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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

IBM Says It Knows How Bad Your Commute Will Be
From ACM News

IBM Says It Knows How Bad Your Commute Will Be

If you're a commuter stuck in traffic, it doesn't help you all that much to know what road conditions are like right now. You already know you're being delayed...

What Is a Cpu Thread?
From ACM News

What Is a Cpu Thread?

Tech pundits, analysts, and reviewers often speak of "multithreaded" programs, or even "multithreaded processors," without ever defining what, exactly, a "thread"...

3d Avatars Could Put You in Two Places at Once
From ACM News

3d Avatars Could Put You in Two Places at Once

If Jim Blascovich and Jeremy Bailenson are right, here is what’s in store for you and your avatar very soon, probably within the next five years:

Busting the Botnets
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Busting the Botnets

They're the scourge of the Internet—networks containing thousands or even millions of virus-infected, remote-controlled PCs. These so-called "botnets" send out...

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Ibm's Watson Not As Smart As You Think

As smart as IBM's Watson supercomputer may have seemed while defeating two former Jeopardy champions, it wouldn't be able to hold a conversation with or speak...

From ACM TechNews

Speedier Nanotube Circuits

Stanford University researchers recently expanded on an earlier study involving the development of faster nanotube circuits, which could lead to their use in complex...

Bye-Bye Electrons? Circuit Made From Flowing Atoms
From ACM TechNews

Bye-Bye Electrons? Circuit Made From Flowing Atoms

Kevin Wright and colleagues at NIST chilled 100,000 sodium atoms then used lasers to shape the blob of atoms into a torus and give it enough energy to circulate...

Dialing with Your Thoughts
From ACM News

Dialing with Your Thoughts

Researchers in California have created a way to place a call on a cell phone using just your thoughts. Their new brain-computer interface is almost 100 percent...

Mathematical Model Simulating Rat Whiskers Provides Insight Into Sense of Touch
From ACM News

Mathematical Model Simulating Rat Whiskers Provides Insight Into Sense of Touch

Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a mathematical model that will allow them to simulate how rats use their whiskers to sense objects around...

Technique for Letting Brain Talk to Computers Now Tunes in Speech
From ACM News

Technique for Letting Brain Talk to Computers Now Tunes in Speech

The act of mind reading is something usually reserved for science-fiction movies but researchers in America have used a technique, usually associated with identifying...

From ACM News

How Much Information?

In 2008, the world's servers processed 9.57 zettabytes of information, almost 10 to the 22nd power, or ten million million gigabytes. This was 12 gigabytes of...

From ACM News


The Pentagon has spent decades and gazillions of dollars trying to build the perfect translation device. Now, its far-out research arm is looking at a new direction...

A Browser that Speaks Your Language
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A Browser that Speaks Your Language

Early adopters can now get a sneak peek at the future of the Web by downloading the latest prerelease, or "beta," version of Chrome, Google's Web browser. One...

Nasa Readies Jobs For Robonaut
From ACM News

Nasa Readies Jobs For Robonaut

The space android called Robonaut 2 was just unpacked from its box last month, but NASA is already thinking up jobs for the darn thing to do, such as replacing...

Moshe Y. Vardi, 2011 Harry H. Goode Memorial Award Recipient
From ACM News

Moshe Y. Vardi, 2011 Harry H. Goode Memorial Award Recipient

"For fundamental and lasting contributions to the development of logic as a unifying foundational framework and a tool for modeling computational systems."

From ACM News

At Particle Lab, a Tantalizing Glimpse Has Physicists Holding Their Breaths

Physicists at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory are planning to announce Wednesday that they have found a suspicious bump in their data that could be...

Secure, Synchronized, Social Tv
From ACM News

Secure, Synchronized, Social Tv

Network coding is an innovative new approach to network design that promises much more efficient use of bandwidth, and MIT researchers have made seminal contributions...

More Pupils Are Learning Online, Fueling Debate on Quality
From ACM News

More Pupils Are Learning Online, Fueling Debate on Quality

Jack London was the subject in Daterrius Hamilton’s online English 3 course. In a high school classroom packed with computers, he read a brief biography of London...

From ACM News

Being John Malkovich: Personal Control of Individual Brain Cells

In philosophy of mind, a "cerebroscope" is a fictitious device, a brain-computer interface in today's language, which reads out the content of somebody's brain...

Promoting Science, and Google, to Students
From ACM News

Promoting Science, and Google, to Students

Google is synonymous with "search engine," and now, for students, it wants to be synonymous with "science."
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