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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Novel Deep Learning Framework for Symbolic Regression
From ACM TechNews

Novel Deep Learning Framework for Symbolic Regression

Computer scientists  have created a new framework and visualization tool that applies deep reinforcement learning to symbolic regression problems.

Lip-Reading Software Helps Users of All Abilities to Send Secure Messages
From ACM TechNews

Lip-Reading Software Helps Users of All Abilities to Send Secure Messages

New lip-reading software can learn from its users continuously.

The Worsening State of Ransomware
From Communications of the ACM

The Worsening State of Ransomware

Sophisticated, dangerous ransomware is the new normal … and there is no simple fix.

Deep Learning Speeds MRI Scans
From Communications of the ACM

Deep Learning Speeds MRI Scans

Machine intelligence significantly reduces the time needed for an MRI scan, which can help reduce patient anxiety.

The Best of NLP
From Communications of the ACM

The Best of NLP

Natural language processing delves more deeply into its knowledge gap.

AI Could Enable 'Swarm Warfare' for Tomorrow's Fighter Jets
From ACM News

AI Could Enable 'Swarm Warfare' for Tomorrow's Fighter Jets

A Pentagon project is testing scenarios involving multiple aircraft that could change the dynamics of air combat.

Learning Apps Have Boomed in the Pandemic. Now Comes the Real Test.
From ACM News

Learning Apps Have Boomed in the Pandemic. Now Comes the Real Test.

Start-ups hope there's no turning back for online learning, even as more students return to the classroom.

How AI Can Help Curb Traffic Accidents in Cities
From ACM TechNews

How AI Can Help Curb Traffic Accidents in Cities

An interdisciplinary research team led by Spain's Universitat Oberta de Catalunya is leveraging artificial intelligence to reduce traffic accidents in cities.

Smart Device Push Brings IT, R&D Teams Together
From ACM TechNews

Smart Device Push Brings IT, R&D Teams Together

Information Technology staffers at consumer packaged goods companies increasingly work with research and development teams to develop more connected devices.

Robots Increase Gender Pay Gap Despite Raising Wages Overall
From ACM TechNews

Robots Increase Gender Pay Gap Despite Raising Wages Overall

U.K. researchers found that automation pushed up all wages on average, but widened the gender pay gap.

U.S. Grid at Rising Risk to Cyberattack, Says GAO
From ACM TechNews

U.S. Grid at Rising Risk to Cyberattack, Says GAO

The U.S. Government Accountability Office says that distribution systems within the country's electrical grid are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattack

Argument Technology for Debating with Humans
From ACM TechNews

Argument Technology for Debating with Humans

Project Debater is an IBM-developed artificial intelligence system that can engage with humans in debates.

Carmakers Strive to Stay Ahead of Hackers
From ACM News

Carmakers Strive to Stay Ahead of Hackers

The effects of a breach of a car, or fleet, could be devastating. Auto manufacturers and suppliers have aggressive plans, and a lot of firewalls.

Massive Hacks Linked to Russia, China Exploited U.S. Internet Security Gap
From ACM TechNews

Massive Hacks Linked to Russia, China Exploited U.S. Internet Security Gap

A new report found hackers targeting servers running Microsoft Exchange software used U.S.-based computers from at least four service providers.

ML Model Could Remove Bias From Social Network Connections
From ACM TechNews

ML Model Could Remove Bias From Social Network Connections

A novel machine learning framework can calculate sensitive attributes to help graph neural networks make fair recommendations.

Researchers Explore Possibilities for Ultra-Secure Gun Registry
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Explore Possibilities for Ultra-Secure Gun Registry

Brown University computer scientists have proposed an ultra-secure, decentralized firearm registry database that allays privacy concerns with encryption.

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets
From ACM TechNews

AI Can Stop the Cybersickness Some People Get When Using VR Headsets

Researchers at U.K. startup Kagenova have developed a system that can reduce nausea or cybersickness induced by virtual reality.

DARPA's Subterranean Challenge Scores
From ACM News

DARPA's Subterranean Challenge Scores

The U.S. Defense Department agency has been sponsoring underground circuit competitions for robotic hardware systems for the last three years.

California Passes Regulation Banning 'Dark Patterns' Under Landmark Privacy Law
From ACM TechNews

California Passes Regulation Banning 'Dark Patterns' Under Landmark Privacy Law

New rules enacted under California's Consumer Privacy Act bar dark patterns, underhanded practices that encourage users to behave atypically.

Pioneers Linking Math and Computer Science Win the Abel Prize
From ACM News

Pioneers Linking Math and Computer Science Win the Abel Prize

Avi Wigderson and László Lovász won for their work developing complexity theory and graph theory, respectively, and for connecting the two fields.
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