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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

23andme Given Green Light to Sell Dna Tests For 10 Diseases
From ACM News

23andme Given Green Light to Sell Dna Tests For 10 Diseases

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first at-home genetic test that can help to determine a person's risk of developing certain diseases....

Chinese Scientists Engineer Flexible, Faster-Swimming Robot
From ACM TechNews

Chinese Scientists Engineer Flexible, Faster-Swimming Robot

Chinese researchers have developed a flexible, remote-controlled robotic ray that can swim through water nearly twice as fast as previous robo-swimmers without...

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry
From ACM News

How Artificial Life Spawned a Billion-Dollar Industry

Scientists are getting closer to building life from scratch and technology pioneers are taking notice, with record sums moving into a field that could deliver novel...

Machine Learning Predicts the Look of STEM Cells
From ACM News

Machine Learning Predicts the Look of STEM Cells

No two stem cells are identical, even if they are genetic clones.

Google's Video AI Was Tricked Into Thinking a Video About Apes Was About Spaghetti
From ACM TechNews

Google's Video AI Was Tricked Into Thinking a Video About Apes Was About Spaghetti

Researchers have successfully tricked Google's Cloud Video Intelligence application programming interface into identifying a video about gorillas as one dealing...

The Diy Electronics Transforming Research
From ACM Careers

The Diy Electronics Transforming Research

A research subject watches a brush slowly stroking a rubber hand on a table in front of her, while her own hand—hidden from view—experiences the same stimulation...

Nasa's Cassini Mission Prepares For 'grand Finale' at Saturn
From ACM News

Nasa's Cassini Mission Prepares For 'grand Finale' at Saturn

NASA's Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn since 2004, is about to begin the final chapter of its remarkable story.

Building an AI Chip Saved Google From Building a Dozen New Data Centers
From ACM News

Building an AI Chip Saved Google From Building a Dozen New Data Centers

Google operates what is surely the largest computer network on Earth, a system that comprises custom-built, warehouse-sized data centers spanning 15 locations in...

Innovative Software Converts Wi-Fi Data Into Energy Savings
From ACM TechNews

Innovative Software Converts Wi-Fi Data Into Energy Savings

New software uses Wi-Fi to determine the number of building occupants and adjusts ventilation accordingly, which can save energy without sacrificing air quality...

Warped Reality: Virtual Trip to Hyperbolic Space
From ACM TechNews

Warped Reality: Virtual Trip to Hyperbolic Space

Researchers have created a virtual reality program for exploring hyperbolic geometries.

Synthetic Humans Help Computers Understand How Real People Act
From ACM TechNews

Synthetic Humans Help Computers Understand How Real People Act

Researchers are working to help computers understand human behavior by feeding them videos and images of computer-generated bodies in motion

With New Technology, Mathematicians Turn Numbers Into art
From ACM Opinion

With New Technology, Mathematicians Turn Numbers Into art

Once upon a time, mathematicians imagined their job was to discover new mathematics and then let others explain it.

Learning to Think Like a Computer
From ACM News

Learning to Think Like a Computer

In "The Beauty and Joy of Computing," the course he helped conceive for nonmajors at the University of California, Berkeley, Daniel Garcia explains an all-important...

New Horizons Halfway from Pluto to Next Flyby Target
From ACM News

New Horizons Halfway from Pluto to Next Flyby Target

Continuing on its path through the outer regions of the solar system, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has now traveled half the distance from Pluto—its storied first...

Researchers Shoot For Success With Simulations of Laser Pulse-Material Interactions
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Shoot For Success With Simulations of Laser Pulse-Material Interactions

Researchers studying atomic-scale phase transformations used the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility's Titan supercomputer to model laser interactions with...

Virginia Tech Researchers: Android Apps Can Conspire to Mine Information From Your Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Virginia Tech Researchers: Android Apps Can Conspire to Mine Information From Your Smartphone

Researchers say they have conducted the first-ever large-scale systematic study of how the trusty applications on Android phones are able to talk to one another...

Trump Completes Repeal of Online Privacy Protections From Obama Era
From ACM News

Trump Completes Repeal of Online Privacy Protections From Obama Era

President Trump on Monday signed a congressional resolution to complete the overturning of internet privacy protections created by the Federal Communications Commission...

The Founding Fathers Encrypted Secret Messages, Too
From ACM News

The Founding Fathers Encrypted Secret Messages, Too

Thomas Jefferson is known for a lot of things—writing the Declaration of Independence, founding the University of Virginia, owning hundreds of slaves despite believing...

Synthetic Humans Help Computers Understand How Real People Act
From ACM News

Synthetic Humans Help Computers Understand How Real People Act

We are difficult for computers to understand.

Vector Institute Is Just the Latest in Canada's AI Expansion
From ACM News

Vector Institute Is Just the Latest in Canada's AI Expansion

Canadian researchers have been behind some recent major breakthroughs in artificial intelligence. Now, the country is betting on becoming a big player in one of...
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