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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Mind-Control: 'i Drove a Car with My Thoughts'
From ACM News

Mind-Control: 'i Drove a Car with My Thoughts'

Henrik Matzke is in the driving seat of a car, poised to make a very unusual manoeuvre.

Can We See the Arrow of Time?
From ACM TechNews

Can We See the Arrow of Time?

A new algorithm can determine whether a given snippet of video is playing backward or forward with 80-percent accuracy. 

Can Hp Build the Computer of the Future?
From ACM News

Can Hp Build the Computer of the Future?

On June 11, Hewlett-Packard revealed plans to make a new kind of computer that it's playfully calling The Machine.

Commercial Quantum Computer Still Awaits Ultimate Test
From ACM News

Commercial Quantum Computer Still Awaits Ultimate Test

Quantum computers promise to revolutionise the digital world, but how do you tell if a computer really is harnessing the power quantum mechanics?

Supreme Court Tosses 'abstract' Software Patent
From ACM News

Supreme Court Tosses 'abstract' Software Patent

The Supreme Court on Thursday tossed out an Australian company's patent for business software in a decision that clarifies standards for awarding patents, but not...

Breakthrough For Information Technology Using Heusler Materials
From ACM TechNews

Breakthrough For Information Technology Using Heusler Materials

For the first time, researchers have directly observed the 100-percent spin polarization of a Heusler compound.

The Thought Experiment
From ACM News

The Thought Experiment

I was about 15 minutes late for my first phone call with Jan Scheuermann.

Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice
From ACM News

Pluto-Bound Craft Seeks Manhattan-Sized Lump of Ice

Desirable destinations at the fringes of the solar system can be hard to find.

Neuroscience's New Toolbox
From ACM News

Neuroscience's New Toolbox

The hypothalamus is a small structure deep in the brain that, among other functions, coördinates sensory inputs—the appearance of a rival, for example—with instinctual...

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming
From ACM News

Forget Touchscreens, 3D Holographic Displays Are Coming

As it stands, the touchscreen experience is confined to a flat, two-dimensional world.

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs
From ACM TechNews

Windows Bug-Testing Software Cracks Stem Cell Programs

Windows bug-testing software is providing insight into how stem cells determine which type of tissue to become. 

Squiggly Lines Secure Smartphones
From ACM News

Squiggly Lines Secure Smartphones

To protect your financial and personal data, most mobiles come with PIN-based security, biometrics or number grids that require you to retrace a particular pattern...

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy
From ACM Opinion

Jonathan Ive on Apple's Design Process and Product Philosophy

When Steven P. Jobs led Apple, he created a core principle for the company's designers and engineers: stay fully focused on making great products.

Quantum Network Would Be Most Precise Clock Yet
From ACM News

Quantum Network Would Be Most Precise Clock Yet

By exploiting the tricks of quantum physics, researchers say they could build a worldwide network of atomic clocks that are much more accurate than any single clock...

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is
From ACM Opinion

The Turing Test Is Not What You Think It Is

Whether or not you caught wind of the excited announcement that "Eugene Goostman," a computer program ("chatbot") devised by Vladimir Veselov, Eugene Demchenko,...

At World Cup, Goal-Line Tech Causes Controversy
From ACM News

At World Cup, Goal-Line Tech Causes Controversy

As all things that are meant to be infallible, new technology being used in the 2014 World Cup has caused a stir.

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer
From ACM News

With 'the Machine,' Hp May Have Invented a New Kind of Computer

If Hewlett-Packard founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard are spinning in their graves, they may be due for a break.

Intelligence Too Big For a Single Machine
From ACM News

Intelligence Too Big For a Single Machine

Ever since the computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence in 1955, the field has gone through cycles of boundless optimism and sobering...

Submarines for Saturn, Comet Hitchhikers, Asteroid Wranglers and Other Space Fantasies
From ACM News

Submarines for Saturn, Comet Hitchhikers, Asteroid Wranglers and Other Space Fantasies

If you thought Elon Musk was the only person coming up with innovative ideas for the exploration of outer space, you'd be wrong.

Waterloo Researchers Find 'magic' Ingredient For Quantum Computing
From ACM TechNews

Waterloo Researchers Find 'magic' Ingredient For Quantum Computing

Quantum contextuality is a key requirement for universal quantum computation, researchers say.
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