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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Fbi Says Search Warrants Not Needed to Use 'stingrays' in Public Places
From ACM News

Fbi Says Search Warrants Not Needed to Use 'stingrays' in Public Places

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is taking the position that court warrants are not required when deploying cell-site simulators in public places.

Nvidia Demos a Car Computer Trained with 'deep Learning'
From ACM News

Nvidia Demos a Car Computer Trained with 'deep Learning'

Many cars now include cameras or other sensors that record the passing world and trigger intelligent behavior, such as automatic braking or steering to avoid an...

Someday Soon, You May Pay Your Restaurant Bill With A Retina Scan
From ACM News

Someday Soon, You May Pay Your Restaurant Bill With A Retina Scan

The past 30 years have seen payments shift from cash and checks to debit cards and websites, and most recently to mobile phone apps, including Apple Pay and ...

Tougher to ­se Bitcoin For Crime?
From ACM TechNews

Tougher to ­se Bitcoin For Crime?

Researchers say they have found ways to determine the identity of anonymous Bitcoin users in between 11 and 60 percent of all Bitcoin transactions.

'Internet of Things' Poses Risks, FTC Chairwoman Warns
From ACM News

'Internet of Things' Poses Risks, FTC Chairwoman Warns

By 2015, the world will have 25 billion smart thermostats, fitness bands, and other Internet-connected, data-spewing devices, according to the Federal Trade Commission...

FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Rules in February
From ACM TechNews

FCC to Vote on Net Neutrality Rules in February

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Friday announced it will hold a vote on new net neutrality rules during its upcoming February meeting. 

Throwing Money at Data Breach May Make It Worse
From ACM TechNews

Throwing Money at Data Breach May Make It Worse

Researchers have found that overcompensation of customers affected by a data breach may only raise suspicions, rather than satisfy customers' sense of justice. 

The Town Without Wi-Fi
From ACM News

The Town Without Wi-Fi

Monique Grimes had just moved to Florida for a new job when the syndrome started.

Web Freedom Is Seen as a Growing Global Issue
From ACM TechNews

Web Freedom Is Seen as a Growing Global Issue

Efforts by various governments to censor the Internet made headlines in 2014 and are likely to continue in 2015. 

Prying Eyes: Inside the Nsa's War on Internet Security
From ACM News

Prying Eyes: Inside the Nsa's War on Internet Security

US and British intelligence agencies undertake every effort imaginable to crack all types of encrypted Internet communication.

The Scoreboards Where You Can't See Your Score
From ACM News

The Scoreboards Where You Can't See Your Score

The characters in Gary Shteyngart's novel "Super Sad True Love Story" inhabit a continuously surveilled and scored society.

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network
From ACM Opinion

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network

Lizard Squad. That's the hacker group whose name is suddenly on everyone's lips after it took credit for ruining Christmas for PlayStation and Xbox gamers everywhere...

Google Boosts ACM's Turing Award Prize to $1 Million
From Communications of the ACM

Google Boosts ACM's Turing Award Prize to $1 Million

The increase reflects the escalating impact of computing on daily life, through the innovations and technologies it enables.

Downing North Korea's Internet Not Much of a Scalp
From ACM News

Downing North Korea's Internet Not Much of a Scalp

If someone did just knock North Korea off the Internet for half a day, it wouldn't have taken much.

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car
From ACM TechNews

Google Seeks Partners For Self-Driving Car

Google is seeking auto industry partners in its efforts to produce a fully autonomous car.

What Does a Cyber Counterattack Look Like?
From ACM News

What Does a Cyber Counterattack Look Like?

President Barack Obama promised at his year-end news conference Friday that the U.S. will respond "proportionally" to North Korea's cyberattack against Sony Pictures...

The Anti-Plagiarism Machine
From ACM Careers

The Anti-Plagiarism Machine

Every day, researchers add hundreds of new papers to ArXiv, the massive public database of scientific writing and research.

Is There a Cyber Security Equivalent of 'seal Team Six'?
From ACM News

Is There a Cyber Security Equivalent of 'seal Team Six'?

When a cyber breach goes down…who you gonna call? Many different U.S. government agencies, it turns out.

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked
From ACM Opinion

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked

Earlier this month, a mysterious group that calls itself Guardians of Peace hacked into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer systems and began revealing many...

The Big Business of Selling Prescription-Drug Records
From ACM News

The Big Business of Selling Prescription-Drug Records

Since the days of 19th century remedies such as castor oil laxatives and mercury syphilis tablets, pharmacists and patients have had a tacit understanding: Whatever...
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