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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics from Cornell and Google
From ACM Opinion

Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics from Cornell and Google

As excited as we are about the forthcoming generation of social home robots (including Jibo, Kuri, and many others), it's hard to ignore the fact that most of them...

Ultra-Small Antennas Point Way to Miniature Brain Implants
From ACM News

Ultra-Small Antennas Point Way to Miniature Brain Implants

Metal antennas that send and receive TV signals and radio waves could soon be replaced by tiny films up to one hundred times smaller, scientists say.

­ta Researchers Developing Airborne Network Computing Platform For ­avs
From ACM TechNews

­ta Researchers Developing Airborne Network Computing Platform For ­avs

Researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington have received a grant to develop a networked airborne computing platform for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles...

Inside Waymo's Secret World For Training Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Careers

Inside Waymo's Secret World For Training Self-Driving Cars

In a corner of Alphabet's campus, there is a team working on a piece of software that may be the key to self-driving cars.

Intelligence and the Dna Revolution
From ACM News

Intelligence and the Dna Revolution

More than 60 years ago, Francis Crick and James Watson discovered the double-helical structure of deoxyribonucleic acid—better known as DNA. Today, for the cost...

Biocomputer and Memory Built Inside Living Bacteria
From ACM News

Biocomputer and Memory Built Inside Living Bacteria

Animation Made Easy
From ACM TechNews

Animation Made Easy

New software makes it easier to animate characters.

Meet Mappy, a Software System That Automatically Maps Old-School Nintendo Games
From ACM TechNews

Meet Mappy, a Software System That Automatically Maps Old-School Nintendo Games

Mappy is a new software system that can autonomously generate maps of a video game's levels.

New York ­niversity Abu Dhabi Researchers Develop 'unhackable' Computer Chip
From ACM TechNews

New York ­niversity Abu Dhabi Researchers Develop 'unhackable' Computer Chip

Researchers say they have created an "unhackable" computer chip to boost the defenses of computer hardware.

Computer Approaches Human Skill For First Time in Brain Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Computer Approaches Human Skill For First Time in Brain Challenge

Researchers say they have developed an algorithm that can map brain neural networks with close to human-level accuracy.

Broadband to Mars
From Communications of the ACM

Broadband to Mars

Scientists are demonstrating that lasers could be the future of space communication.

A Hunt For Ways to Combat Online Radicalization
From ACM Opinion

A Hunt For Ways to Combat Online Radicalization

Law enforcement officials, technology companies and lawmakers have long tried to limit what they call the "radicalization" of young people over the internet.

Mysteries of Turbulence ­nravelled
From ACM News

Mysteries of Turbulence ­nravelled

"When I meet God, I'm going to ask him two questions: why relativity? And why turbulence? I really believe he'll have an answer for the first."

Watch Hackers Hijack Three Robots For Spying and Espionage
From ACM News

Watch Hackers Hijack Three Robots For Spying and Espionage

The entire corpus of science fiction has trained humanity to fear the day when helpful household and industrial robots turn against it, in a Skynet-style uprising...

Martian Weather Kicks Into High Gear at Night
From ACM News

Martian Weather Kicks Into High Gear at Night

When night arrives on Mars, plunging temperatures can lead to weather much worse than researchers previously thought was possible on the Red Planet.

­sing Machine Learning to Improve Patient Care
From ACM TechNews

­sing Machine Learning to Improve Patient Care

Researchers are investigating how computers can enhance medical decisions.

End of the Checkout Line: The Looming Crisis For American Cashiers
From ACM Careers

End of the Checkout Line: The Looming Crisis For American Cashiers

The day before a fully automated grocery store opened its doors in 1939, the inventor Clarence Saunders took out a full page advertisement in the Memphis Press-Scimitar...

Tracing the Sources of Today's Russian cyberthreat
From ACM Opinion

Tracing the Sources of Today's Russian cyberthreat

Beyond carrying all of our phone, text and internet communications, cyberspace is an active battleground, with cybercriminals, government agents and even military...

AI Programs Are Learning to Exclude Some African-American Voices
From ACM TechNews

AI Programs Are Learning to Exclude Some African-American Voices

Researchers warn some artificial intelligence programs are inheriting biases against certain dialects, which could lead to automatic discrimination as language-based...

Smart Computers
From ACM TechNews

Smart Computers

Researchers at the University of Freiburg's excellence cluster BrainLinks-BrainTools in Germany are showing how ideas from computer science could revolutionize...
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