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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Critical Hole at the Heart of Our Cell Phone Networks
From ACM News

The Critical Hole at the Heart of Our Cell Phone Networks

In February 2014, the US ambassador to Ukraine suffered an embarrassing leak.

Cassini Explores a Methane Sea on Titan
From ACM News

Cassini Explores a Methane Sea on Titan

Of the hundreds of moons in our solar system, Titan is the only one with a dense atmosphere and large liquid reservoirs on its surface, making it in some ways more...

How a Woman Trapped in Her Body 'spoke' Once Again
From ACM News

How a Woman Trapped in Her Body 'spoke' Once Again

Around six years have now passed since Waltraut Faehnrich last opened and closed her eyes without assistance.

From ACM TechNews


Researchers from the University of Iowa have turned to social media to measure happiness. 

The Average Webpage Is Now the Size of the Original Doom
From ACM News

The Average Webpage Is Now the Size of the Original Doom

The web is Doomed.

The Road to Regulating Self-Driving Cars Is Long, Winding
From ACM News

The Road to Regulating Self-Driving Cars Is Long, Winding

Real-world use of autonomous vehicles will depend on how they are evaluated, and whether federal regulators have the expertise to lead evaluation efforts.

AI Talent Grab Sparks Excitement and Concern
From ACM Careers

AI Talent Grab Sparks Excitement and Concern

When Andrew Ng joined Google from Stanford University in 2011, he was among a trickle of artificial-intelligence (AI) experts in academia taking up roles in industry...

This May Be the Best Way to Measure Gun Violence in America
From ACM News

This May Be the Best Way to Measure Gun Violence in America

In Canton, Ohio, one of the most common complaints that police chief Bruce Lawver hears is about gunfire. Shots fired. That unnerving pop of a firearm being discharged...

Light Echoes Give Clues to Protoplanetary Disk
From ACM News

Light Echoes Give Clues to Protoplanetary Disk

Imagine you want to measure the size of a room, but it's completely dark. If you shout, you can tell if the space you're in is relatively big or small, depending...

Meet the Incredible Woman Who Massively Improved the Internet
From ACM TechNews

Meet the Incredible Woman Who Massively Improved the Internet

Princeton University professor Jennifer Rexford recently was awarded the Athena Lecturer award by ACM's Council on Women in Computing. 

DARPA Is Looking For the Perfect Encryption App, and It's Willing to Pay
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Is Looking For the Perfect Encryption App, and It's Willing to Pay

The Pentagon's blue-sky research program is looking for someone to create the ultimate hacker-proof messaging app. 

Brain Cartography: Modern-Day Explorers Are Mapping the Wiring of the Human Mind
From ACM News

Brain Cartography: Modern-Day Explorers Are Mapping the Wiring of the Human Mind

The brain can be both best friend and worst enemy.

Will Artificial Intelligence Win the Caption Contest?
From ACM News

Will Artificial Intelligence Win the Caption Contest?

When social-media users upload photographs and caption them, they don't just label their contents. They tell a story, which gives the photos context and additional...

Two Tips to Keep Your Phone's Encrypted Messages Encrypted
From ACM News

Two Tips to Keep Your Phone's Encrypted Messages Encrypted

End-to-end encryption by default is quickly becoming the new standard for any communications app that claims to care about the privacy of those who use it.

Silicon Photonics
From Communications of the ACM

Silicon Photonics: Ready to Go the Distance?

Processes for making CMOS chips are adapted for optical components.

Cybersecurity Gets Smart
From Communications of the ACM

Cybersecurity Gets Smart

Researchers aim to apply artificial intelligence and machine-learning methods to take cybersecurity to a new, higher, and better level.

Can Chatbots Think Before They Talk?
From ACM News

Can Chatbots Think Before They Talk?

ELIZA-like programs balance modern AI with decades-old database techniques.

Human History Traced Via the Y Chromosome
From ACM News

Human History Traced Via the Y Chromosome

The history of humanity, as we've read it through DNA, has been written largely by females.

­.s. Directs Cyberweapons at Isis For First Time
From ACM News

­.s. Directs Cyberweapons at Isis For First Time

The United States has opened a new line of combat against the Islamic State, directing the military’s six-year-old Cyber Command for the first time to mount computer...

For Michigan Professor, Computer Science Is Much More Than a Job
From ACM TechNews

For Michigan Professor, Computer Science Is Much More Than a Job

University of Michigan researchers have developed Sirius, an open platform for intelligent assistants such as Siri, Cortana, and Google Now. 
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