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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Rise of Spintronics
From ACM News

The Rise of Spintronics

A technology that could supplant standard silicon transistors as Moore's Law approaches its physical limits is based on devices that work by manipulating the spin...

Finalists in Nasa's Spacecraft Sweepstakes: A Drone on Titan, and a Comet-Chaser
From ACM News

Finalists in Nasa's Spacecraft Sweepstakes: A Drone on Titan, and a Comet-Chaser

Would you like NASA to fly a drone across Saturn's largest moon, or to send a probe to collect samples from a duck-shaped comet?

Can America's Power Grid Survive an Electromagnetic Attack? 
From ACM News

Can America's Power Grid Survive an Electromagnetic Attack? 

Last month, federal agencies and utility executives held GridEx IV, a biennial event where officials responsible for hundreds of local utilities game out scenarios...

'listening' Drone Helps Find Victims Needing Rescue in Disasters
From ACM TechNews

'listening' Drone Helps Find Victims Needing Rescue in Disasters

Researchers in Japan say they have developed technology capable of distinguishing simultaneous speech from multiple persons, demonstrating simultaneous meal ordering...

Science Application Developers Share Pioneering Strategies For Exascale Computing
From ACM TechNews

Science Application Developers Share Pioneering Strategies For Exascale Computing

Three U.S. Department of Energy scientists discuss providing scalability and performance portability to prepare for exascale computing. 

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda
From ACM News

How Facebook's Political ­nit Enables the Dark Art of Digital Propaganda

Under fire for Facebook Inc.'s role as a platform for political propaganda, co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has punched back, saying his mission is above partisanship...

­nhackable Computer ­nder Development With $3.6m DARPA Grant
From ACM TechNews

­nhackable Computer ­nder Development With $3.6m DARPA Grant

Engineers at the University of Michigan are using a $3.6-million grant from DARPA to create an impenetrable computer by turning computer circuits into unsolvable...

Researchers Fooled a Google AI Into Thinking a Rifle Was a Helicopter
From ACM News

Researchers Fooled a Google AI Into Thinking a Rifle Was a Helicopter

Tech giants love to tout how good their computers are at identifying what's depicted in a photograph.

Evolutionary Programming Converts Darwinism Into Algorithms
From ACM News

Evolutionary Programming Converts Darwinism Into Algorithms

Evolutionary computation strategies include a multitude of biologically inspired algorithms for optimizing problems, often those with too many variables to compare...

Researchers Compute Their Way to the Center of the Earth
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Compute Their Way to the Center of the Earth

Researchers are using Germany's Julich Supercomputing Center to better understand how materials behave in the extreme conditions beneath the Earth's surface.

­niversity of Sydney Develops Quantum Trick to Block Background Sensor 'chatter'
From ACM TechNews

­niversity of Sydney Develops Quantum Trick to Block Background Sensor 'chatter'

Researchers have developed a method to block background "chatter," which they say solves a common problem associated with quantum sensing devices.

Why Doesn't the N.f.l. ­se Tracking Technology For First-Down Calls?
From ACM Careers

Why Doesn't the N.f.l. ­se Tracking Technology For First-Down Calls?

It was a scene almost designed to show the folly of the N.F.L.'s first-down measurement system.

Crispr in 2018: Coming to a Human Near You
From ACM News

Crispr in 2018: Coming to a Human Near You

Ever since scientists first used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit living human cells in 2013, they've been saying that the possibilities for using it to treat disease are virtually...

'oumuamua Probably Isn't a Spaceship, But It Could Have Passengers
From ACM News

'oumuamua Probably Isn't a Spaceship, But It Could Have Passengers

Last Wednesday, at 3:45 pm, scientists from the Breakthrough Listen project trained the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia on 'Oumuamua—the mysterious, oblong...

Your Smartphone's Next Trick? Fighting Cybercrime
From ACM TechNews

Your Smartphone's Next Trick? Fighting Cybercrime

Researchers have identified smartphones by examining a single photo taken by the device, opening up the possibility of using smartphones to deter cybercrime.

Single-Photon Detector Can Count to Four
From ACM TechNews

Single-Photon Detector Can Count to Four

Researchers have demonstrated that a widely used method of detecting single photons can also count the presence of at least four photons at a time.

Could Bitcoin Technology Help Science?
From ACM News

Could Bitcoin Technology Help Science?

The much-hyped technology behind Bitcoin, known as blockchain, has intoxicated investors around the world and is now making tentative inroads into science, spurred...

AI Tutoring: Genius on My Shoulder
From ACM News

AI Tutoring: Genius on My Shoulder

Students are being given access to an incredibly smart digital friend with unlimited patience, programmed to sense the best way to impart knowledge.

Artificial Intelligence, Nasa Data ­sed to Discover Eighth Planet Circling Distant Star
From ACM News

Artificial Intelligence, Nasa Data ­sed to Discover Eighth Planet Circling Distant Star

Our solar system now is tied for most number of planets around a single star, with the recent discovery of an eighth planet circling Kepler-90, a Sun-like star...

Aus Students Develop Device to Reduce Car Mishaps
From ACM TechNews

Aus Students Develop Device to Reduce Car Mishaps

Researchers have designed and developed a smart system to lower the rate of car accidents.
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