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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Brain Implants Allow Paralysed Monkeys to Walk
From ACM News

Brain Implants Allow Paralysed Monkeys to Walk

For more than a decade, neuroscientist Grégoire Courtine has been flying every few months from his lab at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne...

There's Money in Your Wearable Fitness Tracker
From ACM TechNews

There's Money in Your Wearable Fitness Tracker

The health information collected by wearable fitness trackers may one day carry monetary value, according to a recent study.

The Real-Time Technicolour Living Brain
From ACM News

The Real-Time Technicolour Living Brain

Rosa Cossart thinks she knows what a memory looks like.

Why You Don't Have Much Neanderthal Dna in Your Genome
From ACM News

Why You Don't Have Much Neanderthal Dna in Your Genome

Neanderthals and modern humans diverged from a common ancestor about half a million years ago.

A Slow Ride Toward the Future of Public Transportation
From ACM TechNews

A Slow Ride Toward the Future of Public Transportation

A self-driving electric bus relying on laser sensors, global-positioning systems, and software is undergoing testing in Helsinki, Finland.

Will Computer Vision Help France Take a Lead in Ai?
From ACM TechNews

Will Computer Vision Help France Take a Lead in Ai?

A key factor for France emerging as a leader for research and development in artificial intelligence is overcoming public concerns and outdated government regulations...

China Adopts Cybersecurity Law Despite Foreign Opposition
From ACM News

China Adopts Cybersecurity Law Despite Foreign Opposition

China has green-lit a sweeping and controversial law that may grant Beijing unprecedented access to foreign companies' technology and hamstring their operations...

Watching Summer Clouds on Titan
From ACM News

Watching Summer Clouds on Titan

NASA's Cassini spacecraft watched clouds of methane moving across the far northern regions of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, on Oct. 29­­­­ and 30, 2016.

Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target
From ACM TechNews

Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target

The Internet of Things could prove highly vulnerable to cyberattackers, according to a new study.

Robots With Warm Skin Know What They're Touching
From ACM TechNews

Robots With Warm Skin Know What They're Touching

Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have developed a new kind of robotic skin that incorporates active heating.  

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Face Electrodes Let You Taste and Chew in Virtual Reality

You're having dinner in a virtual reality game. The banquet scene in front of you looks so real that your mouth is watering.

Five Possible Hacks to Worry About Before Election Day
From ACM News

Five Possible Hacks to Worry About Before Election Day

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia dismisses the idea that he has the power to interfere with Tuesday's election.

Thanks For the Memory: How Cheap Ram Changes Computing
From ACM News

Thanks For the Memory: How Cheap Ram Changes Computing

RAM (random access memory) is a component of every computer system, from tiny embedded controllers to enterprise servers.

Glasses Make Face Recognition Tech Think You're Milla Jovovich
From ACM TechNews

Glasses Make Face Recognition Tech Think You're Milla Jovovich

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have designed eyeglasses with patterned frames that can obscure the identity of the wearer to facial-recognition algorithms...

How to Block the Ultrasonic Signals You Didn't Know Were Tracking You
From ACM News

How to Block the Ultrasonic Signals You Didn't Know Were Tracking You

Dystopian corporte surveillance threats today come at us from all directions. Companies offer "always-on" devices that listen for our voice commands, and marketers...

Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target
From ACM News

Why Light Bulbs May Be the Next Hacker Target

The so-called Internet of Things, its proponents argue, offers many benefits: energy efficiency, technology so convenient it can anticipate what you want, even...

Schiaparelli Impact Site on Mars, in Color
From ACM News

Schiaparelli Impact Site on Mars, in Color

On Nov. 1, 2016, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter observed the impact site of Europe's Schiaparelli...

Automated Cars Could Threaten Jobs of Professional Drivers
From ACM News

Automated Cars Could Threaten Jobs of Professional Drivers

Ronald De Feo has watched robots take factory jobs for years. Now he sees them threatening a new class of worker: People who drive for a living.

The Secret to Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is to Just Crash Into Stuff
From ACM TechNews

The Secret to Small Drone Obstacle Avoidance Is to Just Crash Into Stuff

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's GRASP Lab are working to develop autonomous quadcopters that can fly through windows without running into them.

A Tiny Machine
From ACM TechNews

A Tiny Machine

University of California, Santa Barbara researchers have developed a design for a functional nanoscale computing device.
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