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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Eyes Have It: Marketers Now Track Shoppers' Retinas
From ACM News

The Eyes Have It: Marketers Now Track Shoppers' Retinas

Consumer-products companies are turning to new technology to overcome the biggest obstacle to learning what shoppers really think: what the shoppers say.

Laser Beam Keeps Robo-Plane Buzzing For Two Days Straight
From ACM News

Laser Beam Keeps Robo-Plane Buzzing For Two Days Straight

LaserMotive has demonstrated a power system that can keep Lockheed Martin's Stalker unmanned aerial vehicle going for more than 48 hours with laser light—but that's...

Future Planetary Rovers May Make Their Own Decisions
From ACM Opinion

Future Planetary Rovers May Make Their Own Decisions

It's a hot summer day, and your eyes spot an ice cream cart up ahead. Without even really thinking, you start walking that direction. Planetary scientists would...

The Drone Zone
From ACM News

The Drone Zone

Holloman Air Force Base, at the eastern edge of New Mexico's White Sands Missile Range, 200 miles south of Albuquerque, was once famous for the daredevil maneuvers...

'most Realistic' Robot Legs Developed
From ACM TechNews

'most Realistic' Robot Legs Developed

University of Arizona researchers say they have developed the most biologically accurate robotic legs by replicating the central pattern generator, a neuronal network...

Simulated Space 'terror' Offers Nasa an Online Following
From ACM News

Simulated Space 'terror' Offers Nasa an Online Following

The video is called "Seven Minutes of Terror," and describes, with the suspense and cinematography of a movie preview, what will happen next month when a one-ton...

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front
From ACM News

Pentagon Digs In on Cyberwar Front

The U.S. military is accelerating its cyberwarfare training programs in an aggressive expansion of its preparations for conflict on an emerging battlefield.

A Northwest Pipeline to Silicon Valley
From ACM News

A Northwest Pipeline to Silicon Valley

Some budding entrepreneurs and computer whizzes based here in the Pacific Northwest are starting to turn heads down in Silicon Valley.

Computer Watches Humans Play Connect Four, Then Beats Them
From ACM News

Computer Watches Humans Play Connect Four, Then Beats Them

A computer scientist has published a paper detailing how systems can successfully win at boardgames after watching two minute-long videos of humans playing.

Drone Hijacking? That
From ACM News

Drone Hijacking? That

On the evening of June 19, a group of researchers from the University of Texas successfully hijacked a civilian drone at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico...

The Robot of the Future That's About to Explore the Deep Past of Mars
From ACM News

The Robot of the Future That's About to Explore the Deep Past of Mars

I want to tell you about a special place on the surface of Mars. Back in the solar system's early days, a large object slammed into the red planet, leaving behind...

Microsoft Training Computers to Finish Our Sentences
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Training Computers to Finish Our Sentences

Computer scientists from Microsoft Research and researchers from Cornell University and the University of California-Irvine are trying to determine if it is possible...

Robot Avatar Body Controlled By Thought Alone
From ACM TechNews

Robot Avatar Body Controlled By Thought Alone

Researchers have used functional magnetic resonance imagery to scan the brain of a student as he imagined moving different parts of his body. The researchers hope...

Mind Control Moves Into Battle
From ACM News

Mind Control Moves Into Battle

Technology that taps into a soldier's thought patterns could soon see action on the battlefield.

New Technologies Spread Arrival of Robots Into Our Lives
From ACM TechNews

New Technologies Spread Arrival of Robots Into Our Lives

Robotics experts predict that within 10 years general-purpose robots will perform household chores while consumers are at work.  

A Code of Conduct, For Drones?
From ACM News

A Code of Conduct, For Drones?

It's a bird. It's a plane. Actually, it's a drone. And now those unmanned aircraft, best known for being used by the U.S. to kill terrorism suspects overseas, have...

Researchers ­se Spoofing to 'hack' Into a Flying Drone
From ACM News

Researchers ­se Spoofing to 'hack' Into a Flying Drone

American researchers took control of a flying drone by hacking into its GPS system—acting on a $1,000 (£640) dare from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

A Robot Takes Stock
From ACM News

A Robot Takes Stock

The short figure creeping around the Carnegie Mellon University campus store in a hooded sweatshirt recently isn't some shoplifter, but a robot taking inventory...

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See
From ACM News

How Google Is Teaching Computers to See

Google is attempting to teach computers to recognize human faces without telling the computing algorithms which faces are human.

Blade Runner: Which Predictions Have Come True?
From ACM News

Blade Runner: Which Predictions Have Come True?

Based on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K Dick, Ridley Scott's Blade Runner—the tale of a hunt for four dangerous "replicant" humans—is a classic...
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