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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Enceladus Jets: Surprises in Starlight
From ACM News

Enceladus Jets: Surprises in Starlight

During a recent stargazing session, NASA's Cassini spacecraft watched a bright star pass behind the plume of gas and dust that spews from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus...

Computer Gleans Chemical Insight from Lab Notebook Failures
From ACM News

Computer Gleans Chemical Insight from Lab Notebook Failures

Did your experiment fail? Don't bin the data just yet—they could be useful.

Building AI Is Hard‹so Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI
From ACM News

Building AI Is Hard‹so Facebook Is Building AI That Builds AI

Deep neural networks are remaking the Internet. Able to learn very human tasks by analyzing vast amounts of digital data, these artificially intelligent systems...

After Moore's Law: Predicting The Future Beyond Silicon Chips
From ACM Opinion

After Moore's Law: Predicting The Future Beyond Silicon Chips

For several decades now, Georgia Tech professor Tom Conte has been studying how to improve computers: "How do we make them faster and more efficient next time around...

Moore's Law Running Out of Room, Tech Looks For a Successor
From ACM News

Moore's Law Running Out of Room, Tech Looks For a Successor

For decades, the computer industry has been guided by a faith that engineers would always find a way to make the components on computer chips smaller, faster and...

Google, ­-M to Build Digital Tools For Flint Water Crisis
From ACM TechNews

Google, ­-M to Build Digital Tools For Flint Water Crisis

Researchers at Google and the University of Michigan's Flint and Ann Arbor campuses will develop digital tools to help Flint, MI, manage its water crisis. 

Before Heading to Mars, Nasa's Valkyrie Humanoid Lands at MIT
From ACM TechNews

Before Heading to Mars, Nasa's Valkyrie Humanoid Lands at MIT

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has delivered a humanoid robot to the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. 

The Search for Our Missing Colors
From ACM News

The Search for Our Missing Colors

Each year, a group of experts at Pantone, the company best known for its exacting color-matching system, chooses and promotes a Color of the Year that aims to set...

The Gene Editor Crispr Won't Fully Fix Sick People Anytime Soon. Here's Why
From ACM News

The Gene Editor Crispr Won't Fully Fix Sick People Anytime Soon. Here's Why

This week, scientists will gather in Washington, D.C., for an annual meeting devoted to gene therapy—a long-struggling field that has clawed its way back to respectability...

The Leap Second: Because Our Clocks Are More Accurate Than the Earth
From ACM News

The Leap Second: Because Our Clocks Are More Accurate Than the Earth

We've recently been treated to that extra day in February that reminds us that 2016 is a leap year.

New Tech Uses Hardware, Software to Train Dogs More Efficiently
From ACM TechNews

New Tech Uses Hardware, Software to Train Dogs More Efficiently

North Carolina State University researchers have developed a customized suite of technologies that enables a computer to autonomously train a dog. 

Can Artificial Intelligence Create the Next Wonder Material?
From ACM News

Can Artificial Intelligence Create the Next Wonder Material?

It's a strong contender for the geekiest video ever made: a close-up of a smartphone with line upon line of numbers and symbols scrolling down the screen. But when...

Not Just Bitcoin: Why the Blockchain Is a Seductive Technology to Many Industries
From ACM News

Not Just Bitcoin: Why the Blockchain Is a Seductive Technology to Many Industries

If you've ever run a business, whether it's an ice cream shop or a Fortune 500 company, then you've probably kept a ledger.

Found: Clues About Volcanoes Under Ice on Ancient Mars
From ACM News

Found: Clues About Volcanoes Under Ice on Ancient Mars

Volcanoes erupted beneath an ice sheet on Mars billions of years ago, far from any ice sheet on the Red Planet today, new evidence from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance...

New Health Sensing Tool Measures Lung Function Over a Phone Call, From Anywhere in the World
From ACM TechNews

New Health Sensing Tool Measures Lung Function Over a Phone Call, From Anywhere in the World

University of Washington researchers have developed a health-sensing tool that can accurately measure lung function over a phone call. 

Ibm Inches Ahead of Google in Race For Quantum Computing Power
From ACM News

Ibm Inches Ahead of Google in Race For Quantum Computing Power

All kinds of things are hooked up to the Internet these days, but Jerry Chow's computer stands out. Chilled by liquid helium, his superconducting processor uses...

Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash
From ACM News

Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash

On a recent Monday in April, more than 100 executives from some of the world's largest financial institutions gathered for a private meeting at the Times Square...

Hiding in the Sunshine: The Search for Other Earths
From ACM News

Hiding in the Sunshine: The Search for Other Earths

We humans might not be the only ones to ponder our place in the universe.

­wm Researchers Create a Better Way to Find Out 'when'
From ACM TechNews

­wm Researchers Create a Better Way to Find Out 'when'

An international team of scientists has devised a mathematical tool that can reduce timing uncertainties during changing events.

The Government Wants Your Fingerprint to ­nlock Your Phone. Should that Be Allowed?
From ACM News

The Government Wants Your Fingerprint to ­nlock Your Phone. Should that Be Allowed?

As the world watched the FBI spar with Apple this winter in an attempt to hack into a San Bernardino shooter's iPhone, federal officials were quietly waging a different...
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