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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Legal Issues with Robots
From Communications of the ACM

Legal Issues with Robots

Who is responsible when property is damaged or someone is injured by an automated system? Existing product liability laws have not yet been tested in the context...

The ­mbilical Link of Man to Robot
From ACM News

The ­mbilical Link of Man to Robot

Atlas doesn't shrug. But he teeters, loses his grip, stutters, and staggers.

Killer Robots With Automatic Rifles Could Be on the Battlefield in 5 Years
From ACM News

Killer Robots With Automatic Rifles Could Be on the Battlefield in 5 Years

Robots armed with automatic weapons, anti-tank missiles and even grenade launchers are marching, er, rolling ever closer to the battlefield now that they’ve shown...

The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence

The latest work in the realm of artificial intelligence by scientists, roboticists, and others could potentially transform the world within the next five years. ...

How IBM Is Making Computers More Like Your Brain. For Real
From ACM News

How IBM Is Making Computers More Like Your Brain. For Real

Despite a strong philosophical connection, computers and brains inhabit separate realms in research.

The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

The Rapid Advance of Artificial Intelligence

A gaggle of Harry Potter fans descended for several days this summer on the Oregon Convention Center in Portland for the Leaky Con gathering, an annual haunt of...

Intel Sees a Future Where We Will Form 'relationships' with Our Gadgets
From ACM Opinion

Intel Sees a Future Where We Will Form 'relationships' with Our Gadgets

Rugged individualists aside, many people find themselves increasingly connected not just to one another but also to the devices that make those connections possible...

Facial Recognition Is More Accurate in Photos Showing Whole Person
From ACM TechNews

Facial Recognition Is More Accurate in Photos Showing Whole Person

People rely on non-facial cues, such as body shape and build, to identify people in challenging viewing conditions, such as poor lighting. 

Better Robot Vision
From ACM TechNews

Better Robot Vision

Researchers  have developed a robot-vision algorithm they say is 15 percent better than its best competitor at identifying familiar objects in cluttered scenes. ...

Virtual Reality Gaming Is Nearly Here; We Just Need the Right Controller
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Gaming Is Nearly Here; We Just Need the Right Controller

Video games have long promised to offer their players "immersive experiences," but full-blown virtual reality—the holodeck or the matrix—was still a fantasy.

Autonomous Vehicles Roll Forward
From ACM News

Autonomous Vehicles Roll Forward

Self-driving vehicles will likely provide substantial benefits, and introduce new challenges.

Send in the Bots
From ACM TechNews

Send in the Bots

Scientists are using autonomous robots to make discoveries about animal behavior and cognition, some of which would be impossible using live animals. 

The Mathematical Shape of Things to Come
From ACM News

The Mathematical Shape of Things to Come

Simon DeDeo, a research fellow in applied mathematics and complex systems at the Santa Fe Institute, had a problem.

Stanford Algorithm Analyzes Sentence Sentiment, Advances Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Algorithm Analyzes Sentence Sentiment, Advances Machine Learning

Neural Analysis of Sentiment is software that analyzes sentences from movie reviews and rates the sentiments they express on a five-point scale. 

Making Artificial Intelligence More Human
From ACM TechNews

Making Artificial Intelligence More Human

The MIT Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines has launched an initiative to develop intelligence incorporating the ability to intuit basic concepts of psychology...

Kurzweil: The Human Brain on It
From ACM TechNews

Kurzweil: The Human Brain on It

Information technology is causing the rate at which the world is changing to accelerate, says Ray Kurzweil. 

Quantum Computers Check Each Other’s Work
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computers Check Each Other’s Work

A new strategy for verifying the solutions of quantum computers relies on a blind quantum computing technique. 

A Google Glass Alternative in Japan
From ACM News

A Google Glass Alternative in Japan

Foreign tourists visiting this city have long encountered translation help.

­c San Diego, ­md Researchers to Build ‘wifire’ Cyberinfrastructure
From ACM TechNews

­c San Diego, ­md Researchers to Build ‘wifire’ Cyberinfrastructure

A project called WIFIRE aims to develop a cyberinfrastructure to improve wildfire predictions and simulations. 

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind
From ACM TechNews

The Science Author Clive Thompson Does Not Think Tech Is Ruining Your Mind

Technology writer Clive Thompson believes technology is improving human intelligence. 
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