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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Gene Sequencing Software Could Aid in Early Detection, Treatment of Cancer
From ACM TechNews

New Gene Sequencing Software Could Aid in Early Detection, Treatment of Cancer

New computational software can detect the presence of an epigenetic add-on associated with cancer and other health conditions.

Lies, Propaganda and Fake News: A Challenge For Our Age
From ACM News

Lies, Propaganda and Fake News: A Challenge For Our Age

Who was the first black president of America?

Martian Winds Carve Mountains, Move Dust, Raise Dust
From ACM News

Martian Winds Carve Mountains, Move Dust, Raise Dust

On Mars, wind rules. Wind has been shaping the Red Planet's landscapes for billions of years and continues to do so today.

How Bioinformatics Tools Are Bringing Genetic Analysis to the Masses
From ACM News

How Bioinformatics Tools Are Bringing Genetic Analysis to the Masses

For doctors trying to treat people who have symptoms that have no clear cause, gene-sequencing technologies might help in pointing them to a diagnosis. But the...

New Studies Illustrate How Gamers Get Good
From ACM TechNews

New Studies Illustrate How Gamers Get Good

A new study followed players of the computer games "Halo: Reach" and "StarCraft 2" to learn how they acquired and maintained their skill level.

Disney Research Demonstrates Open-Air Wireless Charging
From ACM TechNews

Disney Research Demonstrates Open-Air Wireless Charging

Disney Research says its new quasistatic cavity resonance technology offers a way for mobile devices to wirelessly charge themselves.

A Revolutionary Atom-Thin Semiconductor For Electronics
From ACM TechNews

A Revolutionary Atom-Thin Semiconductor For Electronics

Researchers have developed a two-dimensional material that could revolutionize electronics.

3D Computer Models of Gigantic Archaeological Objects
From ACM TechNews

3D Computer Models of Gigantic Archaeological Objects

Researchers in Germany are employing contact-free digitization techniques to produce three-dimensional models of archeological artifacts.

National Science Foundation Funds Supercomputer Cluster at Penn State
From ACM TechNews

National Science Foundation Funds Supercomputer Cluster at Penn State

The Pennsylvania State University Cyber-Laboratory for Astronomy, Materials, and Physics is acquiring a high-performance computer cluster that will support interdisciplinary...

Nasa's Europa Flyby Mission Moves Into Design Phase
From ACM News

Nasa's Europa Flyby Mission Moves Into Design Phase

A mission to examine the habitability of Jupiter's ocean-bearing moon Europa is taking one step closer to the launchpad, with the recent completion of a major NASA...

Smart Cities Begin To Face Security Concerns
From ACM News

Smart Cities Begin To Face Security Concerns

"The attack surface is growing faster than the protections."

AI Learns to Write Its Own Code By Stealing from Other Programs
From ACM News

AI Learns to Write Its Own Code By Stealing from Other Programs

Out of the way, human, I've got this covered.

Collapse of Aztec Society Linked to Catastrophic Salmonella Outbreak
From ACM News

Collapse of Aztec Society Linked to Catastrophic Salmonella Outbreak

One of the worst epidemics in human history, a sixteenth-century pestilence that devastated Mexico's native population, may have been caused by a deadly form of...

Hpc Technique Propels Deep Learning at Scale
From ACM TechNews

Hpc Technique Propels Deep Learning at Scale

Baidu's Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Lab has released a modified implementation of the ring all-reduce OpenMPI algorithm for the deep-learning community...

Computer Bots Are Like Humans, Having Fights Lasting Years
From ACM TechNews

Computer Bots Are Like Humans, Having Fights Lasting Years

Software robots designed to fix errors on Wikipedia often engage in online fights lasting years, with bots repeatedly undoing each other's edits.

Trump Inspires Encryption Boom in Leaky D.c.
From ACM Careers

Trump Inspires Encryption Boom in Leaky D.c.

Poisonous political divisions have spawned an encryption arms race across the Trump administration, as both the president’s advisers and career civil servants scramble...

Craig Venter Mapped the Genome. Now He's Trying to Decode Death
From ACM Careers

Craig Venter Mapped the Genome. Now He's Trying to Decode Death

The world's most extreme  physical exam starts in the world's plushest exam room, complete with a couch, a private bathroom and a teeming fruit plate.

Single Atom Feels the Quantum Heat
From ACM News

Single Atom Feels the Quantum Heat

Thermal transport—the way heat is carried away from a processor, for instance—is very familiar to us.

Here's Why Self-Driving Cars May Never Really Be Self-Driving
From ACM TechNews

Here's Why Self-Driving Cars May Never Really Be Self-Driving

Researchers are exploring unpredictable issues with autonomous car technology that might be solved with embedded software to avoid accidents.

Project Looks at Human Eye to Sharpen Sight of Robots and Drones
From ACM TechNews

Project Looks at Human Eye to Sharpen Sight of Robots and Drones

Researchers in the U.K. are working to develop advanced machine-to-machine communication systems that capture and transmit images from highly efficient vision sensors...
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