarter, Smaller, More Efficient

Neuromorphic chips manage "many cores" by connecting artificial neurons with artificial neurons, mirroring how human brains operate.
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