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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity

Hacking is openly discussed and promoted in China.

Marketing to the Big Data Inside ­S
From ACM News

Marketing to the Big Data Inside ­S

Companies market to you according to your shopping habits, your age, your salary, and your social-media activities. In the future, they may be able to advertise...

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity
From ACM Careers

Hackers Find China Is Land of Opportunity

Name a target anywhere in China, an official at a state-owned company boasted recently, and his crack staff will break into that person's computer, download the...

ACM Honors Computing Innovators
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Honors Computing Innovators

ACM's awards celebrate achievements in networks, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, computer science education, versatile compiler technologies, and more...

Proofs Probable
From Communications of the ACM

Proofs Probable

Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali laid the foundations for modern cryptography, with contributions including interactive and zero-knowledge proofs.

What Will Hackers Do with the New Kinect?
From ACM Careers

What Will Hackers Do with the New Kinect?

Microsoft announced a new version of the Xbox One earlier this week, and with it an improved and essentially reinvented version of Kinect, the company's body- and...

One Day Your Phone Will Know If You're Happy or Sad
From ACM Careers

One Day Your Phone Will Know If You're Happy or Sad

As much time as we spend with our cell phones and laptops and tablets, it's still pretty much a one-way relationship.

UAB Research Finds New Channels to Trigger Mobile Malware
From ACM TechNews

UAB Research Finds New Channels to Trigger Mobile Malware

Researchers have discovered new, hard-to-detect methods for triggering mobile device malware.

Making Quantum Encryption Practical
From ACM News

Making Quantum Encryption Practical

One of the many promising applications of quantum mechanics in the information sciences is quantum key distribution (QKD) in which the counterintuitive behavior...

Security Risks Found in Sensors For Heart Devices, Consumer Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Security Risks Found in Sensors For Heart Devices, Consumer Electronics

An international research team has exposed a vulnerability in the sensors used in medical devices, Bluetooth microphones, and computers. 

How to Hack a Nation's Infrastructure
From ACM News

How to Hack a Nation's Infrastructure

I'm watching a live video feed of people visiting a cafe in London.

Out with the Old
From ACM News

Out with the Old

Getting rid of obsolete data is getting more difficult, thanks to new regulations and more personal devices in the workplace.

Web Browsers Are Reinvented
From ACM News

Web Browsers Are Reinvented

Mobile phones, wearable devices, and self-driving cars are generating buzz as the future of technology. But the old Web browser is being reinvented too, in a trend...

Chatting in Code on Walkie-Talkies in Pakistan's Restive Tribal Areas
From ACM News

Chatting in Code on Walkie-Talkies in Pakistan's Restive Tribal Areas

Sharif loves using his mukhabera. "I use it daily, mostly at night time, because signals are clear at that time," he says. "I am in touch with most of my friends...

Why Google and the Pentagon Want 'quantum Computers'
From ACM News

Why Google and the Pentagon Want 'quantum Computers'

Imagine a computer that can teach your mobile phone to recognize any object it sees, or one that can instantly find optimal travel routes for thousands of planes...

Microsoft, It Industry Push Software Security Standard
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft, It Industry Push Software Security Standard

Two new initiatives aim to make the process of developing secure software more attainable to smaller software makers. 

Stuxnet Worm 'increased' Iran's Nuclear Potential
From ACM News

Stuxnet Worm 'increased' Iran's Nuclear Potential

The report, published in the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) journal, claims the Stuxnet worm exposed vulnerabilities in Iranian enrichment facilities that...

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin

Given that Bitcoin first broke into mainstream attention when Gawker explained how to use it to buy drugs, perhaps the surprise is that it took federal regulators...

A Hack-Proof Internet Exists, Thanks to Quantum Physics
From ACM News

A Hack-Proof Internet Exists, Thanks to Quantum Physics

Leave it to the quantum physicists at Los Alamos National Labs to have run for the past two years something that sounded like science fiction: a quantum Internet...

Inside the Drone Economy
From ACM Careers

Inside the Drone Economy

Last month the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, the unmanned systems industry's largest trade organization, released its first economic study...
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