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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Study Shows How Easy It Is to Determine Someone's Identity With Cellphone Data
From ACM TechNews

Study Shows How Easy It Is to Determine Someone's Identity With Cellphone Data

Researchers have found that only four spatio-temporal points are needed to uniquely identify 95 percent of individual cellphone users. 

Ap Wins Big: Why a Court Said Clipping Content Is Not Fair ­se
From ACM News

Ap Wins Big: Why a Court Said Clipping Content Is Not Fair ­se

A federal court has sided with the Associated Press and the New York Times in a closely watched case involving a company that scraped news content from the Internet...

At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal
From ACM Careers

At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal

Seventeen-year-old Nick D'Aloisio is taking some time off from school in London, where he lives with his parents. He will let mom and dad help manage his money.

Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers
From ACM Careers

Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers

Bored with classes? Carnegie Mellon University and one of the government's top spy agencies want to interest high school students in a game of computer hacking.

Hong Kong Looks to Build ­nderground Datacentre Caves
From ACM News

Hong Kong Looks to Build ­nderground Datacentre Caves

With more than seven million people squeezed in to around 1,100sq km of land space, and property prices regularly ranking among the highest in the world, Hong Kong...

U.s. Cybersecurity Policy Draws Interest from Companies, Lobbyists
From ACM News

U.s. Cybersecurity Policy Draws Interest from Companies, Lobbyists

The determination by Congress and President Obama to protect networks of critical U.S. industries from hackers and cyberspies is creating an explosive growth opportunity—for...

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World
From ACM News

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World

Bitcoin is an unregulated, uncontrolled online currency—worth more than £500m, it's the world's fastest growing.

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'
From ACM Careers

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'

YouTube has a billion unique users visiting the video-sharing website every month, equivalent to one out of every two people on the Internet—and the generationsmartphones...

Domestic Drones Stir Imaginations, and Concerns
From ACM News

Domestic Drones Stir Imaginations, and Concerns

On the pilot's computer screen, planted at ground level a few yards from the airport runway here, the data streaming across the display tracked an airplane at 1...

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data
From ACM News

Revealed: The 1962 CIA Paper That Predicts the Big Deal With Big Data

The Central Intelligence Agency has published for the first time "Some Far-Out Thoughts on Computers," a 1962 internal document that shows how eager the agency...

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors
From ACM News

Hacking Highlights Dangers to Seoul of North's Cyber-Warriors

A hacking attack that brought down three South Korean broadcasters and two major banks has been identified by most commentators as North Korea flexing its muscles...

Sequester Cuts University Research Funds
From ACM TechNews

Sequester Cuts University Research Funds

The federal government is reducing support for academic laboratories across the United States to satisfy the sequester mandate to cut spending. The budget sequester...

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks
From ACM News

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks

Even cyberwar has rules, and one group of experts is putting out a manual to prove it.

Cyberattack on Florida Election Is First Known Case in U.s., Experts Say
From ACM News

Cyberattack on Florida Election Is First Known Case in U.s., Experts Say

An attempt to illegally obtain absentee ballots in Florida last year is the first known case in the U.S. of a cyberattack against an online election system, according...

Study Shows Just How Fast Censorship Can Occur in Social Media
From ACM TechNews

Study Shows Just How Fast Censorship Can Occur in Social Media

Researchers have found that Sina Weibo, the Twitter-like Chinese social media service, uses a combination of software and human censors to monitor and delete potentially...

National Security Letters Are Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules
From ACM News

National Security Letters Are Unconstitutional, Federal Judge Rules

A federal district court judge in San Francisco has ruled that National Security Letter (NSL) provisions in federal law violate the Constitution. The decision came...

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training
From ACM Careers

Israel Ramps ­p Its Cyberdefense Training

Twice a week about 200 Israeli high school students in seven separate locations meet after school for six hours of extra classes.

Cryptographers Demonstrate New Crack For Common Web Encryption
From ACM News

Cryptographers Demonstrate New Crack For Common Web Encryption

It's long been known that one of the oldest and most widely used standards for encrypting Web sites has some serious weaknesses. But one group of researchers has...

Peter G. Neumann: Top Cop on the Hair-Raising Cybersecurity Beat
From ACM Opinion

Peter G. Neumann: Top Cop on the Hair-Raising Cybersecurity Beat

The threat is always there—in your car, at the office, on the table next to where you sleep at night: a near-biblical plague of worms, phisher kings, identity thieves...

Pentagon Creating Teams to Launch Cyberattacks as Threat Grows
From ACM News

Pentagon Creating Teams to Launch Cyberattacks as Threat Grows

The Pentagon's Cyber Command will create 13 offensive teams by the fall of 2015 to help defend the nation against major computer attacks from abroad, Gen. Keith...
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