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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computer Scientists Say Meme Research Doesn't Threaten Free Speech
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Say Meme Research Doesn't Threaten Free Speech

The heads of five of the U.S.'s largest computing research organizations are refuting political attacks on research on what makes ideas go viral, particularly on...

New Smart Key Software Enhances Security For Homes and Businesses
From ACM TechNews

New Smart Key Software Enhances Security For Homes and Businesses

A software-based electronic smart key system developed by U.K. computer scientists and security specialists offers a more flexible security system. 

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page

Wouldn't the world be a happier place if 90 per cent of the people with jobs put their feet up instead and left the robots to do the work?

Experts Identify Easy Way to Improve Smartphone Security
From ACM TechNews

Experts Identify Easy Way to Improve Smartphone Security

Purdue University researchers recently led a U.S. National Science Foundation-funded project investigating computer security.

Poll Star: Rice Team Sets Sights on Better Voting Machine
From ACM TechNews

Poll Star: Rice Team Sets Sights on Better Voting Machine

A recent report says U.S. election officials face an "impending crisis" as they try to replace voting systems they bought after Florida's flawed 2000 election. 

States Ditch Electronic Voting Machines
From ACM TechNews

States Ditch Electronic Voting Machines

Nearly 70 percent of voters are expected to cast paper ballots this week in the United States. 

Directing Planes, By Remote Control
From ACM News

Directing Planes, By Remote Control

On a clear day, Per Granquist cannot see forever. But from his perch inside the airport control tower here, he does have an unobstructed view of the future.

Study: Some Online Shoppers Pay More Than Others
From ACM TechNews

Study: Some Online Shoppers Pay More Than Others

The personalization of online content can be both beneficial and detrimental to users, according to a study by Northeastern University researchers. 

Ghosts in the Machine Language
From ACM TechNews

Ghosts in the Machine Language

Four of this year's most dangerous software exploits were examples of vulnerabilities that lay undiscovered in widely utilized code for years. 

Keeping Online Reviews Honest
From Communications of the ACM

Keeping Online Reviews Honest

As online reviews become increasingly important to e-commerce and social media sites, computer scientists work on ways to ensure their authenticity.

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming

Parallel computing has become increasingly important as chipmakers put more and more processor cores on individual chips.

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War
From ACM Careers

­sing Drones to Make Peace, Not War

Amin Rigi says drones should be used to save lives, not spy or kill.

Irish Researchers Develop New Tool to Protect Earth From Space Debris
From ACM TechNews

Irish Researchers Develop New Tool to Protect Earth From Space Debris

In collaboration with the European Space Agency, researchers at Trinity College in Dublin have designed a risk assessment tool for the re-entry of spacecraft debris...

How Technology Is Helping Fight Ebola
From ACM TechNews

How Technology Is Helping Fight Ebola

A wide variety of technologies, from apps and software to big data and robots, are being employed to help fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. 

Electronics in the Operating Room
From ACM News

Electronics in the Operating Room

Electronic devices increasingly are being incorporated into surgical procedures on a functional level.

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind
From ACM News

How Movie-Makers Read Your Mind

Why is there such interest in finding new ways to gauge audience reactions?

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions
From ACM News

Phone Hackers Dial and Redial to Steal Billions

Bob Foreman's architecture firm ran up a $166,000 phone bill in a single weekend last March.

Open Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

Open Surveillance

A new encrypted search system could enable law enforcement officials to collect data more openly without compromising investigations.

­.s. Government Probes Medical Devices For Possible Cyber Flaws
From ACM News

­.s. Government Probes Medical Devices For Possible Cyber Flaws

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is investigating about two dozen cases of suspected cybersecurity flaws in medical devices and hospital equipment that...

­.s. National Security Prosecutors Shift Focus from Spies to Cyber
From ACM News

­.s. National Security Prosecutors Shift Focus from Spies to Cyber

The U.S. Justice Department is restructuring its national security prosecution team to deal with cyber attacks and the threat of sensitive technology ending up...
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