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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

China Has Now Eclipsed US in AI Research
From ACM News

China Has Now Eclipsed US in AI Research

Humanity may still be years if not decades away from producing sentient artificial intelligence.

Deep Learning: Achilles Heel in Robo-Car Tests
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning: Achilles Heel in Robo-Car Tests

Machine learning is a serious impediment to the performance of autonomous cars in safety tests. "The training dataset does not conform to traditional expectations...

Building Blocks of Life's Building Blocks Come From Starlight
From ACM News

Building Blocks of Life's Building Blocks Come From Starlight

Life exists in a myriad of wondrous forms, but if you break any organism down to its most basic parts, it's all the same stuff: carbon atoms connected to hydrogen...

The Search For Virtual Reality's Killer App
From ACM Careers

The Search For Virtual Reality's Killer App

Sony Corp.'s release of the PlayStation VR on Thursday brings virtual reality to the cusp of mainstream adoption.

Vr Started with Gaming, But It Will Take Over Every Other Industry
From ACM Careers

Vr Started with Gaming, But It Will Take Over Every Other Industry

"We are looking at sensory immersion.

How Virtual Reality Is Being ­sed to Deliver Mental Health Care
From ACM TechNews

How Virtual Reality Is Being ­sed to Deliver Mental Health Care

Scientists around the world are starting to use virtual reality technology as part of mental health care. VR can help people overcome the two main limitations of...

Even Bugs Will Be Bugged
From ACM News

Even Bugs Will Be Bugged

When mark zuckerberg posted a picture of himself on Facebook in June, a sharp-eyed observer spotted a piece of tape covering his laptop’s camera.

Cybathlon: Battle of the Bionic Athletes
From ACM News

Cybathlon: Battle of the Bionic Athletes

Bionic arms, robotic legs, powered exoskeletons, brain-controlled computer interfaces and supercharged wheelchairs - all took centre stage to compete at this weekend's...

Nasa's Opportunity Rover to Explore Mars Gully
From ACM News

Nasa's Opportunity Rover to Explore Mars Gully

NASA's Opportunity Mars rover will drive down a gully carved long ago by a fluid that might have been water, according to the latest plans for the 12-year-old mission...

From ACM TechNews


A University of Oklahoma researcher is using computational thinking to identify precursors of tornadoes by generating high-resolution simulations of supercell storms...

Meet Noto, Google's Free Font For More Than 800 Language
From ACM News

Meet Noto, Google's Free Font For More Than 800 Language

Something funny happens when your computer or phone can’t display a font: A blank rectangular box pops up in place of the missing glyph.

Alien Life Could Feed on Cosmic Rays
From ACM News

Alien Life Could Feed on Cosmic Rays

A bizarre microbe found deep in a gold mine in South Africa could provide a model for how life might survive in seemingly uninhabitable environments through the...

­nder Hawaii's Starriest Skies, a Fight Over Sacred Ground
From ACM Careers

­nder Hawaii's Starriest Skies, a Fight Over Sacred Ground

Little lives up here except whispering hopes and a little bug called Wekiu.

How the Street Light Has Been Given a Hi-Tech Makeover
From ACM News

How the Street Light Has Been Given a Hi-Tech Makeover

Not only are light bulbs getting sharper and more energy efficient as they are upgraded to LEDs, but they increasingly help fight crime, promote safe cycling and...

An Infrared Look at Hurricane Matthew from Nasa's Airs
From ACM News

An Infrared Look at Hurricane Matthew from Nasa's Airs

Hurricane Matthew, currently an extremely dangerous Category 4 storm on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, continues to bear down on the southeastern United...

Japanese Robotics Giant Gives Its Arms Some Brains
From ACM News

Japanese Robotics Giant Gives Its Arms Some Brains

The big, dumb, monotonous industrial robots found in many factories could soon be quite a bit smarter, thanks to the introduction of machine-learning skills that...

­.s. Tech Giants Are Investing Billions to Keep Data in Europe
From ACM News

­.s. Tech Giants Are Investing Billions to Keep Data in Europe

In the battle to dominate Europe's cloud computing market, American tech giants are spending big to build up their local credibility.

CM­ Computer Beats Humans in 'doom' Video Game
From ACM TechNews

CM­ Computer Beats Humans in 'doom' Video Game

Carnegie Mellon University researchers are using the videogame "Doom" as an artificial intelligence research platform as part of the Visual Doom AI Competition....

You Can Help Map the Accessibility of the World
From ACM TechNews

You Can Help Map the Accessibility of the World

The Project Sidewalk tool uses Google Street View to rate the accessibility of Washington, DC, sidewalks for people with vision impairment or mobility issues.

Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars
From ACM News

Study Predicts Next Global Dust Storm on Mars

Global dust storms on Mars could soon become more predictable—which would be a boon for future astronauts there—if the next one follows a pattern suggested by those...
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