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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Does Mars Have Rings? Not Right Now, But Maybe One Day
From ACM News

Does Mars Have Rings? Not Right Now, But Maybe One Day

As children, we learned about our solar system's planets by certain characteristics—Jupiter is the largest, Saturn has rings, Mercury is closest to the sun. Mars...

It Begins: Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language
From ACM News

It Begins: Bots Are Learning to Chat in Their Own Language

Igor Mordatch is IS working to build machines that can carry on a conversation.

Wi-Fi on Rays of Light: 100 Times Faster, and Never Overloaded
From ACM TechNews

Wi-Fi on Rays of Light: 100 Times Faster, and Never Overloaded

Researchers have developed a Wi-Fi network based on directable infrared light rays.

Quantum Physics Offers Insights Into Music Expressivity
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Physics Offers Insights Into Music Expressivity

Researchers have pioneered a new approach to understanding the musical experience by analyzing the vibrato effect using the Filter Diagonalization Method in music...

Chemists Are First in Line For Quantum Computing's Benefits
From ACM News

Chemists Are First in Line For Quantum Computing's Benefits

This month IBM and Google both said they aim to commercialize quantum computers within the next few years (Google specified five), selling access to the exotic...

Experiments Show Titan Lakes May Fizz with Nitrogen
From ACM News

Experiments Show Titan Lakes May Fizz with Nitrogen

A recent NASA-funded study has shown how the hydrocarbon lakes and seas of Saturn's moon Titan might occasionally erupt with dramatic patches of bubbles.

Researchers Present Early Warning System For Mass Cyberattacks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Present Early Warning System For Mass Cyberattacks

Researchers have developed an early warning system for massive distributed denial-of-service attacks.

Robot Eavesdrops on Men and Women to See How Much They Talk
From ACM TechNews

Robot Eavesdrops on Men and Women to See How Much They Talk

Researchers at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden have developed a robotic head that analyzes how people interact with each other.

Cineca's Hpc Systems Tackle Italy's Biggest Computing Challenges
From ACM TechNews

Cineca's Hpc Systems Tackle Italy's Biggest Computing Challenges

Cineca, the leading Italian high-performance computing consortium, manages a supercomputing resource hub to advance innovations in scientific computing.

So Long Stiffness: Stanford Engineers ­se Soup Additive to Create a Stretchable Plastic Electrode
From ACM TechNews

So Long Stiffness: Stanford Engineers ­se Soup Additive to Create a Stretchable Plastic Electrode

Stanford University researchers have demonstrated how to take a brittle plastic and modify it chemically to make it much more flexible, while slightly enhancing...

Engineers Devise Two-Way Radio on a Single Chip
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Devise Two-Way Radio on a Single Chip

Researchers say they have developed a method for transmitting and receiving a radio signal on a single chip.

What If Quantum Computers ­sed Hard Drives Made of Dna?
From ACM News

What If Quantum Computers ­sed Hard Drives Made of Dna?

You've heard the hype: The quantum computer revolution is coming. Physicists say these devices will be fast enough to break every encryption method banks use today...

It's Possible to Hack a Phone With Sound Waves, Researchers Show
From ACM News

It's Possible to Hack a Phone With Sound Waves, Researchers Show

A security loophole that would allow someone to add extra steps to the counter on your Fitbit monitor might seem harmless. But researchers say it points to the...

Vint Cerf: It's On All of ­S to Fight Online Abuse, Fake News
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: It's On All of ­S to Fight Online Abuse, Fake News

The father of the internet says social pressure -- people collectively saying, "This is wrong" -- is crucial to battling misinformation and harassment.

Tim Berners-Lee: I Invented the Web. Here Are Three Things We Need to Change to Save It
From ACM TechNews

Tim Berners-Lee: I Invented the Web. Here Are Three Things We Need to Change to Save It

World Wide Web pioneer Sir Tim Berners-Lee warns of three trends to be overcome in order to sustain the Web as beneficial for everyone.

The Quest to Crystallize Time
From ACM News

The Quest to Crystallize Time

Christopher Monroe spends his life poking at atoms with light.

Cassini Reveals Strange Shape of Saturn's Moon Pan
From ACM News

Cassini Reveals Strange Shape of Saturn's Moon Pan

These raw, unprocessed images of Saturn's tiny moon, Pan, were taken on March 7, 2017, by NASA's Cassini spacecraft. The flyby had a close-approach distance of...

Sharing the Fares
From ACM TechNews

Sharing the Fares

The potential for urban ride-sharing is similar for a variety of cities all over the world.

Brainlike Computers Are a Black Box. Scientists Are Finally Peering Inside
From ACM TechNews

Brainlike Computers Are a Black Box. Scientists Are Finally Peering Inside

Researchers say they have developed a method for examining neural networks as they operate and visualizing how they reach conclusions.

Counting Microbes on a Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Counting Microbes on a Smartphone

Researchers have developed a smartphone app which they say provides a cost-effective and accurate alternative to the traditionally labor-intensive task of counting...
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