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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

This Deep Learning AI Generated Thousands of Creepy Cat Pictures
From ACM TechNews

This Deep Learning AI Generated Thousands of Creepy Cat Pictures

The Meow Generator is a collection of machine-learning algorithms that have created more than 15,000 disturbing cat faces.

Nasa Video Soars Over Pluto's Majestic Mountains and Icy Plains
From ACM News

Nasa Video Soars Over Pluto's Majestic Mountains and Icy Plains

 In July 2015, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft sent home the first close-up pictures of Pluto and its moons – amazing imagery that inspired many to wonder what a...

­S to Create Independent Military Cyber Command
From ACM Careers

­S to Create Independent Military Cyber Command

After months of delay, the Trump administration is finalizing plans to revamp the nation's military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations in hopes...

Want a Robot that Can Really Feel? Give It Whiskers
From ACM News

Want a Robot that Can Really Feel? Give It Whiskers

Among the many reasons humans are bizarre among mammals (the dearth of body hair, the bipedalism, the fact that someone invented the turducken) is a sad shortcoming...

Intel, While Pivoting to Artificial Intelligence, Tries to Protect Lead
From ACM Careers

Intel, While Pivoting to Artificial Intelligence, Tries to Protect Lead

The computers in modern data centers—the engine rooms of the digital economy—are powered mainly by Intel chips.

How Fake News Goes Viral; Here's the Math 
From ACM News

How Fake News Goes Viral; Here's the Math 

NASA runs a child-slave colony on Mars!

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Spots Jupiter's Great Red Spot
From ACM News

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Spots Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Images of Jupiter's Great Red Spot reveal a tangle of dark, veinous clouds weaving their way through a massive crimson oval.

Here's a Peek at the Iphone's Next Big Trick
From ACM News

Here's a Peek at the Iphone's Next Big Trick

We've all heard about the promise of augmented reality coming to the iPhone. With iOS 11 due later this year, Apple is releasing ARKit–a software that allows developers...

Stanford Researchers Find Intriguing Clues About Obesity By Counting Steps Via Smartphones
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Researchers Find Intriguing Clues About Obesity By Counting Steps Via Smartphones

Stanford University researchers found that in countries with little obesity, people mostly walked a similar amount per day.

Inside Earth, Visualized: Hd Video Models Planet's Core
From ACM News

Inside Earth, Visualized: Hd Video Models Planet's Core

Were it not for our Earth's magnetic field, the planet would be bombarded by charged particles from the sun.

Face Scans For ­S Citizens Flying Abroad Stir Privacy Issues
From ACM News

Face Scans For ­S Citizens Flying Abroad Stir Privacy Issues

If the Trump administration gets its way, U.S. citizens boarding international flights will have to submit to a face scan, a plan privacy advocates call a step...

Curiosity Mars Rover Begins Study of Ridge Destination
From ACM News

Curiosity Mars Rover Begins Study of Ridge Destination

The car-size NASA rover on a Martian mountain, Curiosity, has begun its long-anticipated study of an iron-bearing ridge forming a distinctive layer on the mountain's...

Lights, Camera, Crispr: Biologists ­se Gene Editing to Store Movies in Dna
From ACM News

Lights, Camera, Crispr: Biologists ­se Gene Editing to Store Movies in Dna

Internet users have a variety of format options in which to store their movies, and biologists have now joined the party.

11,000 Girls Compete in International Mobile App Challenge
From ACM TechNews

11,000 Girls Compete in International Mobile App Challenge

Girls ages 10-18 from around the world are competing in the Technovation Challenge, a global effort to learn and apply technology to try to solve problems in their...

­w's Lip-Syncing Obama Demonstrates New Technique to Turn Audio Clips Into Realistic Video
From ACM TechNews

­w's Lip-Syncing Obama Demonstrates New Technique to Turn Audio Clips Into Realistic Video

University of Washington researchers have developed a system that can take audio clips from one speech and sync them with video clips from another.

First Object Teleported from Earth to Orbit
From ACM News

First Object Teleported from Earth to Orbit

Last year, a Long March 2D rocket took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Centre in the Gobi Desert carrying a satellite called Micius, named after an ancient...

Hackers Find 'ideal Testing Ground' For Attacks: Developing Countries
From ACM News

Hackers Find 'ideal Testing Ground' For Attacks: Developing Countries

The attack had the hallmarks of something researchers had dreaded for years: malicious software using artificial intelligence that could lead to a new digital arms...

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Completes Flyby Over Jupiter's Great Red Spot
From ACM News

Nasa's Juno Spacecraft Completes Flyby Over Jupiter's Great Red Spot

NASA's Juno mission completed a close flyby of Jupiter and its Great Red Spot on July 10, during its sixth science orbit.

More Progress on Carbon Nanotube Processors: A 2.8ghz Ring Oscillator
From ACM News

More Progress on Carbon Nanotube Processors: A 2.8ghz Ring Oscillator

Back in 2012, I had the pleasure of visiting the IBM Watson research center.

Sun's Gravity Could Power Interstellar Video Streaming
From ACM News

Sun's Gravity Could Power Interstellar Video Streaming

Need to send a message across interstellar space? Use the sun for a signal boost. A new proposal suggests that the sun's gravity could be used to amplify signals...
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