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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

DARPA Challenge Offers Public $100,000 For Small ­nmanned Aircraft

If you think you can build the next generation of unmanned flying aircraft, the scientists at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency want to hear from...

Unlimited Possibilities
From Communications of the ACM

Unlimited Possibilities

M. Frans Kaashoek discusses systems work, "undo computing," and what he learned from Andrew S. Tanenbaum.

The Promise of Flexible Displays
From Communications of the ACM

The Promise of Flexible Displays

New screen materials could lead to portable devices that are anything but rectangular, flat, and unbendable.

Beauty and Elegance
From Communications of the ACM

Beauty and Elegance

Leslie Valiant talks about machine learning; parallel computing, and his quest for simplicity.

Earthquake? Terrorist Bomb? Call in the AI
From ACM TechNews

Earthquake? Terrorist Bomb? Call in the AI

Durham University researchers are developing a training simulation system designed to help emergency services workers adapt to chaotic situations. The system takes...

Seven Technologies to Disrupt the Next Decade
From ACM TechNews

Seven Technologies to Disrupt the Next Decade

Among the technologies expected to appear in the next decade is augmented reality effected by eyewear and cameras that can add an informational overlay to the wearer's...

Researchers Hope to Build a Brain
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Hope to Build a Brain

The Human Brain Project, led by Ecole Polytechnique Federale's Henry Markram, aims to build a complete computer model of the human brain, which the researchers...

The Search Serpent: The Next Wave in Robotics
From ACM TechNews

The Search Serpent: The Next Wave in Robotics

Carnegie Mellon University researcher Howie Choset worked with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Annette Hossoi to develop a snake-like robot that can...

Irobot Contemplates the Next Big Leap For Robotics, Google's Along For the Ride
From ACM News

Irobot Contemplates the Next Big Leap For Robotics, Google's Along For the Ride

When I saw iRobot's Ava at CES this January, I was pretty insanely excited. Just a month or so prior I had been prodding iRobot CEO Colin Angle about building...

The Next Computer: Your Genes
From ACM TechNews

The Next Computer: Your Genes

Nanyang Technical University researchers are developing a new form of computing, based on DNA strands, which could be used to solve complex problems, such as strategic...

Why Bayes Rules: The History of a Formula That Drives Modern Life
From ACM News

Why Bayes Rules: The History of a Formula That Drives Modern Life

Google has a small fleet of robotic cars that since autumn have driven themselves for thousands of miles on the streets of Northern California without once striking...

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4
From ACM News

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4

After years of poring through images from space and debating where on Mars the next NASA rover should land, it comes down to four choices.

Google Lobbies Nevada to Allow Self-Driving Cars
From ACM News

Google Lobbies Nevada to Allow Self-Driving Cars

Google, a pioneer of self-driving cars, is quietly lobbying for legislation that would make Nevada the first state where they could be legally operated on public...

Workplace Robots Need a Better View
From ACM News

Workplace Robots Need a Better View

Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks says a new generation of industrial robots could be enabled by better machine vision.

Technology vs. Terrorists
From ACM News

Technology vs. Terrorists

Advanced technologies, including stealth helicopters, helmet-mounted video cameras, and sophisticated data analysis, are helping find terrorists like Osama bin...

Air France 447: How Scientists Found a Needle in a Haystack
From ACM News

Air France 447: How Scientists Found a Needle in a Haystack

Two weekends ago, investigators announced that they had recovered the flight data recorder from the wreckage of Air France 447—a jetliner that crashed in the deep...

Unthinking Machines
From ACM TechNews

Unthinking Machines

An artificial intelligence panel discussion at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's recent Brains, Minds and Machines symposium called for a return to the...

Exploring the Future With Modern Information Technology
From ACM TechNews

Exploring the Future With Modern Information Technology

The goal of the FuturICT global knowledge accelerator platform proposed by European researchers is to understand how the world works so that imminent crises can...

Robots Learn to Share, Validating Hamilton's Rule
From ACM TechNews

Robots Learn to Share, Validating Hamilton's Rule

French researchers are developing robots with altruistic traits based on Hamilton's rule, which states that an organism is more likely to express altruism with...

From ACM News

Army Wants Its Computers Acting Like Human Brains

The brain is our body’s natural multi-system parallel processing organ. Its job, on a continuous basis, is to compute a huge onslaught of incoming data and spit...
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