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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

What a Amell Looks Like
From ACM News

What a Amell Looks Like

Boulder smells of peppermint … and crisp snow.

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images
From ACM TechNews

Machine-Vision Algorithm Learns to Transform Hand-Drawn Sketches Into Photorealistic Images

Researchers at Denmark's Radboud University have trained a deep convolutional neural network to convert hand-drawn sketches of faces into photorealistic portraits...

What Are the Odds We Are Living in a Computer Simulation?
From ACM Opinion

What Are the Odds We Are Living in a Computer Simulation?

Last week, Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Tesla Motors, SpaceX, and other cutting-edge companies, took a surprising question at the Code Conference, a technology...

Building Morality Into Machines
From ACM News

Building Morality Into Machines

Technology ethics are a growing concern as artificial intelligence advances and autonomous technologies become reality.

­sing Computers to Better ­nderstand Art
From ACM TechNews

­sing Computers to Better ­nderstand Art

Visual stylometry is a new field designed to measure artistic style via computational and statistical methods, to uncover unique insights about artists and artworks...

Self-Driving Cars Will Teach Themselves to Save Lives—but Also Take Them
From ACM News

Self-Driving Cars Will Teach Themselves to Save Lives—but Also Take Them

If you follow the ongoing creation of self-driving cars, then you probably know about the classic thought experiment called the Trolley Problem.

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Why the World Hates Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the new Rome. As in the time of Caesar, the world is grappling with an advanced city-state dominating much of the planet, injecting its technology...

Google's AI Software Is Moving Into Your Iphone
From ACM News

Google's AI Software Is Moving Into Your Iphone

Google's artificial intelligence software, smart enough to help vanquish the world's top Go player and answer your email, is coming to your iPhone.

'we Hardly Understand Anything': Rodney Brooks On Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

'we Hardly Understand Anything': Rodney Brooks On Artificial Intelligence

If you’re going to talk about robots, there’s no better person to talk with than Rodney Brooks.

5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches
From ACM News

5 Things That Give Self-Driving Cars Headaches

Fully automated cars don’t drink and drive, fall asleep at the wheel, text, talk on the phone or put on makeup while driving.

Google Developing Panic Button to Kill Rogue AI
From ACM TechNews

Google Developing Panic Button to Kill Rogue AI

Researchers at Google's DeepMind and Oxford University are collaborating to create a panic button to interrupt a potentially rogue artificial intelligence agent...

Bill Gates Claims 'ai Dream Is Finally Arriving'--and Says Machines Will Outsmart Humans in Some Areas Within a Decade
From ACM TechNews

Bill Gates Claims 'ai Dream Is Finally Arriving'--and Says Machines Will Outsmart Humans in Some Areas Within a Decade

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said the progress of artificial intelligence ensures machines will be able to outclass humans in certain knowledge areas within...

How to Build a Moral Robot
From ACM TechNews

How to Build a Moral Robot

With robots expected to play an increasingly critical role in making judgment calls where human lives are at stake, it is imperative to model moral reasoning in...

Google's Eric Schmidt Says AI Will Make Him Smarter, Cooler
From ACM TechNews

Google's Eric Schmidt Says AI Will Make Him Smarter, Cooler

Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt says the next major trend in the technology industry will be artificial intelligence. 

Child's Play: Australia's Newest Roboticists See Eye-to-Eye With R2-D2
From ACM TechNews

Child's Play: Australia's Newest Roboticists See Eye-to-Eye With R2-D2

Queensland University of Technology's Christina Chalmers says because the growth of robotic coding requires educators to do more to promote student education in...

Artificial Intelligence Is Far From Matching Humans, Panel Says
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence Is Far From Matching Humans, Panel Says

Never mind Terminator-like killer robots. Artificial intelligence researchers are grappling with more realistic questions like whether their creations will take...

Meet Terrapattern, Google Earth's Missing Search Engine
From ACM News

Meet Terrapattern, Google Earth's Missing Search Engine

"Why don't you click on the tennis court?" Golan Levin, an associate professor of art at Carnegie Mellon University, suggested.  

Checklist of Worst-Case Scenarios Could Help Prepare For Evil AI
From ACM TechNews

Checklist of Worst-Case Scenarios Could Help Prepare For Evil AI

University of Louisville researcher Roman Yampolskiy and hacktivist Federico Pistono are examining worst-case scenarios for a potential malevolent artificial intelligence...

Researchers Teaching Robots to Feel and React to Pain
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Teaching Robots to Feel and React to Pain

Researchers  are developing an "artificial robot nervous system to teach robots how to feel pain" and quickly react in order to avoid potential damage. 

­nveiling the Hidden Layers of Deep Learning
From ACM TechNews

­nveiling the Hidden Layers of Deep Learning

A new method for visualizing the mechanisms and hidden layers of neural networks could provide insights into deep learning. 
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