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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Single-Atom Magnet Breaks New Ground For Future Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

A Single-Atom Magnet Breaks New Ground For Future Data Storage

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and ETH Zurich say they have built the world's most stable single-atom magnet.

New Ceres Images Show Bright Craters
From ACM News

New Ceres Images Show Bright Craters

Craters with bright material on dwarf planet Ceres shine in new images from NASA's Dawn mission.

You Want to Build an Empire Like Google's? This Is Your Os
From ACM News

You Want to Build an Empire Like Google's? This Is Your Os

Google called it Borg, and for many years, it was among the company's best-kept secrets.

Europe Tried to Rein In Google. It Backfired.
From ACM News

Europe Tried to Rein In Google. It Backfired.

Google is a top target for European regulators and privacy watchdogs, who openly fear and distrust its dominance.

'Brainprints' Offer Better Security Than Fingerprints
From ACM News

'Brainprints' Offer Better Security Than Fingerprints

Research into dyslexia has led to an unexpected breakthrough in security and identity verification with biometric "brainprints" that could one day replace fingerprints...

Coding and Computers Help Spot Methane, Explosives
From ACM TechNews

Coding and Computers Help Spot Methane, Explosives

Duke University researchers are using software to improve the performance of chemical-sniffing mass spectrometers.

Computers in Your Clothes? A Milestone For Wearable Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Computers in Your Clothes? A Milestone For Wearable Electronics

Ohio State University researchers have developed functional textiles that gather, store, and transmit digital information. 

Fair ­se Prevails as Supreme Court Rejects Google Books Copyright Case
From ACM News

Fair ­se Prevails as Supreme Court Rejects Google Books Copyright Case

The Supreme Court on Monday declined (PDF) to hear a challenge from the Authors Guild and other writers claiming Google's scanning of their books amounts to wanton...

Attention Students: Put Your Laptops Away
From ACM Careers

Attention Students: Put Your Laptops Away

As laptops become smaller and more ubiquitous, and with the advent of tablets, the idea of taking notes by hand just seems old-fashioned to many students today.

Microsoft Research Chief: AI Is Still Too Stupid to Wipe ­S Out (and Will Be For Decades)
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Research Chief: AI Is Still Too Stupid to Wipe ­S Out (and Will Be For Decades)

Microsoft Research Cambridge laboratory director Chris Bishop dismisses the fear artificial intelligence is on the cusp of overtaking human intelligence.

Gene-Edited Crispr Mushroom Escapes ­S Regulation
From ACM News

Gene-Edited Crispr Mushroom Escapes ­S Regulation

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) will not regulate a mushroom genetically modified with the gene-editing tool CRISPR–Cas9.

Your Phone Number Is All a Hacker Needs to Read Texts, Listen to Calls and Track You
From ACM News

Your Phone Number Is All a Hacker Needs to Read Texts, Listen to Calls and Track You

Hackers have again demonstrated that no matter how many security precautions someone takes, all a hacker needs to track their location and snoop on their phone...

Apple, Fbi to Clash Again in Congress Over Encryption
From ACM News

Apple, Fbi to Clash Again in Congress Over Encryption

Apple Inc  and the FBI will return to Congress next week to testify before lawmakers about their heated disagreement over law enforcement access to encrypted devices...

Saturn Spacecraft Samples Interstellar Dust
From ACM News

Saturn Spacecraft Samples Interstellar Dust

NASA's Cassini spacecraft has detected the faint but distinct signature of dust coming from beyond our solar system.

A Flexible Camera: A Radically Different Approach to Imaging
From ACM TechNews

A Flexible Camera: A Radically Different Approach to Imaging

Columbia University researchers have developed a sheet camera that can be wrapped around objects to capture images that cannot be taken with conventional cameras...

Why a Chip That's Bad at Math Can Help Computers Tackle Harder Problems
From ACM News

Why a Chip That's Bad at Math Can Help Computers Tackle Harder Problems

Your math teacher lied to you. Sometimes getting your sums wrong is agood thing.

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working
From ACM News

A Scheme to Encrypt the Entire Web Is Actually Working

Apple's move to encrypt your iPhone and WhatsApp's rollout of end-to-end encrypted messaging have generated plenty of privacy applause and law enforcement controversy...

'this Is the Irs Regarding Your Tax Filings,' Says Trio of Overseas Robocallers
From ACM News

'this Is the Irs Regarding Your Tax Filings,' Says Trio of Overseas Robocallers

As if political campaigns, shady telemarketers hawking home security systems, and the rest of the usual suspects aren't generating enough automated phone calls,...

Nasa Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Study Solves Two Mysteries About Wobbling Earth

Using satellite data on how water moves around Earth, NASA scientists have solved two mysteries about wobbles in the planet's rotation—one new and one more than...

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready
From ACM News

Moore's Law's Ultraviolet Savior Is Finally Ready

It is easy to take for granted the advancements in our mobile phones, wearable electronics, and other gadgets. But advances in computing rely on processes that...
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