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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Material Could Bring Optical Communication Onto Silicon Chips
From ACM TechNews

Material Could Bring Optical Communication Onto Silicon Chips

Researchers say they have created a solution to the "interconnect bottleneck" that slows communication between different chip elements.

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords
From ACM TechNews

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords

Roboticists say they now are focused on human-robot interaction in the performance of complex tasks.

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media
From ACM News

How Fiction Becomes Fact on Social Media

Hours after the Las Vegas massacre, Travis McKinney's Facebook feed was hit with a scattershot of conspiracy theories.

Take a Walk on Mars, in Your Own Living Room
From ACM News

Take a Walk on Mars, in Your Own Living Room

When NASA scientists want to follow the path of the Curiosity rover on Mars, they can don a mixed-reality headset and virtually explore the Martian landscape.

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World
From ACM Careers

This Company's Robots Are Making Everything, and Reshaping the World

The headquarters of Fanuc sit in the shadow of Mt. Fuji, on a sprawling, secluded campus of 22 windowless factories and dozens of office buildings.

Fbi Couldn't Access Nearly 7k Devices Because of Encryption  
From ACM News

Fbi Couldn't Access Nearly 7k Devices Because of Encryption  

The FBI hasn't been able to retrieve data from more than half of the mobile devices it tried to access in less than a year, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Sunday...

Rendering the Invisible Visible
From ACM TechNews

Rendering the Invisible Visible

Researchers at multiple institutions are working on the Mobile Material Characterization and Localization by Electromagnetic Sensing project.

Deep Space Communications via Faraway Photons
From ACM News

Deep Space Communications via Faraway Photons

A spacecraft destined to explore a unique asteroid will also test new communication hardware that uses lasers instead of radio waves.

What Cmu's Snake Robot Team Learned While Searching For Mexican Earthquake Survivors
From ACM TechNews

What Cmu's Snake Robot Team Learned While Searching For Mexican Earthquake Survivors

Researchers used their snake robots in search-and-rescue missions in Mexico City shortly after a major earthquake struck the region in September.

'low Cost Android' to Study the Brain
From ACM TechNews

'low Cost Android' to Study the Brain

Researchers working on the European Union-funded MoCoTi project say they have designed the prototype of an android that learns how to actuate its own limbs.

The Shape of Work to Come 
From ACM News

The Shape of Work to Come 

Last year, entrepreneur Sebastian Thrun set out to augment his sales force with artificial intelligence.

Mapping the Great Barrier Reef with Cameras, Drones and Nasa Tech
From ACM News

Mapping the Great Barrier Reef with Cameras, Drones and Nasa Tech

Richard Vevers, a British underwater photographer, was horrified when he returned in 2015 to a colourful reef in American Samoa he had shot a year earlier. It had...

It Takes Just $1,000 to Track Someone's Location with Mobile Ads
From ACM News

It Takes Just $1,000 to Track Someone's Location with Mobile Ads

When you consider the nagging privacy risks of online advertising, you may find comfort in the thought of a vast, abstract company like Pepsi or Nike viewing you...

Fresh Findings From Cassini
From ACM News

Fresh Findings From Cassini

NASA's Cassini spacecraft ended its journey on Sept. 15 with an intentional plunge into the atmosphere of Saturn, but analysis continues on the mountain of data...

There's a Huge Opportunity in Robotics For Early-Career Computer Scientists and Serious Software Engineers
From ACM TechNews

There's a Huge Opportunity in Robotics For Early-Career Computer Scientists and Serious Software Engineers

University of Washington professor Maya Cakmak discusses the role of programming by demonstration in her work on human-machine interaction.

China's Xi Calls For More Technology Development
From ACM Careers

China's Xi Calls For More Technology Development

President Xi Jinping called Wednesday for the ruling Communist Party to lead development of Chinese technology industries, an area fraught with trade tensions and...

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords
From ACM Careers

Welcoming Our New Robot Overlords

When David Stinson finished high school, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1977, the first thing he did was get a job building houses.

Justices to Decide on Forcing Technology Firms to Provide Data Held Abroad
From ACM News

Justices to Decide on Forcing Technology Firms to Provide Data Held Abroad

The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to decide whether federal prosecutors can force technology companies to turn over data stored outside the United States. 

The State of Wireless Charging
From ACM News

The State of Wireless Charging

Apple's recent wireless charging announcements highlight how far the tech has come—and how far it needs to go.

Nasa Missions Catch First Light from a Gravitational-Wave Event
From ACM News

Nasa Missions Catch First Light from a Gravitational-Wave Event

For the first time, NASA scientists have detected light tied to a gravitational-wave event, thanks to two merging neutron stars in the galaxy NGC 4993, located...
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