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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

In the Eye of the Beholder
From ACM News

In the Eye of the Beholder

Researchers supported by NASA's Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development (ASTID) program are designing algorithms and instruments that could help...

Humans Came Long After Aliens, Scientist Suggests
From ACM News

Humans Came Long After Aliens, Scientist Suggests

I've never thought of humanity as being especially advanced.

Silicon Brains That Think as Fast as a Fly Can Smell
From ACM News

Silicon Brains That Think as Fast as a Fly Can Smell

Researchers in Germany have discovered what they say is a way to get computers to do more than execute all the steps of a problem-solving calculation as fast as...

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets
From ACM News

'honey Encryption' Will Bamboozle Attackers with Fake Secrets

Ari Juels, an independent researcher who was previously chief scientist at computer security company RSA, thinks something important is missing from the cryptography...

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?
From ACM Careers

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?

How much are a dozen deep-learning researchers worth?

Which Genes Did We Get From Neandertals?
From ACM News

Which Genes Did We Get From Neandertals?

Tens of thousands of years ago along the balmy Mediterranean coast, or in some desert oasis in the Middle East, a hunky Neandertal male lusted after a modern human...

Beams of Sound Immerse You in Music Others Can't Hear
From ACM News

Beams of Sound Immerse You in Music Others Can't Hear

If you're sick of wading through a clogged email inbox or scrolling through endless Twitter timelines, Jörg Müller has a more fun way of sifting through your messages...

Watching Electrons Move Within an Atom
From ACM News

Watching Electrons Move Within an Atom

Can scientists image the motion of electrons inside atoms?

More on Deepmind: AI Startup to Work Directly With Google’s Search Team
From ACM News

More on Deepmind: AI Startup to Work Directly With Google’s Search Team

Google has been buying a lot of crazy stuff lately.

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In
From ACM Opinion

How Real Is Spike Jonze's 'her'? Artificial Intelligence Experts Weigh In

In Spike Jonze's Oscar-nominated, futuristic film 'Her,' computers compose music, carry on seamless conversations with humans, organize emails instantaneously,...

A 96-Antenna System Tests the Next Generation of Wireless
From ACM News

A 96-Antenna System Tests the Next Generation of Wireless

Even as the world's carriers build out the latest wireless infrastructure, known as 4G LTE, a new apparatus bristling with 96 antennas taking shape at a Rice University...

The Race to Buy the Human Brains Behind Deep Learning Machines
From ACM Careers

The Race to Buy the Human Brains Behind Deep Learning Machines

Any aspiring science fiction writer looking for a good protagonist could do worse than ripping off the Wikipedia page for Demis Hassabis.

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College
From ACM Opinion

­dacity Founder: Moocs Can Help the Economy, Even If They Can't Replace College

Sebastian Thrun was instrumental in building Google's self-driving car and Glass projects, and helped launch the company's Google X wing to spearhead "moonshot"...

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust
From ACM News

China's Jade Rabbit Rover May Be Victim of Moon Dust

A plucky bunny on the moon may have just met an untimely end.

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape
From ACM News

The Holodeck Begins to Take Shape

Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Stephen Hawking are playing poker together.

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future
From ACM Opinion

How a Database of the World's Knowledge Shapes Google's Future

For all its success, Google's famous Page Rank algorithm has never understood a word of the billions of Web pages it has directed people to over the years.

A New Type of Mathematics?
From Communications of the ACM

A New Type of Mathematics?

New discoveries expand the scope of computer-assisted proofs of theorems.

Computational Photography Comes Into Focus
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Photography Comes Into Focus

Advances in computational photography are making image capture the starting point. The technology is transforming the field.

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?
From ACM News

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?

Microsoft researchers have enabled elevators in a company building to detect the likelihood that a person walking by will want to board it.

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know
From ACM Opinion

The White House Is Going to Study Big Data. Here Are 5 Things It Should Know

The White House announced via blog post on Thursday that it's forming working group focused on understanding the promises and pitfalls of big data (with a heavy...
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